I'm going to write this as I feel it, if it makes little sense, GOOD!
Step one two, let the music seep in. What's that sound? That's you, making a racket, be quiet.
You're telling me to shut up? Who are you to- SHHHHHHut your mouth.
Why don't you use quotes to explain who is speaking? Maybe make some names to make this easy to follow?
You're asking me to give names to things now eh sunshine? I can't simplify this. This is sound without noise, conceive of it or you know where the door is. The door is locked by the way, you'll have to kill yourself to get a key. I gave you a key for just coming in, like that old arcade game with the end of level quote, which also made no sense whatsoever.
So where is this going, what's your point?
There is no point.
No. There is no 'wtf'.
Oh I see what you're doing, this is one of those drug things isn't it? Or you think you've got it all figured out and now you're being all deep and confusing and....
And what? I don't have all the answers.
And nor do you folks, but you do enjoy working it all out eh? Perhaps sometimes you don't enjoy figuring it out. Perhaps sometimes it's a struggle.
This guy has lost his marbles!
Yeah, lost a few of em. I dug them up in my garden, then I lost those too, I've lost so many things. I've found so many things. I love so many people, and I get all soft, then I go all rigid. I'm a non Newtonian compound.
Sometimes I go all dual and double up and double up on doubling up, multiplying what I mean a million and more times to the point I can't even make sense of what I'm saying.
Then it all makes sense. Perfect nonsense.
Perfect, beautiful, endless, warm fuzzy laughing nonsense.
And when you understand that, you're being hugged by me, who is, incidentally, you, by the way. You are even 'by the way' and ON the way. What the hell is 'the way'.
Just what are you talking about!?
Yes. I am.
Yes! 'what' indeed. The very nature of the question. Up the walls of the tunnel above your head there is a ladder of questions and answers, you and every version of you is climbing it with you, some of them are aware, others not. Some are climbing DOWN the ladder, look out, that guys about to stand on your head and knock you off! That guy woke up.
'That guy' realized this tunnel is absolute BS. Then He jumped off the ladder but he didn't fall, or fly, or SWIM (he is me whether someone who IS me knows it or not). Now he just IS. And that's ok.
He's gonna sound crazy, but that's ok.
He's gonna meet challenges, but that's ok.
He is a she, and a he/she, and a chimpanzee, and a tube of toothpaste, but that's ok, they'll know too, someday.
It's all ok.
The rest is questions. questions questions questions.
But there's a way, and that's ok.
I thank you.
Art Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.