I think I am getting a little obsessed with this movement. I find it mind blowing the size and scope of this outcry and then I look on the mainstream news stations and nothing is being reported. This disturbs me even more. Is this growing to a point to where the federal government is creating a media blackout? You have 1500 cities across the world protesting and it is being trumped by a Indy car accident. My question to you is this. Will this movement continue or be derailed and if it does what will the contributions of us the nexians to this new age of man if it comes. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
I keep the livestream chats on occupySF, occupyNYC, and globalrevolution on at all times. Seeing this take place is just amazing!
I only wish I could do more. I really couldnt even make it to SF and simply sit with them. I really want to and it helps to be connected via internet! They need a lot of support it looks like if anybody is in the area.
P.S. My name is Dimethyltryptamine on the chats ;]
Although I fully support the movement and everything I'm a little confused about where this is actually going. People are pissed off and they should be but how are we gonna go from this to actually changing how the entire world works? I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. "I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erjAzA753sg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AEU5pBxY6E
We need to Occupy Hyperspace
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Guys the statement that OWS has no purpose is not true it is being squelched my mainstream media. Here is a link to the site that has connections to all the groups springing up all over the planet http://www.occupytogether.org/directory/1,500 cities up from less than 100 last week from the news ( not that I believe anything they say at this point) We all sit around there and philosophize a great deal I just think this might be our one big chance to bring about the change in our society that we have sat and discussed for years. I do not want to see this end as I do not believe the establishment will ever allow this to come to pass in the future. They are coming very close to loosing power this will make them far more paranoid in the future. Organizations across the planet are organizing to support this movement I think at least we need to discuss what we in this community should do. Fundamentally the bulk of the movement is seeking the dismantling of the capitalist system bringing about total social reform. Corporations will have NO say in American law nor will they be able to lobby political candidates or donate any money to them. It is a separation of corporation and state. The goal is to ensure companies have no say in our political environment. What bothers me is that here we have that one chance to actually make the world that we desire. Millions have risen up millions more will join. I don't want to look back on my life and say I was a burn out spice head loosing myself into the realm of hyperspace while the rest of the world burned and I done nothing. I think that every person who has taken on the journey we all came here to undergo has that sense that this world is broken and through sheer will power it can be changed but until now I had not the faith in humanity top ever believe that mankind would rise up and do it. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
In all seriousness, i will be postering shouting and generally cartwheeling around my local occupation with pride all week and onwards. Ive no idea what will change or how. Lets start with growing vegetable's on supposed public land. “Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.” ― Terence McKenna
Xt wrote:Lets start with growing vegetable's on supposed public land. This is a great place to start.
If you want to do something just sitting behind your keyboard vote up the OWS comments on reddit and digg. http://www.reddit.com/r/occupywallstreet/ digg.com The lack of reporting on it has left a great deal of people confused to the whole situation. FYI I just learned that there is a big rumor that there is going to be a organized run on banks. For those of you old enough to remember the savings and loan scandal this is a dangerous thing. If you have any money in your account for gods sake get it out now it might not be there next week. Dunno if this is really going to happen but with the momentum recently and the banks having their own customers arrested on camera non the less I would be surprised if it didn't happen. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
I don't see the movement lasting through the winter, from what I've been hearing this coming winter is going to be the worst in 30ish years. They should have started in the spring.
Shoshi wrote:I don't see the movement lasting through the winter, from what I've been hearing this coming winter is going to be the worst in 30ish years. They should have started in the spring. They are already working to have heating throughout the camps. OccupyNYC Isn't going to stop just because of the cold. There are even rumors up to 1,000 people from NYC are coming out to OccupySF to show their support. OccupyNYC is VERY organized! Also, remember Valley Forge! People will Occupy in turns.
The problem with these type of movements is a lack of a CLEAR goal, a unifying AGENDA, and a charismatic LEADER to focus the movement and be a figurehead to both represent the movement in a simple, straightforward and comprehensible manner and to lobby hard and efficiently and eruditely for common, achievable goals. The movement is interesting sociologically (in terms of its genesis and viral propagation via Facebook and Twitter), but is, with no centralized voice - a real mess politically. As much as I hate to say it in a few months these outcries, for lack of all of the above, will be nothing but twitter blips and fading facebook memories... Hoping I am wrong, JBArk EDIT: Also, the reason there is little mainstream media coverage is a direct function of the above: get a charimatic leader and a focus and become REAL threat, and you bet the media will print. It's not a conspiracy - it's just that without this clarity, and a progression towards a clear agenda and goal, it is old news very quickly. JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
You are wrong.
OccupySF is meeting today to discuss goals with mayor.
And do not forget Peaceful Occupancy worked wonders for Spain and Egypt and if we keep this up it will work wonders for the USA and the entire world.
Let go of the skepticism and get out there and show your support!
jbark said it better than I could. Hope I'm wrong, too. =/ "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Sitting on your asses talking about hoping you are wrong = WRONG
Can you name those goals? Would everyone in the movement share your goals? Are they vague and unattainable? who is representing the movement on a national scale? what is his/her name? have they been generally accepted by the movement and inducted as de facto leaders? My "scepticism" is observation of what is transpiring and application of what historically works in these type of protest movements, as well as a interested layman's understanding of how the world REALLY works. Beat your head against a door and your head bleeds. Get someone with a strong hand and a strong voice to open it (using the knob!), and you may just get to talk to the dude inside. JBArk JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
I dont represent OccupySF the information is available online if you really want to read about it instead of just spewing your misconceptions. They are meeting in 1 hour.
۩ wrote:Sitting on your asses talking about hoping you are wrong = WRONG Seriously, house? "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
What? That is the way that I feel. It does nothing to sit around and talk about these things unless you are informing the people who don't see the point.
I have directly experienced how ****** up this society is and I have nothing to lose therefore I am supporting this 100%
People who have it well off just sit there and complain that nothing is going to happen without doing ANYTHING. It doesn't help! Awareness and the power of the people is the only thing that will.
۩ wrote:What? That is the way that I feel. It does nothing to sit around and talk about these things unless you are informing the people who don't see the point.
I have directly experienced how ****** up this society is and I have nothing to lose therefore I am supporting this 100%
People who have it well off just sit there and complain that nothing is going to happen without doing ANYTHING. It doesn't help! Awareness and the power of the people is the only thing that will. So, to push my analogy above, if I see someone beating their head against the door and i point out the knob, i am apathetic and WRONG? Sorry House, but doing ineffective things instead of taking a step back and formulating a REAL plan is not better than doing nothing. For the record, I would have showed up in Montreal despite what I have printed here, if only to raise awareness, but i had to work to feed my kid and pay my bills... missing work for me is not an option - i miss two days and well, i am replaced on a 4 month contract and left to flitter in the wind... JBArk JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
Thank god I dont have children, and never will have to put them through the insanity of this world.