.. INDEX OF THIS THREAD [yellow links to relevant post]note: the main objectives of this thread, when it started in June 2011, were: 1) to improve the veracity of phytochemical info on Acacias worldwide 2) to encourage SUSTAINABLE use of Acacias, by growing 3) to find enough active species that i) legislation to ban becomes impractical and ....ii) a couple of species being presently harmed are less targeted, and 2-3 Endangered species are less vulnerable.. 4) to evenly distribute and make accessible the information, to discourage the selling or buying of acacia dmt..(commodification=non-sustainability) 5) to bring about an understanding and caring for these lifeforms, and conservation for the future.. This Index is the Key to this Thread..use it to navigate...Please note this index is only current up to approx. page 85(Please also note that due to some contributors subsequently deleting their posts, in some cases page numbers will slightly change) Acacia: (discussion or pic) acuminata p1,3,7,9,11,p12,19,21,22,25,twig p37, narrow-phyllode p37; varieties p85 adunca p17 albida (Faidherbia albida) p2,6,7,10,40, p.52 alpina p5, 27 angustissima p3,7,8,58,83 armillata p25 aroma p3, 20 aulocopcarpa p43 auriculiformis p6 bahiensis p81 baileyana p10 blakei p7 berlandieri p5,9, 12 binervata p5 burkittii p11,p23,61,67 caesia p7,14,24 caffra here campechiana (Vachellia campechiana) p45 cardiophylla p9,20 caroleae p50 catechu (Khadira) p5,6,22,49,57,62,63,68,80 caven p4,5,18 chundra p49 cincinata p39,42 cohliacantha p45 colei p2,6,17,23, 98 complanata p10 concinnia p49 concurrens p17, 33,57 confusa p5,p10,11,p15, p21, 33 , 49, 72 constricta p8,11, here,69 coolgardiensis var. latoir p12, 29 cornigera p4,18, 34 cultriformis p4, 23,30, 87 cyclops p2, p3,4,9,12,18 dallachiana p5, 23 dealbata p19,20 decurrens p20 difformis p7,15 drepanolobium p72 dunnii p85 eburnea (india) p53 elata p3, 7,51,65 erioloba (Camel Thorn) p53,85 excelsa p25,39 falcata p5 farnensiana p4,p49,69,82,86 ferruginea 18, p62 fimbriata p15 flavescens p19, 80 floribunda p1,3,6,7, p9, p14, 16, 23, 24, 56, 79 giraffe p6,11 goldmanii p49 gregii p8,13,76,82 haematoxylon p60 hanburyana p17 harpophylla p10,50 hebeclada p45 heterophylla p14 holosericea p28,55 horrida p20 intsia p22, 49 implexa p23 johannis p25 jurema (A. olivensana/A. santossi Lewis) p4,5,6,9,33, photo p40 karroo p20,83 kingiana p62 koaia p5,14 laeta p3,6 leiocalyx p18, p.57 leprosa 'scarlet blaze' p39,45 leucophloea p49 ligulata 27 longifolia p1,3, p9,14,20,23, 84,87 longissima p1,11,26 mabellae p.49, 50 maidenii p1,2,3,8,9, p13,p22,p23,24, p29,43,44#880 macradenia p5,20,42 mangium p1,5,19,28 mearnsii p3,6,11,14,20,41,74 melanoxylon p5,23, 53 ,65,69,70 mellifera p21 modesta (pulahi0 p73 montis-utsi p45 mucronata p1,p11, 28, 29, 30, var. longifolia p.46, var. mucronata p.52, 56, var. dependens p56 multipinnata (senegalia) p65 multisiliqua p11,20,45 myrtifolia p16 neovernicosa p69 nerifolia p29 neurophylla p7,21,24,71 nilotica p11,19,29, 40, 53, 57,p60,83 nubica p7, 23,57,85,87 obtecta p20 obtusifolia p1,2,7,14,23,44,48; obtusifolia x maidenii p11,14 oerfota (see A. nubica) oxycedrus p1,2,12 x sophorae p14, p37 penninervis p29, p.51, 63 phlebophylla p7,10 podalyriaefolia p15 polyacantha p3,4,5,10 polyphylla ('Paricá' )p39,p40, p56 pycnantha (golden wattle) p31 provinicialis p5,10,56,86 raddiana (A. tortillis sub.sp raddiana) p.54,57,65,71,82 redolens p26 retinodes p4,14,p15, 30, p51, 66, 69,71,86 riceana p62 richii p5,11,24 rigidula p5,9,44,75,85 riparia (senegalia) p81 roemeriana p9 saligna p5, 30 schaffneri p69 schotii p9 senegal p3,6,10,12 seyal p2,3 siberiana p3,6 simplicifolia (simplex) p5,p8,11, 32, 49 simsii p46 sophorae p56, 57 spirorbis p10, 49 suma 57,68,72 swazica p25 tenuiflora (Senegalia multipinnata) p65 texensis p9 tortillis p3, 30 ,42, 53, tortuosa p8, p28,69 urophylla p80 vestita p28 victoriae p7,8,p18, &here, 60 (avicin) ,61,78 willardiana p82 xanthophloea p29 xiphophylla p39 yunnanensis p5,18,22 World Guide to Entheo-Acacias p.39 here Acacia Analysis Thread Acacia Identification Thread African & middle-eastern acacias list p3,77 Albizzia julbrissin p5 American (USA) acacias p8, p27, p28; South America p4, p20. Asian acacias (incl. India & the Himalayas) p5; p22, p49 'acacian' philosophy p83 Australian List p4; avicin p60 betacarbolines p.43 botanical terms relevant to acacias here Brazil acacias/mimosas p40, 81 Britain (Acacias growing in UK) p.51, 71 burning bush p2,6, 41, p54 Calliandras p3, p14,p16 changa p58 chemical signalling (between plants) p61 Chinese mythology p82 christianity (early) p.41, 56, 80 cinnamide p84 Citrus bergamot p40, p43 CSIRO acacia alkaloid screenings p15 cuttings (growing from) p12, 25,55 discoveries of the thread (to dec. 2012) p64 ethics & wild destruction p1, p8-9, p8, p23 Egypt (ancient) p30, 41, 42, 68, 76, 78, 83 European naturalized acacias p15 extraction p8, p22,25,38 fatty acids p57 flowers (constituents) p46, 58 galapagos islands p69 genetics and sex p.10, p16#315; genetic relationships p86 giraffes p11 Gnostics p.54 growing p19 ,p.55, p82 (#1635) Hawaii p13 harmine p31 histamines p10, p10 India p5, p49, 53, 80, 83, 86 information theory p46 insect interaction p47 Islam and acacias p45, p.51, 82, 84, 85 Judaic tradition p45, 54, 71, 80 legislation to ban acacias (proposed) - Acacia Study Group submission against p15 Leucaena leucocephala p7#131,11,13#242 Los angeles p66 5-Methoxy-DMT (5Meo) in acacias p18,44 madagascar p63 Maasai (Masai) p26, p72, 83 masons p45,70,71,76,79 Mesquite (p12, p.44, 54, 57, 87,88 Mimosa biuncifera p75 M. pudica p.14,p49; M. scabrella p3 mistletoes on acacias p.16 native americans p12, 44, 58 NDMA receptor p82,84 NMT p53 n-methyltransferase enzyme p51 Oils p57 oral activity p.7, p.19, p26 Oxytropsis puberula p31 Pacific Island Acacias p4, p47 (new findings) pegaline p84 phenethylamines (PEAs) p8 , p52 Paraserianthes lophantha p4#72,p6#110 Persia (ancient) p51 Persian Silk Tree (Albizzia jullibizin) p5 pollen (viability) p87 Prosopis (see Mesquite); P. cineraria 'shami' p86 rhinos p60 rhyzobium p44, 61,62 safety and risks p.12 salt form (of tryptamines) p22, 35 Samanea saman p65 seasonal variation p43 seed longterm viability p18 spermidine alkaloids p16, p47 sonora desert p45 Saudi Arabia p83 South & Central America p4, p20 sustainable harvesting p21 Talmud p45 Tara (green) p64 tars (amphoteric resins), gums; salts; acids p22 testing proceedures (TLC etc) p2, p9a, p9b, p11, p18, p.53 tree of Ténéré p82 tryptamine p26 UK p.51,71 Wikipedia acacia listings (worldwide) p.5page links: #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23…….................................................... ..Original first post discusses abuse of certain Australian species and calls for more growing of and research into more common species (list of alternative species now later on)..damage to wild trees has been extremely harmful to ecosystems and survival of wild populations... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................