A. oxycedrus (Australia - Vic.,NSW,S.A.) ..an independent researcher & my own group have confirmed that alkaloids (incl.DMT) in good yields (0.3-0.7%) have been found in this tree. More work is now needed studying & propagating this species (there are at least 2 sub-species). Here are a couple of images: (note differing forms) nen888 attached the following image(s):  Acacia_oxycedrus.jpg (40kb) downloaded 548 time(s). Image12.jpg (9kb) downloaded 561 time(s).
any further info regarding this plant, where the actives are phyllodes, bark? more reports methods of extraction?
.. fresh branch & stem bark were tested, ethanol follwed by STB, dichloromethane. the variety tested looked like the lower photo, with at least 3 sub-varieties recognised. this is a fun one...
hi Nen888, save having two discussion in the one place i will keep dialog here in this post. thanks for sharing this info, i agree with you about ethical harvesting of wild plants, and utmost respect should be adhered to, i am interested in collection of seeds in the coming months as the mountain where i know they live are starting to flower. they seem a small scraggy plant, never really getting larger than 6 foot. not that i have seen, but i have not ventured too far into the forest. they seem to like the open spaces more than the dense undergrowth with what i have seen at least which is minimal. thanks for the open sharing, i hope to get seed out when available. this is he variety i found  
you used EtOH as your initial solvent, was it basified, maybe acidified, or just out of the bottle? I am familiar with STB AB but ethanol extracts of tryptamines is something new to me, has been a while since i read up on any teks, i notice things have changed a lot over the years, now people are going eco friendly and using oil, amazing what people here are doing. i would say the photo you have on the bottom is one of the hybridised forms, as the phyllodes dont look spikey as with the plant i have identified. the phyllodes stick into you, very prickly i like the vibe of the plant, regardless of actives. it seems you are the only person who is writing about this plant and tryptamines. it's good as there are not many options for the southern states, not like WA and NSW with the two big ones acuminata and obtusifolia. anyway have a good day 
..thanks for the lovely photos, hebrew, yeah, i really like the vibe of this tree too. Quote: i would say the photo you have on the bottom is one of the hybridised forms
..i agree, this is why i'm also interested in the other forms. Quote:you used EtOH as your initial solvent, was it basified, maybe acidified, or just out of the bottle? ..because i didn't want any chance of stuffing with alkaloids pre GCMS (which i'm still waiting on), in this specific case the material was extracted cold into close to pure ethanol, bassified with aqueous NaOH, and then extracted several times with DCM, yeilding a crude extract which still had good effects. I don't think there is any single best extraction formula for tryptamines, and it often depends what is available. from a phytochemical analysis POV i am suspicious of any acidification..the alkaloids should be present in the plant as salts of some Krebs Cycle acid, hence the untreated solution should be slightly acidic.. (..acidification may help those attempting to maximize specifically DMT yeilds at the expense of other alkaloids and substances, but this is not my research purpose..) ..the real joy of this research for me is all the hours of bushwalking (& just looking at, being with nature). i usually have to really brace myself to rip anything off some tree i should meet, and try to balance it all out by planting their seeds.. ..best wishes to you and new wattle friends... p.s Quote:it seems you are the only person who is writing about this plant and tryptamines. yes, i know. infact i'm holding back a few other species waiting for others to come forward, but i wont hold out forever....
well i await with patience your future announcements in regards to our wattles of this country. some amazing plants they are. i have always had a deep relationship with wattle since i was a child i grew up playing around jam, it was part of my life, built cubbies, we used to make fence posts, we would collect it for fire wood, lots of things around those trees, and now in a different phase in my life acacia's have a whole new relationship with me, so i respect the trees, i actually came across this acacia whilst out collecting Xanthorrhoea resin, which i use in perfumery. which led me to your posts here. actually have used maidenii and acuminata in perfumery as well hanging out in the bush looking at all the plants and just being with them is awesome, when i was out there there other day, i found some murnong as well, which i was pretty excited about as it is a different form to the ones i got growing at home, and there was some seed so i will add to my genetics of murnong in my garden now  and soon some new acacia's thanks for your info.
