A few month ago SWIM participated in an Ayahuasca ceremony and he thought he could share this amazing experience here because he didn't get to talk too much about it as that's not the main topic in this mundane world.
"Evening of August 2nd, he arrived anxious about the experience, it is about 8pm. After a few chats, checkings in and protocoles, they are all sitting in this relaxing room sharing their intentions for the night; SWIM's out of a trembling voice is: "... after years of destructive patterns I found this healing path and in the process I would like to reconnect with my heart to go forward..."
And the drinking starts, when the cup is given to him he doesn't want to wait as he heard Ayahuasca is awfully bitter... In one go he actually discover a sweetness quite pleasurable and a familiar taste.
Back on his cushion the usual pattern of the mind starts to pull him in a state of doubts and fears especially when he hears the guide going out, he chooses to trust and experience what She wants to show him.
Within what he suspects to be half an hour he is taken by surprise where everything known collapses. he feels lost and at first he compares it to a LSD trip as a kind of kaleidoscopic vision arises and... the brightest colors appears from the darkness or mixe together or maybe that's beyound colors and visions because he can close his eyes and there is no differences, he sees with something else than his physical eyes. he finds himself, maybe his consciousness, in a place where he doesn't know anymore where, when, who he is, he is only witnessing this spectacular beauty.
His mind or what is left of it try to analyse or explain but words are no more, there is no sense no sanity. he can feel some concept like time, work, body, mind, Ayahuasca ceremonie, everyday life but there are out of reach, absurd, useless where everything is so in tune and balance like here! he laughs, moanes, and the sound of his voice is interacting with everything, or out of all this stuff is coming an information, a command on his laughing, that's really pleasurable. All is vibration and seems to be one melodie, one frequency, one pattern; this huge landscape is made of the same substance, essence: everything collapse on itself and creates at the same time, with the same energy the action of eating becomes vomiting and eating... with this particular sound, it is like something bubbling or disolving into acid or even an effervescent medecine but more melodic.
All monitoring per vibration, evrything is vibrational and exstatic, he can feel waves of pleasure, he feels so blessed and safe, he cries and laughs at the same time. His voice, or what he assumes is, creates and is created at ones and enrolls him in this safe place.
And people around start to purge, vomit with sounds right from another worlds, from another species, he feels at first scared and agressed from this pain and sound of helplessness but at the same time he feels compassionate and try to send them love and wish them to feel better, to come with him.
The guide as he recognises him, starts to sing Icaros and it takes SWIM deeper in this fantastic dimension, he is surrouded by waterfall-like of vibrational substance, hills and mountains, everything holding itself and moving like a snake, like a fluid.
Sounds are coming toward him, he feels they are words, he has to reconsider the concept of words, he can't understand them as the dictionnary of his mind is shut, it sounds familiar but absurd... he knows this sound but what is it? His name! he has got a name and somebody is calling him, fragments of his being are coming back to him, his daily life, his link with people, mind patterns, feelings, Ayahuasca ceremony, room, body... movement! he has to move, something is wrong? He gets back his motion knowledges and crawl toward the red light coming toward him which let him see the familiar form of the room but made of this living substance, the two concepts are superposed on each other; the only thing he can think of to compare is a "Matrix vision" but more colorfull and vivid, all is linked, there is no void!
He fights to take over his "body" and moves toward this red light, he has to reconsider the simple act of crawling and understanding language. He does his best and assume he has to stay sit down where he is while the guide sings, blow and do his work on him. He feels his hands dancing, see colorfull visions, it's like he is in a far away country as thoughts of jungle arise in him. The guide asks him to join his hands and take them in his, this sensation is so delightfull, sensing their hands melting on another one mixed with his blowing give him a rare pleasure, a feeling to be home.
SWIM is sent back to his couch but have lost again the track of time, space and events... He finally finds it after a struggle to reassemble his casual cognitive system. He is so high, so out of space!
More Icaros are sung and most of the time SWIM feels like he sings them himself, like he has got the ability to create them by will, and at the same time they create him and his will, they are the structure of the whole, the guidance... Everything is so linked...
More purge for people around, he moves and found the best position ever, again...
Touching his hair or skin is delightfull, yorning or even breathing too. When he touches his skin or hair he feels like ripples are created on his wavy body; is that the sensory system affected or he can feel on another level of vibrational frequency?
He recognise a friend's voice singing and he can feel so much love emanating from her, from his heart. He send her love ...
After a while he comes down and the vivid visions weakened, he still can see this structural substance though which seems to form everything, to be everything, but only when some light comes up from a candle or a torch.
A while of dreaming and ecstasy later he is thinking more and more and people aroud him are still sick and really high, so he decides to move and to give a go for outside. His balance as expected is weak, he feels like during one of his biggest mushroom trip, kaleidoscopic visions from the corner of the eyes and light sublimed.
His friend asks him how he feels, despite his efforts he must be ununderstandable, they'll talk in the morning. The sky is fantastic, only a few stars but a light comes down torning the sky apart which gives an alien atmosphere to the scene... He is at peace and so quiet; on his way inside he exchanges a few words with O.... who seems so in fear and pain.
He is back on his cushion and feel so alone as a lot of people are still high; he feels so ridiculous as jalousy arises in him, should he ask for more? He is quite tired now, He is going to sleep. He feels so desapointed to be again the "thinking" SWIM and be cut of this source of bliss.
Awaken by the candles, very brutal for him! The guide resumes the night, he sounds exhausted, some people share their experience, SWIM would like to in a way but he is too out of words and expression. His friend giggles, he is back to sleep.
In the morning he is very tired and very sharp at the same time, the first thought: was all of that only a dream, the all time? It takes him a while to reassemble everything from the night, details, feelings and understandings. No it was not a dream, he doesn't know what it was but for sure it was not a dream, he experienced something out of his explaination. Of course his mind try to rationalise or find an explanation, but he knows that's out of reach.
He feels he is not finished, that was only a small insight, he is not done with Mamasita AYAHUASCA. She has been very gentle with him for his first time, he doesn't take it for ganted but is so gratefull for that. He doesn't know if that means She likes him...AHAH AHAH AH!!!....(egoistic joke...) but he loves her.
See you soon Mama and thank you for this blissfull insight."
Thank you guys for reading if you went through till here, sorry if it's a bit long and not so clear. That's about it for now!
None of this is really happening, SWIM's mind is so sick and bored than it has to invent all sorts of "abracadabrantesques" stories...