Good afternoon Nexus.
Hope the day is treating everyone well.
I was stoked to find a local place in that sells all the ingredients that I need for my first aya experience. Granted it is a bit more expensive than ordering online, but i figure i'll give it a shot and if it is something i want to try again, I can get it online.
I have access to the following: Syrian rue seeds, B. Caapi, Chakruna, and Mimosa Hostilis.
I was leaning towards making a tea with the rue and another with a mix of around Hostilis and Chakruna.
My proposed method of this would be first to boil 3-5 grams of the rue seeds (do i need to grind them? I don't have a grinder but i do have a blender). I would then do a 30 min boil, strain out the material, and do an additional 2 boils and strains. I would then combine all the liquid and boil to a shot.
I would do the same for the mixture of hostilis aand chakruna. I am leaning to about 5 g of powdered Hostilis and about 10 g of chakruna. I would do 3 30min boil and strains with a final reduction, and perhaps the egg white added at the reduction stage to see if it helps nausea.
these teas would sit in the fidge overnight, and the next day after perhaps a mini 5-hr fast, i would drink the shot of rue, wait an hour and take a shot of Hostilis/Chakruna mixture. Relax, learn, then Reflect.
Any foreseen problems with this method? Any and all input is greatly appreciated!