I just started 2 of them from seed..so I hope they take..as well as 2 victoriae and some others. Long live the unwoke.
How long did you Oxycedrus seeds take to sprout Jamie? I've had 12 sitting in my germination tray (swollen after a 12+hr boiled water soak) for around a week now... nothing yet.. --Shadow attached the following image(s):  photo.JPG (369kb) downloaded 421 time(s).Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
wow, I'm happy this thread got bumped! I'll have to get some seeds going this Spring! The name Oxycedrus pops into my head quite often, it has a certain ring to it. --Shadow, Did you scarify the seeds before the hot water soak? That's fairly standard procedure for Acacias. ~wap~ + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- DMT Nexus Research ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- +
Hey, no I didn't scarify the seeds, only did the boiled water soak. I found (especially with the acumainata seeds), that I wasn't getting a sufficiently higher enough success rate to warrant the risk of damaging that come with the scarify approach. I tested 48 seeds and got just as much success with a standard boiled water soak. To scarify, I was rubbing back the seed coating with sandpaper. If these Oxycedrus seeds haven't popped in 2 more days, I will do another boiled water soak on them (for 20-30mins). I have had seeds germinate weeks later after the initial pre-treatment didn't sprout any (even though seeds were swollen) Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
Did another boiled water soak, but days later.. nothing has popped.. Some of the seeds started to cave in, like they were dehydrated. Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
mine have sprouted..took a couple days and they just popped up. I did not even bother with the boiling or soaking this time like I have with other acacias..just nicked them and put them in soil. Long live the unwoke.
Interesting... I'll try that tonight on another dozen Oxycedrus seeds. So, do you nick them on the side, at the aril/hilum end, or the other end? Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
the top end of the seedcoat. Long live the unwoke.
Thanks jamie Ok, I'm trying the following: 10 x A.Oxycedrus seeds - (nicked with razor blade) at top end of seed coat 10 x A.Oxycedrus seeds - put in oven (200C) for 8mins 10 x A.Oxycedrus seeds - overnight boiled water soak All seeds are planted 5mm under soil Humidity 100% Temperature 28C Will report strike rate after 2 weeks.... Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
Nice work --Shawdow!!! Two more routes might be: 1) hot water soak then nicked or 2) nicked then hot water soak. Nicking the seeds when they're hard can be a challenge but my suspicion is that there's less of a chance of damage. I typically do #2 for Acacias & Mimosas. ~wap~ + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- DMT Nexus Research ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- +
--Shadow wrote: 10 x A.Oxycedrus seeds - (nicked with razor blade) at top end of seed coat 10 x A.Oxycedrus seeds - put in oven (200C) for 8mins 10 x A.Oxycedrus seeds - overnight boiled water soak
All seeds are planted 5mm under soil Humidity 100% Temperature 28C Will report strike rate after 2 weeks....
RESULTS: 10 x seeds (nicked with razor blade) = NONE 10 x seeds (put in oven) = NONE 10 x seeds (boiling water) = FIVE sprouted This is quite interesting. From the same batch of Oxycedrus seeds, I had previously done the boiling water treatment, and had them sitting on moist cotton pads (in the humidity chamber) and I got NONE to sprout. This time thou, I put them straight into the soil (in the humidity chamber) and got 5/10 strike rate. I may even dig the remainign 5 up and do another soak on them (I've had success in the past with acuminata (broad var.) seeds doing a 2nd overnight soak) CONCLUSION: After overnight boiling water soak, place them straight into soil (5mm deep), with 100% humidity and 28-30C temperature. Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
little update.. my oxycedrus is doing great. It's outdoors in a pot and around a foot tall now, covered in phyllodes and starting to side branch. Really easy acacia to grow.. Long live the unwoke.
nen do you know how consistant oxycedrus is? does it usually have tryptamines or is it select strains only? I was told by acacian(I think) that he found the short spiky little phyllode variety inactive. My plant looks like the ones in the photos in this thread. I will upload some pics later. Long live the unwoke.