A reoccuring Dream character told me he has used a particulairly effective and simple STV method to pull spice from MHRB rootbark powder.
His very first extraction got him a very good yield of yellow, amber/red, slightly brown waxy spice. Well over 1% of the Mimosa's weight.
This spice was incredibly potent, speedy, visual and immersive.
This Dreamcharacter said that vaporising a flake the size of a Cannabis seed
would be more than enough to produce a defenite breakthrough far beyond physical reality in him and about all of the friends he shared it with.
A flake of such a size(of this yellow, waxy stuff)would probably be considered a dose to induce an Ego shredding experience of being blasted out
ones Body with incredible force, then of drowning in Visions for possibly 15 minutes.
Here's a Quick explanation of the Extraction procedure the Dream character used to extract this potent, amber, waxy spice:
Quote:1-Mix (powdered) MHRB with enough water to make a barely pourable, muddy sludge and pour it into bottle A to fill it for about 3/4th.
2-Premix water with Lye(NaOh) to make a very basic solution in bottle B. Adding Lye until water saturates and can dissolve no more.
3-Add Lye water Solution to Bottle A to fill up allmost completely. Leave about 8 cm air till the top. Mix properly. Allow it time to react.
4-Add a small layer of Diethyl Ether to bottle A to fill it up to the top. Leave a small bit 1 cm air till the top. Mix properly. Allow it time to settle.
5-When the Diethyl Ether had risen up and formed a clear top-layer again, separate the Top layer by sucking it up with a Turkey Baster and depositing it
into a wlass, wide mouth jar. Make sure to remove as much of the toplayer from Bottle A as possible without sucking up impurities.
6-New, fresh Diethyl Ether is used to Repeat step 4 & 5, each time depositing the Spice-rich Diethyl Ether into the same widemouth jar.
7-The Diethyl Ether is allowed to evaporise out, leaving a Yellow/Amber-red/Brown, waxy/granulair extract that is incredibly potent.
The DreamCharacter told me that sometime after this extraction he performed another extraction, according to the same STB method he used before.
Only difference was that this time he used Petroleum Ether instead of Diethyl Ether. The result was a very fine, very pure, slightly offwhite
crystaline powder. When he tried vaporising it he noticed it defenitely had a spice-character, but was ALOT less potent, less visual and less immersive.
It was much smoother, really nice, defenitely ego-dissolving, but seemed rather weak compaired to the extremely vivid, immersive, spiritual journeys he
experienced from vaporising the waxy, yellow spice from his 1st extraction.
Because the Dream character much prefered the potent yellow wax decided to perform a 3d extraction, this time using Diethyl Ether again.
Still using the same old STB-method as before, he ran into a problem after step 4. Somehow the layers would just not seperate.
He gave up on the extraction.
He wants to know what might have gone wrong in his 3d extraction. Does anyone know?
The Dream character wants to perfect this simple STB-method and, since there are many people with deeper understanding of chemistry and extractions,
wonders if anyone here can help him with that.