ok, so I tried to convert my caapi fb alks, that I had extracted via the gibran1 tek using FASA as Trav suggests but they refused to react, refused to dissolve or do anything. It was like stirring sand in water.
so I decanted and let evaporate. tested the brown powder to see if it would dissolve in water, and no it would not. so I still had fb alks.
Then I suspended them in water and began adding fumaric acid saturated water. Still nothing. Finally I threw my hands in the air and poured the mixture into a pot and heated. Now the magic began to happen. It looked really interesting, as white organism like webs seemed to form around the clumps of brown harmala stuff, and began eating it away. Finally it all dissolved except for some impurities that seemed to have been left in my extract.
I filtered and let the water evap in a double boiler and got a brown crystally powder (see attachment). I washed this with acetone to get rid of the excess fumaric acid. Weight seems about right - from 0.5g to 0.6g (scale was not terribly exact and I did have some loss due to impurities).
My conclusion is, heat might help... perhaps hot acetone would have done the job as well? dunno why the acetone didn't do it in the first place, it worked perfectly with rue extract...
Gonna try 80mg tonight

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(868kb) downloaded 342 time(s).Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
mushroom-grow-help :::
energy conserving caapi extraction