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Mushrooms and Tetrahydroharmine at Shpongle live? Options
#1 Posted : 9/21/2011 12:58:45 AM
Hey ALL,

I am planning on going to shpongle live and oakland this october and was thinking of taking about 2 g of shrooms and maybe 50 mg of tetrahydroharmine with a cannaedible. Anyone out there ever try a similar dose. Also I was wondering if how bad the nausea factor is with bigger doses of shroomahuasca because i really would prefer not to puke all over the fox theatre. I have tried 1g of shrooms and 50 mg of tetrahydroharmine with a lot of smoked weed in lake powell with a new moon so all I could see were the stars of the milky way. Long story short wierd multicolored men in turbans started running in between the stars and then some wolves followed suit, all of them stared at me. The wolves and turban guys were followed by ogres in the stars puking out other ogres in a sort of escher pattern(really wierd and disturbing). After this i realized my mind was generating and mirroring stars so I couldn't tell which once were real and which ones were hallucinations. After this all the stars arranged themselves into hexagons heptagons and octogons and started swirling around a center point out towards me and I though I was falling off the earth out into space... I think this intensity was partially due to the lack of sensory imput due to only seeing stars but I am wondering how higher doses would compare to that and would it be too much for a concert. Should I just stick to shrooms and weed?

What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#2 Posted : 9/21/2011 2:13:07 AM
Where did you get this 'thh' from? i'm sorry my friend, but its likely not thh. Flowing Visions thh has been shown to be mostly harmine- theres a whole section of the forum about it.

anywho, i think if you experienced all of that above from only 1gram of mushrooms + 50mg "thh" then i don't see any logical reason why you would ever want to double the mushroom dose for a concert. if anything i would take less, but everyones different. doubling it just sounds sort of ridiculous to me if you were hallucinating that much..and i wouldn't risk it personally... i'd just take the mushrooms and leave out the harmalas

in any case, good luck to you, be safe, and have fun Very happy

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#3 Posted : 9/21/2011 2:34:24 AM
yeah you are probably right, might as well stick to what i know. i don't know for sure that what I had was thh but my buddy ordered it from a site that said it was thh. I definitely know it was a harmala alkaloid of some sort because i had taken the same stuff with dmt for pharmahuasca and it worked alright but i guess there is no way of knowing. I did definitely have to smoke A LOT of weed to get to the point where I was and didn't move at all from where i was so I have no idea if i would have been able to move around. Yeah I was planning on being really gone for that show but on second thought I dont know if I want to be that gone. Thanks for the advice
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#4 Posted : 9/21/2011 5:09:46 AM
I dreamed of such a combination, 3.5 grams mushrooms 4 grams rue, and of course shpongle at an ampitheatre. It was an over the top fantastic experience
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#5 Posted : 9/21/2011 5:42:16 AM
^ while you may have good experiences at that dosage its also important to keep in mind that for many people 4g of rue and 3.5g mushrooms is a huge overdose for lying in bed, much less going to a concert. Everyone metabolizes these things very differently, and what is considered a huge dose for one person may be a low dose to another person

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#6 Posted : 9/21/2011 9:19:25 AM
As UC said. Please next time, harmalosa, if you discuss a certain dosage that is much higher than normal dosages, even if for you it was great, be sure to make clear to others that they shouldnt follow your dosages and should def start MUCH lower because for many this would be a potential disaster of an overdose, specially in a public setting as you 'recommend'.
#7 Posted : 9/21/2011 9:51:01 PM
Yeah I am definitely going to stay away from the rue. I've heard it causes some pretty bad nausea and stomach pain so i think I'm good on rue. Anyone heard anything good about using harmaline or harmine to potentiate shrooms? just curious about if anyone has any experience with a combo like that. I don't think i'll do it for the show but i'm still interested.
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#8 Posted : 9/21/2011 9:54:22 PM
Any thread that comes up shroomhuasca or mushroom and MAOI, I usually chime in, and i AWLAYS "recommend" 3.5 rue and no more than 1.75 grams cubensis.

I believe you are definately right, and im sorry for not mentioning that this is not a standard dose, exp. not to be taken in public...

I want to make it clear however, that never did I "recommend" that dose to anybody, expecially not in a public setting. I myself was apprehensive about the dose, however it went great. But please show me where i recommended that anyone do this in a public setting???? I simply said that is what i did, no recommendation attatched...

Also i dont really appreciate putting "recommend" in quotation marks, because to me it insinuates that you dont think I'm qualified enought to recommend anything, but in the case of mushrooms and MAOI i have a great deal of expereince probably as much or more than anyone here, and although i am not great with words, my dosage information is reliable and i know what im talking about. I am a very responsible and respectful user of these substances.
Thank you
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
#9 Posted : 9/21/2011 10:13:40 PM
No insinuations here harmalosa,

Judging by your name i'm guessing you may have a good knowledge of harmalas in general so would you know how much harmine or harmaline would be the equivalent of your preferred 3.5 g of rue. I know rue is mildly psychedelic in an of itself so this might be a dumb question but I am interested because the one time i took a g of shrooms with whatever harmala I had( i'm told it probably wasn't thh but i know it was some sort of maoi because i've never tripped that hard off a gram) i had a really good time other than people camping across the canyon from me blaring the same 1 hour hardstyle mix over and over til 3 in the morning(yuck). anyway let me know
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#10 Posted : 9/21/2011 10:22:26 PM
Hey brother,

Sorry i honestly could not tell you, I have never done a harmala extraction, because i prefer to use the whole plants.
But plenty of other people could tell you exactly the answer you need im sure.

