Well to give dosages on something that varies from person to persons body chemistry is a tricky task. The dosages shouldn't vary that much from compound to compound not to say they don't, however, I've had a hard time finding IC50 values for Tetra-Hydro-Harmaline. Also, I've yet to truly here of anyone ingesting pure THH, after the whole Flowing Visions 'scandal'(see the subforum dedicated to this for details). So it's quite hard to give a definitive answer

To cut the crap and conjecture, in general based on average reports 200mg's seems to be a solid dosage for any mixture of Harmine, Harmaline, or THH. Some people require less, some people prefer more. The trick here is probably to experiment yourself

. Remember pretty much everyone's extracts are going to be different, and of different purities.
Hope this helps.
It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.