My first memory of this is from when I was about 15.
I was staying at my first girlfriends family house on a camp bed in their living room. Whilst drifting off to sleep I saw a silhouette of a very large man on the ceiling directly above me. It wasn't that I couldn't move it was that I was too frightened to move.
As I lay there I was aware that the camp bed was lifting up from the left until it was leaning right over. I fell off the bed and slumped into a pile on the floor. I remember thinking "I'll just lye here and pretend to be asleep until morning and then everything will be OK." That was my last memory until morning when I woke up and was back on the bed and everything was normal. It wasn't for many years that I found out about sleep paralysis and realised that this was probably what I expereinced.
I don't rule out a spiritual/ psychic/ quantum nature to sleep paralysis.
Once I had found out about the phenomenon (aged about 18-19) it started happening to me more and more. Mainly during times of disturbed sleep patterns. (I had started going to lots of free parties and raves in the forest, missing whole nights of sleep and experimenting with more psychedelics.) One of the most memorable times was when I had just got in from such a party and I just flopped back on my bed and was "asleep" within seconds. I then hallucinated that there was a man in my room (that looked like one of my friends) taking lots of close up photos of me. I was unable to move and I felt rather threatened. From this point onwards I started putting a shoe in front of my bedroom door so that I could tell if anyone had really come in or not... Needless to say, the shoe never moved.
It was around then that I had my first out of body experience, motivated by the fear of a sleep paralysis I ejected from my body through the top of my head and found myself in the driveway of my house.
It was amazing.
I am now 28 years old and normally find sleep paralysis as an entry point to lucid dreaming. It's no longer that common for me though.
May all the beings in all the worlds be happy and at peace.
All information sought on this website is on behalf of a friend. The use of "I" is only to enable ease of communication.