You could also check the wiki, but im sure someone will chime in with a perfect answer.

Have a blast at shpongle live brother!
So youve decided against the harmala shroom combo at the show, are you still going to at least eat the shrooms?

Really wish i could go!
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#11 Posted : 9/21/2011 10:24:23 PM
Harmalosa wrote:
Any thread that comes up shroomhuasca or mushroom and MAOI, I usually chime in, and i AWLAYS "recommend" 3.5 rue and no more than 1.75 grams cubensis.

I believe you are definately right, and im sorry for not mentioning that this is not a standard dose, exp. not to be taken in public...

I want to make it clear however, that never did I "recommend" that dose to anybody, expecially not in a public setting. I myself was apprehensive about the dose, however it went great. But please show me where i recommended that anyone do this in a public setting???? I simply said that is what i did, no recommendation attatched...

Also i dont really appreciate putting "recommend" in quotation marks, because to me it insinuates that you dont think I'm qualified enought to recommend anything, but in the case of mushrooms and MAOI i have a great deal of expereince probably as much or more than anyone here, and although i am not great with words, my dosage information is reliable and i know what im talking about. I am a very responsible and respectful user of these substances.
Thank you

"Please next time, harmalosa, if you discuss a certain dosage that is much higher than normal dosages, even if for you it was great, be sure to make clear to others that they shouldnt follow your dosages and should def start MUCH lower because for many this would be a potential disaster of an overdose"

amount of experience is irrelevant..endless wasn't trying to argue or say your not qualified to recommend anything..he just meant what i quoted up there ^ .. since you didn't mention anything like that in your post, its necessary to add it in as a safety precaution.. and while you say you weren't recommending it, someone could easily interpret your post that way, could they not? And if so, then that someone, if unfamiliar with the typical dosages for a rue/shroom combo, might think you meant that it would be a good dose for them to start at since you had such a good experience on it

and actually IME 3.5g of rue is a big dose for me and is VERY psychedelic on its own. anyone unfamiliar should definitely start lower in my opinion. especially if they're adding nearly 2g of mushrooms in the mix

i'm not trying to be mean, don't take this the wrong way. i'm just clarifying

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#12 Posted : 9/21/2011 10:31:17 PM
I'm definitely going to do the shrooms still without a doubt. Universalcannon had a good point though that it probably isn't good to be hallucinating as hard as I was the time i took a g and the "mystery" harmala i had. I may do about 10mg of harmine but i'll probably just stick to the shroomage. I usually only take 2g of shrooms when I take them anyway and get really far with the use of cannabis so i'll probably take 3.5 or something. wish you could go too. oh and for the record uc and endlessness i wasn't about to take 3.5 g of shrooms and 4g of rue because someone said it might be a good idea. I see your points though and no offense harmalosa
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#13 Posted : 9/21/2011 10:34:12 PM
No problem, not taking it wrong way, no offense taken, thanks for clarifying

Yeah, i know, i did apologize for this mistake, and I could see how even though i didnt outright recommend it, it could still be interpereted as a recommended dose by someone else, becaise it was reported as a very positive experience.

So yeah, in the future, if i post such a dose, i will make it totally clear that it is a potentially dangerous dose if you dont know how you will react to said substances. Like i said i apologize for this, and i definetly see where you guys are coming from, harm reduction is very important. My sincere apologies.

3.5 grams rue is psychedelic for me as well, even without mushrooms, and i guess i should say, even 3.5 rue and 1.75 grams mushrooms can be a very intense experience, but usually once you start combining mushrooms and rue, that is exactly what you are looking for Pleased
If not wanting a very intense experience, skip the rue altogether.

Thanks guys, all is well
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
#14 Posted : 9/21/2011 11:06:12 PM
Harmalosa wrote:

Also i dont really appreciate putting "recommend" in quotation marks, because to me it insinuates that you dont think I'm qualified enought to recommend anything

Hey Harmalosa, sorry for any negative feelings you might have gotten from my post! I certainly did not at all mean to imply you are not qualified, I would never make such assertions about anybody like this, I guess you must have seen how I post before in the forum, its just not me to do such things.

I put between quotations exactly because it wasnt a recommendation, you were sharing an experience, but that it could have been interpreted as a recommendation by others because the OP was asking about dosages and you didnt expand on what you meant by saying your experience was great with that dosage.

Again, sorry for the misunderstanding, be well!
#15 Posted : 9/21/2011 11:53:25 PM
no problem, at all, i may have jumped to that conclusion, which itself was a misunderstanding Pleased

"I put between quotations exactly because it wasnt a recommendation, you were sharing an experience, but that it could have been interpreted as a recommendation by others because the OP was asking about dosages and you didnt expand on what you meant by saying your experience was great with that dosage."

True that makes perfect sense.

So, thank you for your kindness end, no need to apologize at all, if anything, i am sorry.
Thank you for the well wishes, and I hope you stay well as well. (well, well well)
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
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