Hi Im currently taking olanzapine, an anti psychotic. What effect do you think this will have on astral projection?
What is astral projection?
We don't even know.
It's impossible to say how some pharmaceutical would effect something phenomenological without first hand experience.
۩ wrote:What is astral projection? I've tried it, but it never actually worked. DMT OTOH... lol "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
olanzapine/zyprexa is nasty stuff. Why are you on it? One nice side effect is you may find you dream a lot more. If you come off it, make sure you don't have a full schedule because it will be a very difficult couple of weeks. I wouldn't recommend any current prescription mind altering drugs unless one feels they are going to die if something doesn't change. Last resort therapy.
House, ray of light, you guys are funny
One of the side effects of Olanzipane at an effective dose is in fact a gradual stop in astral projection, unfortunately.
i'm taking zyprexa too..can i ask you why are you taking it? my psychiatrist seems to hide me my ill! i ask him but he aswered me with a question or evading from my question. i took 5mg/die that seems to be a low dosage fortunatly he prescribe me zyprexa with cymbalta as well.... Tz'is aná
DiMiTriX wrote:i'm taking zyprexa too..can i ask you why are you taking it? my psychiatrist seems to hide me my ill! i ask him but he aswered me with a question or evading from my question. i took 5mg/die that seems to be a low dosage fortunatly he prescribe me zyprexa with cymbalta as well.... man, how can you be on medication you don't even know why you're taking!? That's crap. Insist your doctor at least tell you why you're on it. Cymbalta is a heavy duty anti depressant, afaik, and the zyprexa is either for anti anxiety, or anti psychosis. It's your life, you don't have to ask..... I just don't see how anyone could take medicine when the doctor won't tell you what it's for. You really trust them that much? I hope you aren't also taking spice while on these bullshit medications.
I wouldnt put something like that into my body if I did not even know what it was or why someone was prescribing it to me. If my doctor brushed me off like that it would be the last time I saw that doctor. Long live the unwoke.
he just said me that i'm deprexed but i don't think it'ds just it. anyway i'm not taking spice on them..i'll wait till i'll be out of emn Tz'is aná