I have been trying to make aya brew. I messed up the first time with the caapi. Too much cappi not enough water, I think. I know i must have messed up because I try ridiculous amounts and no effects, or mild effects like 2 hours later. I start to think I made the effects up in my mind, psyching myself out. I'm racking my brain how to make it work because I really want the aya experience.
I started over, took some of the wet powder, added more water and dry 4:1 caapi powder and did a 3x wash in a crock pot. Allowed the pot to brew for at least 8 hours each time, over days, then reduced for 24 hours to half.
After trying to dose on the tea I messed up on and having no effect I thought, "this isn't going to work but i'll try some anyway", I'm bored and have nothing to do. I put the brew in mason jars and poured myself about 4 ounces in a cup, still very warm and drank while I shot the shit with a friend on the phone. I hadn't eaten in about 6 hours. Which I now believe is important. I'll explain later.
As I was talking, about 30 min later I felt light headed. I thought "eh, just psychologically wanting it to work"

. I had some light physical work to do so I start and whoa

, I feel really light headed and a little nauseous. So I decide to lie down. I feel nauseous, and my tummy is all rumbley, but also waves of ease and light cev. I decide to lie there and wait for the nausea to wear off. I fade in and out of sleep with open flying sort of dreams, my body felt buzzed, vibrating buzzing energy moving around, more fading in and out of sleep and nausea. At one point the dreams were vivid and profound. The universe or something -like all that is, but is not seen telling me to relax and caressing, cradling, nurturing love saying "relax" not with words or concepts but a feeling. I seemed to fade again into and out of cycles of nausea, sleep, relaxation, dreams and back again.
Eventually, I actually went into solid sleep for what felt like a couple of hours. The only dream I remember from that time- A Tibetan lama named Tartang Tulku sat next to me on a bench and was talking to me about something he was being sweet and kind. I remember feeling very fortunate.
Here is the cool thing. I woke up with a katak wrapped loosely around my neck. I thought "what the heck?" Kataks are Tibetan blessing scarfs. I got them from going to a couple of teachings. In their culture it is customary that Tibetan lamas will put them over ones shoulders/neck with blessing after a teaching or as greetings and salutations. I have a couple in my room hung around pictures. They are securely hung so as to not fall off in wind or whatever, to be a nuisance in having to re-secure them. I guess I could have gotten up at some point and removed one and wrapped it around my neck, but I do not remember doing this. I do not have a history of sleep walking.
I could see which pic had it removed from. This pic had 2 kataks sort of intertwined and secured behind the top corners and tied up at the bottom. I would have had to be very careful, non of the pictures were out of place and you could only remove if you moved the picture, remove the scarf (by un intertwining)and replace the pic.
So, I decided to believe in magic. The lama removed the scarf with Tibetan lama magic, he floated it off and wrapped it around my neck with a blessing.

I feel very fortunate and special, but I dare not tell anyone who can actually identify me.
SO- I then decided to try aya within the next day or so. The day I decided to go, I ate salmon for lunch then for dinner about an hour before drinking caapi mhrb combo- I had a good sized bowl of rice with mushrooms and savory spices.
Set intention then I drank cold caapi vine, a little less than the other night, I thought it was a little much especially if I was to add mimosa. 3 oz half hour later - about a generous teaspoon of cold mimosa brew. 1 hour Nothing happened. 2 hours nothing. I take another, but more- 4 oz and 2 teaspoons, 2 hours later nothing. I'm terribly disappointed.
I'm waiting until Wed, and will try to sort of recreate the active night. Heat up the brew, both mimosa and caapi. not eat for about 6 hours and 24hours before that eat lightly ie fruit and water.
Here is the theroy, I know with mushrooms if I eat beyond breakfast I will not trip. I have a slow metabolism. Drinking warm will help the absorption.

Upon return from hyperspace-"Wow I have a body with arms and legs and everything!"
btw-It's all true!