I made changa for the first time a few days ago. I used 0.700 g of 10x Caapi on Spearmint leaves and 0.550 g DMT plus an additional last pull from 50 g of Mimosa (the 0.550 g of DMT was already from there).
I made the 10x Caapi before hand with IPA and it was dry as dry can be. I saturated the 20 mL Naptha in DMT and then added the Caapi. I evaporated this with a fan and after a few days there was no visible Naptha remaining. I then transferred this to a more open dish and directed a fan at it for 24 hours, mixing it up every few. The appearance did not change during this period.
It is rather sticky looking and the total weight is 2.403 g, much more than expected. It doesn't smell at all like Naptha.
I have hypothesized a few reasons for this: 1. The mint and DMT smells are covering up the Naptha smell. Likely but I don't know what to do to remedy it because I already used a fan for 24 hours. 2. My last pull yielded over 1g of DMT. Highly unlikely.
What should I do?
probabily best to use iso or acetone in the future for changa. I wouldnt use naptha, dont trust it's evaporation. Long live the unwoke.
Any idea on what I can do to remedy the naptha being trapped in the leaves?
maybe chop it all up and spread it out in front of a window for a few days? One reliable way to test if its ready, which i feel is an absolute MUST when drying out changa, is to do a smell test once you think its dry: When no hint of acetone can be smelled, i then stick the changa in a closed jar and wait for a few hours..it will evap more if some is left, but the smell is trapped and thus detected..so then screw off the lid and see if it still smells. Many times i've been surprised to find that it still does reek of acetone..but i just evap more and then repeat the test again to make sure I think if you do this you will get a huge wiff of naphtha..hopefully prolonged evapping will get rid of it all. i dunno what else you could try really good luck!
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Was there some mimosa goo, or was it all fresh and white crystal? I've found extra mimosa alks/oils tend to bulk up the weight, especially if you left that last pull sitting for a while! ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
Naptha evaporates fast and clean if you get a good brand of it. Perhaps you got a bad kind of naptha. What they said though, keep on scrapign and fiddling with it. Perhaps put your changa on a glass pane and heat it up so the dmt oils melt and turn gooey, swish it aruond some more, scrape it up again wiht a razor, swish, etc. expose to air. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
@Universe: That's a really good idea, I'll make sure to do that at the end. @Banana: I did let it sit for a while so that could be some of the weight. @Shadowman-x: This naptha has evaporated clean in the past. I can easily evap 200 mL with a fan in a few hours.
I guess I'll just leave a fan on it for about a week, messing around with it a few times a day or so.
Thanks for the help.
You could always Put it in some IPA or ever clear then slowly heat evap all spread out on foil in a food dehydrator. Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration. Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/