Quote:God exists independently from the world?
yes: because he invoked it and drives it
no: because the verb "exists" cannot be applied to him, as it can be to the things of creation (only that exists which is a creation of God, therefore God does not exist)
To me, the existence of God is of a completely different kind than what we usually call existence in the material sense. I sometimes grasp God as information, an organizing principle which drives and informs the evolutionary process. There is a series of open-ups or spikes in the history of humankind where certain individuals "contact God" and see how it works. These individuals get into biologically foreordained brainstates which bring the potential God into actual manifestation in the mindspace of a human being. There is no independent existence of God, it only exists through its creation, through a possibility which was hidden by him in the world to ensure its eventual reawakening.