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Harmala-solo experiences Options
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#1 Posted : 6/8/2011 7:56:45 PM
I wanted to start this thread to discuss peoples harmala only journies..no DMT, mushrooms or other admixtures here..I know that there are alot of people here that are into harmalas. I really really love them..in all forms..I love caapi tea, rue tea and extracted harmalas. For me harmalas are visionary and transformative psychedelics all by themselves. Lower doses bring on a calm and euphoric medative state that is sort of dreamy and empathic. Larger doses I lay down in bed and get sucked into visionary dream sequences and astral sort or journies where I seem to meet with realistic people in other places etc that often have some sort of relevance to me and my life. There is a wonderful glow that accompanies the experience afterwords..it is like being rebooted.

Claudio Naranjo did alot of work with harmaline, giving it to people as well as ibogaine and found the 2 very similar. He classified them as something like "fantacy inducing psychedelics" I think. Naranjo thought that harmaline and ibogaine were psychedelics that worked on the "gut" level of consciouness, that is the level of instinct. I find it facinating how harmalas do seem to have that effect.

Share your thoughts here on harmala only experiences..how you find them useful or not useful, are they visionary for you, healing etc..whatever.
Long live the unwoke.
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 6/8/2011 9:20:16 PM
In what doses do you take them to get these powerfull visionary journeys? I would like to experiment with it, but i don't know what levels would be safe. Could you safely take over 200 grams of caapi for instance?
#3 Posted : 6/8/2011 9:26:06 PM
I eat solo harmalas or harmala / iboga very often. About a month ago I ate 150mg extracted rue harmalas every day for almost a week, then 300 mgs. I found the 300 mg dose very strong and helpful, inducing a powerful meditative state filled with insight and producing an afterglow comparable to my best aya experiences. I find solo harmalas give me very slight nausea at times, and they act like a laxative even though I've never thrown up from harmalas alone. Neither harmalas or iboga steal my balance and I very much enjoy dancing, martial arts, and other physical activities while under the influence. They are both vasodilators and can have aphrodisiac effects.

A great experience was eating 2g iboga root bark, 150 mg harmalas, and sitting in a sauna.

I understand claudio naranjo considered ibogaine a dream inducing drug. He did a lot of interesting work with it and concluded it was safe for small nootropic doses. I didn't know he was so interested in harmalas. I would have liked to meet that guy.
#4 Posted : 6/8/2011 11:00:29 PM
Here's one of Naranjo's awesome papers on harmaline. I'll have more to say later, but in a rush.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#5 Posted : 6/8/2011 11:44:24 PM
polytrip wrote:
In what doses do you take them to get these powerfull visionary journeys? I would like to experiment with it, but i don't know what levels would be safe. Could you safely take over 200 grams of caapi for instance?

200g is alot..more than I would be willing to take at the moment..but someday..I am talking anywhere from 50g to 100g of well brewed caapi. With rue a couple grams is enough for me, and 50-100mg of rue xtals..I will write more later when I have time..
Long live the unwoke.
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#6 Posted : 6/9/2011 12:53:11 AM
I have to say I'd rather drink 150g caapi than 250mg rue alks.

I've never found rue alks visionary like caapi can. Instead it just gets to a point when harmala tracers become presented in a multi screen display that's very confusing.

I'm planning on doing a heavy caapi only brew quite soon. Heavier than I've done before. I'll post my results here Smile
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#7 Posted : 6/9/2011 3:48:22 AM
..ahh i just typed for like 15 minutes and the page clicked back and I lost my text Sad

Anyway I find rue to be just as visionary as caapi surprisingly..I used to not even want to touch rue due to all the bad stuff I heard about it. 250mg though seems like it would be alot for me..I think I would be astral traveling with that dose..same with 150g of caapi..Harmaline seems to be very powerful to me and I think rue alkaloids over all are active at lower doses than caapi alkaloids due to that harmaline content in rue. I havent gone as high with rue though as I have with caapi yet so I need to experiment more. I have only like 10 experiences with rue tea and maybe 10 with rue alkaloids in large enough doses to have visions..so not much compared to my caapi experience.

I like to take the 2 together as well..

There are differences though. Rue I find a bit more somatic than caapi, once on rue I could have sworn I ate mushrooms with how euphoric my body felt..caapi feels more of an easy or gentle teacher and very earthy, whereas rue doesnt seem to fuck around at all, but is definatily like some ancient alchemical warlord that can show you alot.
Long live the unwoke.
#8 Posted : 6/9/2011 4:31:12 AM
I've ventured on a some caapi only brews that were very strong. Oddly they were what should have been relatively low to mid level doses. Either I am very sensitive to the stuff or I got some really potent caapi. My first time with any harmala's was this caapi brew. It was a mix of 1/2 Fresh Cielo vine and 1/2 yellow. I screwed up in the decanting phase and combined them together when I was trying to have them separate to compare. But anyway I took what should have been 40g of the stuff and was totally floored. If you want to be bored with the verbose details you can check out this post:


Summary: It hit super quick within 5-10 min and rushed on. Starting with this really intense vibration of vision that felt like my head was spinning but this passed. I was extremely caapi stoned. Could barely move at all without extreme difficulty. Web like stuff in my vision around the edges that was there the whole time. With closed eyes there were lots what I would say were hypnagogic like images. For a while I was bombarded with a slide show of female faces some known, some unknown. It wasn't very colorful like tryptamine like effects. Thoughts were very altered as well and racing with ideas. I did have major nausea. For a full 4 hours starting around 30 min in I had frequent purging. Anytime I made any sort of movement I would purge. If I stayed absolutely still I could kind of hold on a little bit. I think this was partially because I didn't decant that well and probably drank some of the sludge, but I am positive that probably added to some of the intensity of the experience as well.

I later decanted the same brew further and took what should have been the same 40g dose. It was still visionary, but only one purge. Overall less intense and took longer to kick in.

All in all I very much enjoy the experiences. The intense purging on my first journey was a little distracting, but I still found it useful. Also felt great for days afterwards.
#9 Posted : 6/14/2011 2:31:52 AM
I've done harmalas-solo a few times.

Smoking 10x caapi leaf before adding spice is quite nice, bringing on a mild warm body buzzing.

A 60g caapi brew from my notes: A strong warm buzzing tingling came over my body in slow waves. CEV of flowing, whispy, smoke like rivers in the darkness behind eye lids. Slightly off balance on my feet. Significant increase in light sensitivity. No nausea but a brief sharp headache after peak.
That was a pretty nice experience and I felt great the next day.

Recently I drank a 100g brew and it was very much an ordeal!
I used way too much vinegar which made it taste horrible and took some effort to get down. At exactly 26 min after drinking the effects came on quick and strong, at least 3x as strong as the peak of the 60g brew. A very strong numbing buzz washed over my body that wasn't unpleasant. My head got very heavy with an almost drunken spinning sensation. My vision filled with a static overlay that evolved into a circular rippling wave pattern that covered everything in a grid like formation. As the experience reached the peak, points of light appeared in the grid.
At this point it was hard to even move my head without feeling nauseous. If I moved too much I had to hold still for a few seconds to regain my equilibrium. I started purging at about 40 mins in. It was awful! I puked up everything until I was puking bile and dry heaving. Each time I would take a sip of water as soon as it settled in my stomach back to the bucket I'd go!
Then I felt the shit coming! I ran up the stairs to the bathroom. As I ran everything in my vision was bouncing erratically and my walk was a very unstable twitchy stagger. I shit out everything, after the solids came the liquids just gushing out. When I thought I was done I stood up which brought on more nausea and I was bent over the toilet puking again. Then I had to shit again. This repeated a few times!
When I was finally all shit and puked out I went and laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. This brought on some really immersive dreamscape visions. And at one point I thought I opened my eyes and saw myself laying on my sofa in the livingroom until it dawned on me that I was still in bed.
The effects tapered off over the next few hours and left me feeling pretty good. And the next day I felt just great!

I've noticed each time that my stomach feels unusually good, healthy and strong the days after.

I doubt I'll do another 100g for a long time but I'm thinking about 80g with some shrooms. (just a dash of vinegar though!)

Its the MeICNU

I am only someone's imaginary Smelf posting from hyperspace.
#10 Posted : 6/14/2011 3:37:27 AM
I've only twice felt proper effects of harmalas. Both times I brewed around 25gr. of shredded caapi. Both times I felt quite strong effects. I would not have wanted to do twice that or more like some of you are doing. I think my caapi was of very good quality thou. But I really loved the effects and afterglow. Both times I was just lying in bed in a dreamlike state but awake. Very nice and relaxing. I would love to do more experiments and plan to. MAOI containing plants are regulated where I live so I can not order them on-line. But I have 250mg. of caapi extracted harmalas and recently acquired 100gr. of rue seeds so I'll be doing some more experiments soon.

I'd like to do the 250mg. caapi harmalas I have solo, but I also want to add DMT too it. I'll probably just do the harmalas alone and then experiment with rue harmalas and DMT later after I have extracted them.

But I'd love to have access to shredded caapi.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

Senior Member
#11 Posted : 6/14/2011 7:36:01 AM
Rue alcaloids alone from 300mg gets visionary for me. Visions of black and golden. it's nothing like tryptamines visiual FME, less colorful, I would type less high tek looking but more bringing back the ancient cultures. But the visuals and thought processing accompanied worth definitely to look at. There are some nausea which make it uncomfortable at time.
I have yet to experiement with strong enough caapi brew to induce visions.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#12 Posted : 6/29/2011 5:31:30 PM
I just dosed 150 mg's of what should be pure B. Caapi harmala alks, it was my first extraction using one of the teks on this site.

This is also my first time dosing any kind of harmala.

Will post again with results. I dosed it mainly just to test if the extract was effective. What kind of effects should I be expecting over the next couple hours?
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