So the carrier wave is a term borrowed from the telecommunications field:
"In telecommunication, the term carrier (cxr) or carrier wave has the following meanings:
- A waveform suitable for modulation by an information-bearing signal.
- An unmodulated emission. Note: The carrier is usually a sinusoidal wave or a uniform or predictable series of pulses. Synonym: carrier wave.
- Sometimes employed as a synonym for a carrier system, or a synonym for a telecommunications provider company (operator), such as a common carrier."
Source: Federal Standard 1037C and MIL-STD-188
It is often referred to in Nexus posts, trip reports and in general discussions here and elsewhere, but we have no wiki definition (at least when "carrier wave" is searched) and in the posts I have researched I can find neither a clear definition nor an audio example or reference. I think I know what it sounds like, but it might be useful to arrive at a definition and post examples we find.
Here are two:
Shulman - avant garden at 27 secs to 35 seconds. with this one, you need to listen carefully and turn up the volume - it is embedded in the layers.
walter ego - purple pygmies, an early Simon Posford project. See beginning until about 2 minutes and 6:56 to 7:15 (the sound carries on throughout, but is most distinguishable at these 2 points).
These are both eerily familiar sounds/echoes/reverberations that I have experienced with DMT and also, surprisingly, with Nitrous Oxide.
Sound familiar to anyone? Anyone care to attempt a definition (from the rational to the wacky appreciated!)? Any other examples?
JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.