Hello family,
I've been wanting to share some of my music for awhile but haven't had the time to get around to it.
I even thought about offering free CD's for anyone who wanted me to send one.
but i've recently posted most of my music on my Youtube account so I can just give you the links to check it out there, which saves money and hassle.....viva la internet.
Somehow, while growing up, I learned to play a few different instruments pretty well.
I don't play in bands anymore (drama drama drama!) so I recently decided that i would start making one-man-band CD's.
my style of song writing isn't really the kind of music i would listen to in my spare time but it's good for what it is.
hopefully some of you, at least, can appreciate it.
you could call it melodic rock, i guess.
writing all the songs myself and playing all the instruments has allowed me unrestricted creative expression....not having to filter my thoughts through anyone else's ego.
no doubt most of you will pick up on the deeply entheogenic vibes that are inevitably an inseparable part of my growth and perceptions.
though i do speak in metaphor so it's not so blatant...please, read between the lines into the depths of your most far-out trips and i'm right there with you trying, however vainly, to bring back a piece of that inspiration.
my favorite song, hands down, is called "lightspeed ahead," it's a little heavier sounding than a lot of my other songs, which is kinda why i like it so much, almost Tool-like....it is about human evolution in terms of fleeing from the sinking ship of ego to freer skies of inner, soul-perception:
Lightspeed Ahead*
"samskaras" is one of my all-time favorites as well. every true seeker finds that as soon as he really "gets serious" about his personal growth, a whole slew of tendencies comes to do battle with his higher resolution to stick firmly to Truth. i don't think anyone i know has ever understood a line in here that perhaps only you guys could truly get: "latent dreams, intrigued i had dosed a rip in the fabric, entranced in colored light like a bar to a magnet...." ahhh those compulsive high-dose afternoons....
"the rapture" is always what i've humorously called an especially heavy psychedelic experience. it's like the same thing as "peaking."
it's like, "the caapi came on nice and mellow, but then after taking the acid the RAPTURE esued!"
sometimes, upon returning to ego-awareness, we are eager to relate and share the perceptions we have in peak experiences. 99 times out of 100, though, we are faced with the realization that nothing we possibly ever say in words could ever muster the bliss and perfection glimpsed in those deep moments of transpersonal ecstasy:
The Rapture*
the song "sacrament" is a blatant tribute to psychedelic cactus. peyote was the main inspiration, though naturally pedro/torch light the same path. keeping in mind that peyote are called "tracks of the little deer" by it's native people will make the symbolism easier to follow. i was inspired to write it after staring at my little peyote plants for a few weeks. i could just feel the humble, yet awe-inspiring power that they hold in them...ever ready to bless a society that is naturally belligerent towards any thought of bowing before such a humble teacher. indeed, they hold more power than the Prohibition Song and it's Legion could ever seek to muster:
"cast in the fire" is an older song of mine that i re-did for my new CD. the symbolism behind it is clarified in the last couple lines of the song, "infinity uprooted and cast in the fire..." Coming from our native state of divine perfection, we have been cast into separate ego-awareness and all of it's attending weakness and ills. in order to return permanently we must graduate or "ripen" to our highest Self, that we may fall effortlessly from the prison-tree of rebirth and bodily encasement into omnipresent infinitude....ahhhh hasten the day!!
i always like to imagine that final perfection as having that care-free bliss of MDMA but as intense and omnipresent as DMT!!
gimme that drug please!!
Cast in the Fire"Heart Ceremony" is an inspiration from a dozen or so MDA/MDMA trips with close friends. The pure love, selflessness, compassionately tender sharing and caring is unmatchable by an other class of compounds. Some travelers, seeing that MDMA lacks "intense cerebral profundity," think it to be a lesser sister to mescaline. i totally see and appreciate that point of view. but at the right time with the right people in the right setting no other molecule will suffice. MDMA/MDA undoubtedly changed the very foundation of my life's purpose, leading me towards expansion the of heart's love in daily life as a necessary pre-requisite to fully expanding the mind into the Absolute:
Heart Ceremony*
those top six songs make up my newest E.P.
these bottom four make up an older E.P. of mine.
"Dimitri".....ahh Dimitri, our old friend. this song is soo deep for me. most people take this song to just be some sort of classic love song. i had one friend (naive to psychedelia) who asked, "WHO is this song about?"....."well, no one," i said, "it's about a state of consciousness..."
this is probably the only place in the galaxy I could speak openly about what this song means to me without raising more than a few eyebrows.
for a time i was smoking DMT regularly. there was this certain fascination with just exiting the ego at will.
i mean, c'mon, you know, DMT is QUICK in it's action. like one minute you're here, the next minute you are a different being on a different planet with a different mind that beats quite a different drum than the little tin-can we call "waking consciousness."
this song
is a love song. but it's not human love at all. it's far more than that.
i feel like this impersonality is given away in the line, "i just wanted to BE....something other than 'me'...."
(what human lover wants to "BE" his beloved??? these are hardly human realities...)
it goes on to say, "sometimes i feel so enclosed and long to be in somebody other than me..."
for a time i found great release and wonder in
becoming so many different entities.
i also felt great confusion and fear, as you could have guessed, which eventually led me to gentler, slower medicines.
but i will never forget what Dimitri has done for me which is what makes me fit in here at this beautiful gathering of seekers we call Nexus...
to be honest i don't remember getting much of anything "tangible" out of those experiences, it doesn't even seem to speak the same language as what we know as "mind." still, what molecule could be more
revealing of the territory outside the confines of the mind??
"no i'm sorry, acid, put your hand down...you're not even close..."
"heart opening." anything with heart usually implies some sort of MDA-awaking for me!! i just never really FELT that place until she came, unfortunately. the lyrics are quite self-explanatory in this song.
the soul feels incredible freedom when the consciousness starts to abandon it's habituated reliance on the mind for every little undertaking. this is especially so for men who can be too one-sided in our dependence on reason alone.
the heart space is home. all else is an extension of that perfect contentment we find in Love...
Heart Opening"Ecstasy." i know i know. c'mon, these experiences were life-changing...i can't help it!!! i wanted to call this song "Molly," just to be sneaky about my meaning with it. but my friend's wife is named Molly and it's kind of an intimate song so I didn't want there to be any confusion!!!
i don't really think about the drug when i think of these experiences, i think about the state of consciousness that it manifests.
"in time we'll trace our steps back and find that love again...."
what else could be our destiny/goal but to find that awakening in our everyday lives, not just in a 4 hour experience??
Ecstasy"magnets." ever since i first laid eyes on the Power and Love that lies behind the mind i've never veered away from my search for it.
whether through botanicals or in deep meditation the Source is the same. though we all call it something different our allegiance is to the same thing: Truth, Love, Wisdom, etc.....whatever.
in comparing my deep inner experiences with all of my outward experiences i have to simply say that it's no contest as to who has my loyalty!! "it seems so inevitable because you sing so incredible..."
how could something so beautiful and infinitely awe-inspiring fail to absorb me into itself in the end through my sheer fascination of it?!?!?? whatever/whoever that light is at the end of the psychedelic tunnel will forever be the strongest magnet in my life i could fathom, drawing me ever increasingly unto itself....
i have some other acoustic stuff that maybe i'll share one day but this is the stuff i'm most proud of so i'll start with that!!!
thanks for listening to my rants always, friends.
deep love and gratitude to you all,