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coldwar-2 Options
Senior Member
#1 Posted : 8/16/2008 3:41:10 PM
This russian agression really pisses me off. It seems as if W really set the tone for this new century with this war-hobby-projects of him.
The world, especially the western world has not realy become a safer place. We all would have been far better of if the leaders of the western world would have spend more time building friendships instead of flexing muscles all the time. Both putin (who still seems to be in charge) and W are evil sick minds and their ideologies are both a form of national-socialism by the book. While in america, as in the rest of the western world at least you can be critical, it more and more starts to look things are going realy, realy wrong in russia.
It has violated polish, brittish, norwegian, ukrainian, german, swedish and japanese airspace repeatedly, thrown a bomb randomly in a field somewhere in georgia, way before all last weeks shit was going on. It organised cyber attacks on estonia and georgia, again weeks before last week. This week it some general threatened to throw an atomic bomb on poland and to occupy ukrain. It's secret police organized terror attacks in moscow to gain support for the war in tsjechnia and it assasinated a former agent of them in london with this polonium-210, conteminating others as well. Racist murders are increasing, while journalists and politicians who are critical towards the regime are murdered as well or they dissapear or sent to prison for many years in false trials. In speeches Putin constantly makes sugestions as if the western world would want war with russia or would want to destroy the nation. It seeks to interfere with internal busineses of former soviet states, like when in estonia the government wanted to move a statue of a soviet soldier from a central square to an out of town cemetery, and it rated this as an act of hostillity towards russia. It suddenly claimed half of the north pole to be russian territory. And i could go on like this for about an hour or longer. Things are not going well over there.
#2 Posted : 9/1/2008 4:38:13 AM
Estonia? Now I'm pissed.

What the fuck did estonia ever do to anyone?

apart from host Eurovision [for which we all shall burn..]

jokes aside...russia hasnt done anything that the British or US government havent done in the last few decades.

I know its bad. But if you think Putin and modern Russia sucks you should go look at the old Russian history.
Nearly all modern nations have inherited a legacy of absolutely fucked up things.
Fuck them all.
Onwards and upwards
"am SWIM human? am SWIM alien? am SWIM even WHAT?!"
Senior Member
#3 Posted : 9/1/2008 1:31:39 PM
Wich is why i blamed W for setting the tone. The thing is that russia really begins to look like germany in the 1930's.
I know that russia had more legitimate reasons for invading georgia, then the U.S. and the U.K. had for invading irak. If we in the west are getting a bit scared, then now we know how arabs often must feel about the west.
But stil...why are there so many world leaders who like to see warfare as something heroïc?
#4 Posted : 9/1/2008 7:49:51 PM
NO SH--, POLTRIP!Oh the pain to have to live in the USA!it could be worse - much worse in some places. In Russia you cannot get rid of (RAS?) PUTIN. (sorry, Rasputin I could not resist a good pun)
ONE GOOD THING: Bush has screwed up SO BAD I think he and many of his cronies(along with the evil they wrought) are bow already consigned to the history books.
It had to be really bad to jolt the numbed public here into to total disgust, and even much SHAME for our beautiful country and the squandering of our our ideals - not to mention the blood and arms and legs and minds of our youngest, least educated and poorest citizens. What a disgrace and waste.
Abraham Lincoln etal did not work so hard to have GW Bush and the gangsters he rode into town with ruin it all forever.
We will return to our roots mark my words - the too long disenfranchised along with MILLIONS OF YOUNG VOTERS are say NO WAR WAY NO HOW NO IMPERIALISM NO MCCAIN :evil:

- Though I'm very sad that MS. Hillary Rodham Clinton will not our the next President most anyone will be better than Bush and the war criminal RNC Party. Barack Obama is an idealist willing to take them on!They're NOT succeeding in slamming him into the ground for that YET, but it is not a sure thing that he will win the job here.PLEASE pass the word, this is not just for the sake of Americans! Think GLOBAL warming. Think No More War. We all would better off with any DEM than REPUB,in power over here IMHO. They have a long history of tolerance and protecting civil rights, at least!Even though most of them are just your average assh-le bureaucrats like you find all over the world, covering their own butts.
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- Frank Herbert, Dune
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