Through understanding the physiological aspects of the pineal glands intrasectoral nature within our sensory neural framework, we can determine how N,N-DMT governs our sensory neurology.
The Biological Function of Endogenous N,N-Dimethyltryptamine Before I begin to explain my thesis, I am going to be using a video by etereastudios that visually depicts what I am about to describe:
Note in this video that nature does not exceed 90 as a degree of direction during the creative process. within the last twenty years has demonstrated that ubiqutously throughout nature exists a compound known as N,N-DMT. Though it's function is still a question to be answered, until now.
I believe that the Pineal Gland is the link to subconsciousness, the subconcious mind, and is quite possibly the subconcious mind we've been looking to study simply and most intricately due to it's location. It is located at the intersectory point of all sensory organs within the brain. Therefore, this organ is the hub of all sensory composition and it's neurochemistry, altering itself and endogenously forming a chemical perceived to be everywhere. N,N-DMT.
It's easily concluded our Pineal Gland is amazingly hard to articulate is due to it's alkaloid distribution to the waking sensory organs in our brain. These sensory glands flood the pineal with MAO forcing the excretion of N,N-DMT throughout the sensory neural framework. Thus in order to operate through your Pineal Gland would be redirecting your sensory focus to your Pineal Gland in order to "gain" effecient control over the organ. This is done by harnessing the biological property of N,N-DMT through making it the pineal gland your primary sensory organ, temporarely. It has been proven we can train our minds to operate of minimal neuron activity without external stimulation by many religious practices around the world through means of meditation, chanting, and other methods of Pineal stimulus.
Our Pineal Gland directly dictates our consciousness by sending strong but seemingly unconcious signals of N,N-DMT to the rest of our sensory organs. It does this by packaging sensory associations from your Pineal Gland into N,N-DMT and redistributes it for decoding through your waking conciousness. This means the Pineal Gland interprets your waking sensory actions through self awareness, packages them into N,N-DMT, and you are unaware of these sensory actions until your Pineal Gland decodes or translates the molecule by sending it back into your waking concsiousness. This is why the Pineal operates off such a small amount of this compound.
It can be extrapolated that the function of The Hippocampus can be reinstated as the following:
The Hippocampus is a sensory organ that is intersecting with the Pineal Gland alongside many other similar sensory glands. It can be theorized that the Hippocampus only serves as an organ capable of triggering memory, not storing them. It would do this by:
Serving a memory TRANSMITTER
Reassmbles fractilized(N,N-DMT) fragments from all sensory areas of the brain
Sends these fractals(N,N-DMT) to the Cerebral Cortex for packaging into the Visual Cortex
Communicates with duplicate N,N-DMT cells (nice and small, tons of information!)
Endogenously distributed back to the Hippocampus
Therefore for memory to appear into your waking awareness our Pineal Gland reports fractalized neural signals from every sensory gland and packages these fractals into unique memory holdings neurons to be sent back to our Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland then instantly becomes cognizant of the information within N,N-DMT and is thought about in our waking life. With further practice we can discover many different functions of our organs once believe to only serve a linear purpose. It postulates that the Hippocampus has the ability to package and recieve DMT and utilize it to serve as what we percieve as consciousness and feeling the result of our actions through memory.