Been seeing some nice looking liquid harmine, as well as caapi 5x liquid online lately....Looks like they come in an eye-dropper-like apparatus. I've tried 3x peganum powder extract, which worked quite wonderfully, and would like to experiment a bit more with different methods of consumption. Question being, when I see something like "Liquid caapi 5x extract" or "Powdered caapi extract", or "Liquid harmine hci", how do I work out the dosage? With my 3x peganum harmala, I would cap up a gram (3g of seeds), and that would do...How would dosages with these other harmalas differ from the 3x rue extract in which I am accustomed? The amounts of alkaloid per product are not discussed, so I am clueless as to the true strength. "The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."
Not a bad idea man, thing is I went ahead an ordered these tinctures due to a lil extra cash laying around. Not wanting them to go to waste, trying to figure out potency, I doubt its bunk, its just due to the fact that it is being sold as dye, the vendor can't really explain the alkaloid content. I am taking your advice, and have bookmarked both of these teks. I appreciate it, it seems one could attain some pretty potent stuff with these method... "The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."
| this look like something I should try, given I don't have too much time to extract my own? Is the price legit? It says for one gram of pure harmine extract, you get 10 100mg capsules...I've been hearing that 50mg of pure alkaloids provides quite an intense experience on its own, without spice...I am personally used to 3g of rue (not sure how many alkaloid is contained in this amount) would 100mg of pure harmine be too much? And if so, one would be able to break into the capsules and separate the harmine into two 50mg piles, right? Some help would be appreciated, I can't seem to find solid answers on this. "The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."
I am also interested in the sublingual method, considering it would save a lot of mgs of harmine (30mg as opposed to 100-150mg)...Does one just place the harmine powder underneath the tongue and let it soak in? Nexus intellectuals, where are ya when we need ya??? "The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."
tobecomeone00 wrote:
Does this look like something I should try, given I don't have too much time to extract my own? Is the price legit?
It says for one gram of pure harmine extract, you get 10 100mg capsules...I've been hearing that 50mg of pure alkaloids provides quite an intense experience on its own, without spice...I am personally used to 3g of rue (not sure how many alkaloid is contained in this amount) would 100mg of pure harmine be too much? And if so, one would be able to break into the capsules and separate the harmine into two 50mg piles, right? Some help would be appreciated, I can't seem to find solid answers on this. Please keep the vendors name and link IN THE SUPPLIER section. Then 100mg of pure harmine aren't too much. Even 150mg is good, and comfy unli 250mg. Unless you sublingual it then 20-30mg is enough, you simply put in under your tongue and spread itwith the dip of your tongue so it cover all your skin. It's not good for oral spice though, but sublingual spice OR vaped spice. There's a thread somewhere or in the wiki called "Linguahuasca" if I remember well. You could try and read through it. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
Sounds good, I'll check it out. I personally like to dose with harmalas, and then vape numerous times over a 3-4 hour period...considering this is my fav. method, that's actually good news regarding the you feel that when one only uses harmine, they lose other potential qualities/alkaloids that peganum harmala extracts possibly contain? I've read somewhere that rue/rue extracts contain not only harmine, but also harmaline and TTH, whereas pure harmine is just harmine, right? If I like the way rue taught the lessons, should I stick to the rue powder extracts, or should I give harmine a go? Whatcha think? "The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."
first there is no THH in rue. It's caapi who've got some. then rue is a mix of harmine and harmaline. I'd say you may try a mix of both alcaloids or get to know each to find out differences. Harmine is good, harmaline is a bit more sedative, dreamy to me. I'd keep harmaline for evening tryp session. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
Sounds good man, I found a certain supplier that actually seems to specialize in harmala extracts, and I look forward to trying them...One final question tho, as far as lessons go, what would be the main differences between straight up harmine/harmaline extracts and caapi/caapi-copy extracts? I've heard its a matter of opinion, but I'm sure there must be some clear differences in the two. I appreciate your help greatly, r0m. "The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."
I do'nt know about the difference, nor if these so-caled extract are legit ! Extracting yourself is the best to compare rue extract and caapi extract if you check the wiki. Go with your intuition but rue extract are generally cheaper and if you have had good lessons from rue, why not carrying up the good work ? Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !