nahhhhhh I'll reorganize this and put a better one up. It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.
Activated Carbon Cleaning does naht work It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.
Solubility Tests: solubibility It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.
Great and inclusive work Mydriasis!
I wonder also if microwaves have their place in Peganum harmala extraction, they have been used in piperine from pepper extraction. One could try either microwaving the seeds before the extraction or heating via microwave when the seeds are added in the water. From what i see in the literature microwave extraction might be able to exaust the material of actives quicker!
no clue It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.
Quote:Or, once some TLC is done(if the uterotoxic compounds even show up) I will select solvents that do not pull them. So one could add base to the concentrated harmaloid solution then a solvent. Similar to an STB mimosa extraction. This would be huge! Do you know what these selective solvents are? L "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
:evil: It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.
Thanks for working on the idea Mydriasis! Hmmm, seems microwave extraction is *quite* efficient given the short time of exposure to it: four minutes total boiling time! Also, if i grasp correctly you do two "boiling" runs on each right? Im thinking maybe in the future i will employ microwave + pressure cooker, first microwaving it and then subjecting it to pressure cooking. I wonder also if treating the seeds without solvent could have any effect on the extraction. Another thought i have is propably shorter but more bursts in the micro for example 1 minute bursts x 5.
The base lysis was also quite interesting. I wonder if filtering can become easier if one uses whole seeds , of course here one has the question if the seeds can be thoroughly exausted. Maybe one could prewet the seeds and freeze-thaw cycle them couple of times.
Still, in the light of the above, pressure cooking seems to work very nicely so thats a thing to note.
On the other issue, i am very interested to look at the solubility data you might accumulate. If possible , the ones that seem not to dissolve harmala alkaloids (you will try only free bases?) try heating them. If it dissolves, then this could be a way of furtherly purifying harmalas by dissolving with the aid of heat, quickly filtering and... let the harmalas fall out of solution.
On the activated carbon issue : is the heat necessary? If not, try stirring activated carbon in a room temperature solution of harmalas. I have also thought of incorporating activated carbon in the coarse filtering : before any fine filtering is done , many people stuff a funnel with cotton balls as a first filter than can capture quite a lot of "mud". I thought an interesting idea would be to put a small cotton ball in the funnel, fill some space with activated carbon and stuff another cotton ball on top. Another idea of course would be redissolving your harmala freebase in acidic water (to make them go in solution) and filter it the proposed way.
Just throwing ideas out, you never know when one will find them useful!
Great work, once more!
You might also be interested in the file i am attaching concerning DIY silica plates. Also, i think its important you are doing your tests "at home" with easy to acquire solvents. While "harder to find for the layman" solvents could propably do a better job and give you ...fancier results, i think to the people without access in a lab it would only mean they would clap or say "wow" -apart from that for them the procedure would be nothing more than eye candy. Bringing it "home" has its advantages...
:evil: It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.
does not work It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.
Everything Ok mydriasis? What happened? Will you upload a revised version of your experiments?
He announced in chat last night that after midnight he would be gone forever... He'll be missed. JBArk JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
I was there. He did stay past his stated departure time of Midnight. People tried not to press him too much. Hexagon۩ played/mixed fantastic music for the room. When the music was over he seemed more cheerful. I truly hope this is just a break. He is a fantastic thread in the web that is Nexus and webs are not the same, not nearly as strong/coherent/elegant when even a single strand/thread is removed. I and others have required breaks. Sometimes it is better for us to ban ourselves than to let things get to the point of being formally banned. I do not know what was up, but he is a very smart guy and seemed to feel a break would be personally helpful. I already miss you Mydriasis. I hope you take the time you need and find what you are looking for you. This place loves you and sees you as a kindrid soul. I am positive of this. Peace "But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU