Journey Report ; 3.5 g cubes, nothing else Ingestion - 9 pm Setting : Home alone
** What follows is obviously a LONG fictional story **
I was home alone last night and wanted to take the opportunity to eat 5g of Psilocybe Cubensis with no alcohol or anything else to finally have my first proper full-on spiritual mushroom experience. The day didn't get off to a great start as I was hung over from a work party and chose to eat a big fried breakfast before work. Probably not a good move (but tasty nonetheless).
After work I was fairly tired and was not sure about the whole idea but I ate a big dinner and then decided to go for it anyway. But, I only ate 3.5g, still more than I've ever had. As soon as I had eaten the mushrooms I decided it had been a bad idea. I put on a film (The Rutles) for half an hour to cheer myself up. As I felt my mood changing, and determined to perk my mood up, I put on Orbital live at Glastonbury (highly recommended) and started to dance, alone, in my front room. This continued for about 30 minutes, with the music increasingly separating into layers, which was a most pleasant effect.
From time to time I would get a 'self criticising reality check'. (What are you doing, dancing? You look like an idiot, etc). Determined to overcome this I force a smile, and turn orbital off, and put Ott on.
Finally, I dimmed the lights and sat down to start the journey. I closed my eyes - and saw baked beans.
"Is this what you want to show me, beans?" I said out loud.
More beans. Sausages, chips, junk food. Piling up in huge piles. Waste containers, empty wrappers; polystyrene. Half-eaten wasted food spilling over in pile after pile. And in the background human faces looking up at me with sad, sad eyes; hands extended to me as the filth and rubbish stacked upon itself, as if to say: Can I have some too? A central American man in a fast food outfit looked at me. Didn't I know the damage of the food I ate? The unhealthiness of it all?
I opened my eyes. So, my first clear message. I eat crap. Not really what I was expecting on a spritual oddessy. I take a short break, change the music.
My self-dialogue continues.
"You're scared".
I don't know where that came from. I didn't like hearing myself say it, because I knew it was true.
About five minutes later, I closed my eyes again. I saw a female creature with tan brown and green skin like a crocodile's scales, but spined like a cactus, writhing before me. It had a particular kind of exquisite alien beauty. I tried to get closer to it, but somehow I found myself in a bar full of people who were crowding to get a drink. Eventually my vision filled up with people at the bar (as if I was serving) clamouring for beers. I wonder now if this was related to my alcohol consumption.
Ott sounded wrong. Music normally so uplifting to me sounded dark. I was finding this experience anxious, harrowing. Eyes open again, lights on, I pottered about the house, turning off the music, the television, the lights. I realised how loud household electrical appliances are. I was tired. Everything was turned off and I went up to bed to finally confront the experience head-on.
I walked past my loft ladder (which was down) and turned off the final light in my bedroom, and lay on the bed. Some light from an external light spilled into the bedroom. The trees outside inspired no happy feelings, and seemed to loom menacing, and alien. But I was ready. Or so I thought.
I jumped. In the darkness in the corridor, behind the loft ladder, there was a short figure. It had stepped out of a door in the wall that didn't previously exist and was watching me, cloaked in shadow. I could see it weaving back and forward trying to get a better look. Behind it, two more. So was this one of the little people of mushie folklore?
"Hello!" I said. "Don't just stand there, come in"
The dark figure shifted from one foot to another. Whatever it was, it wasn't coming in. I got into bed, still feeling uneasy at this very real looking intruder in my corridor, and shut my eyes. As I did so, outside a police siren sounded.
In the eyes-shut world the spirits began to talk to me. The siren was bad. A distressing sound to animals. I saw images of chimpanzees holding their ears and other animals distressed by the noise. Sirens cause extreme angst to animals and humans, apparently. A fizzing, crackling voice said the word bad.
I was shown religions from the Middle East and India. Secret rooms in chapels weighing out portions of mushrooms. I was told the major religions of the world secretly use mushrooms and they are not bad; that I should not look down on them. I was shown a temple in India with a domed roof made of brownish stone with a texture like concrete. I was told religion is a good thing.
I wished for something else good and saw the word GROW then a sterile looking white environment where a young shoot was being tended by invisible hands. Then I was shown mushrooms growing in various artificial environments, while at the same time seeing time-lapse plants growing. I saw mushrooms I have never seen before with deep blue colors on the fringes of their caps, followed by images of mushrooms growing on other worlds. Finally I was shown a huge creature like a turtle but with a complex, convoluted body under its shell. I understood the mushrooms had some kind of symbiotic relationship with this creature somewhere far away.
Next I was taken to a room filled with alien, vaguely humanoid creatures with pale blue, green and purple feintly blotched skin; high foreheads with curving, crest-like heads with fractal-like filigrees on the back. The creatures were conversing but their voices sounded like sporadic metallic rasps or drones that gradually increased in volume and cut off. They were drinking what looked like alcohol. I understood they knew I was there and they knew the mushrooms. The scene had a quality of being underwater; a density to it which made me feel as though I could swim.
I had forgotten about my dwarf-guests outside.
Eyes shut, I then saw a bizarre seen with myself in a white factory/lab-like place. Next to me was a baby me, which was actually a baby monkey, in a glass jar. Not so much a specimen, more of a ... prototype. And there were other monkeys, human beings and babies all being worked on by creatures I can't recall. I do remember one of them telling me I shouldn't see this. It was like some sort of meta-place where 'they' designed the human species, which was also me. Rather odd.
What followed was the most incredible part of the experience. I began to get glances of a female entity which was highly sexual. In fact it was downright pornographic. It variously appeared as a black woman, or a Lovecraftian creature consisting of many joined, naked black women's limbs, bodies (including sexual organs), and heads. Sometimes these were verging on the deformed, like heads without mouths, two pairs of legs joined a the top, etc, but despite this the sense was amazingly sexual and attractive. I could feel myself being drawn in but the figure seemed distant.
At the same time I was surrounded by figures (by now I could not tell if my eyes were open or shut) who were jostling me and telling me I was very lucky, that I should prepare myself They were telling me she was coming to my room right now and they were frantically pointing to the centre of the bed. Were they suggesting I was going to have sex with this entity? I got up and sat more in the middle of the bed trying to work out what the bloody hell I was supposed to be doing and I saw images of teenagers laughing at me and slapping their heads. They were telling me to get on my knees. I realised of course I had to BOW.
So, I thought, go with the flow, and got out of bed and bowed on the floor eyes open and as I did so the floor beneath me turned into a patterned tiled stone floor similar to a middle eastern temple. Just outside my bedroom door where the dark figures had appeared appeared the undulating, cavorting, slightly reptilian but utterly sexual - yet still bizarre - African goddess of many forms. I felt no fear but didn't really know what to do but watch her dance like a flame. The entity was present for about five minutes and cavorted about and shifted from one form to another for a while then suddenly she was gone.
I heard many voices talking to me, ancient voices, some old, some young, some male, some female, telling me the name of the deity: 'Gamma'. I also got a sense that she was worshipped in North Africa. I don't really know why. (Since then I have googled Gamma and I can find no such figure in mythology). Where Gamma had been and my loft ladder should have been was an empty room with a throne in the centre and some discarded clothes piled next to it indicating Gamma and my short friends had well and truly left the building.
I was so amazed by this experience I decided I had to text my friend so I turned the light on and ALL hallucinations vanished. Very good to know. I sent him a text telling him I was deep in the zone and had just met a female goddess called Gamma, then turned the lights out again.
I then got a talking to about mobile phones. I was shown (again) monkeys and human beings holding phones, while hearing static pops and fizzles and voices telling me that mobile phones are very, very dangerous. I was being told that mobile phones cause great harm to the brain and something about the damage and risks caused by electromagnetic forces from phones held to the ear.
Not too long after this I started to come down, and fairly exhausted by the experience I fell asleep. Today I've been pretty clumsy and have dropped a few things but ok apart from that.
Overall it was an amazing experience, something I'll never forget.
ps. Two days later I was watching a show on TV talking about atonal sounds. They then played a siren and a chimpanzee danger call illustrating how similar they were. I was dumbstruck. I honestly do not have any recollection of knowing this fact (that sirens are the same noise as chimp's calls) yet I was clearly told and shown this during my experience. Was it lodged subconsciously or was my dialogue a true lesson?
pps. Much googling didn't come up with any goddesses called Gamma.
That was a totally bizarre read, thanks! Makes me eager to try out my new batch of tiny Golden Teacher mutants ![Pleased](/forum/images/emoticons/happy.png)
Great report thanks! Hope it helps you look at your diet, I used to eat fried breakfasts etc but mushrooms and ayahuasca really helps you see what needs to change. Also you should get some headphones for your phone, you hear conversations in stereo and your not putting the phone right next to your head! Good lessons to learn!