I recently acquired a small amount for testing different ways of smoking and this is what worked FOR ME!!! this in no way means that it will work for others as my best friend didn't agree with me at all.
1. SMOKE BUBBLE( kind of like eagle bill)
For me this pretty much didn't work at all it burned the dmt instead of vaping wich made it taste horrible en have very little to no effects (even at 80+ mg) I tried many different lighters and timing of inhalation but it seems the glass is just too thick to properly vape enough at once. After the testing the smoke bubble went in the trash.
This actually worked great and still is the most enjoyable way to smoke for me. It takes about 200 mg to do the trick right so really inefficient , but i actually found the perfect amount with a pretty good control over how much u use. And the bonus: If you practice with this method i found that if you use just enough to stay on your feet (when initially exhaled your will feel your body being pulled to the ground) you can interact with the visuals and sounds like it's some sort of game. Yesterday i went outside with a stickey (short joint wich to me seemed more logical then a full lenght one because of the amount of dmt to tabacco) and smoked it. Right after exhaling i would move my body in weird motions and make ridiculous sounds wich made the visuals and sounds that where there react . When you move and suddenly freeze or point at something or even just shake your head the reaction is so much fun and it really seems like you're playing with someone or even more then one "entity" . You don't actually see them but the presence is definetely there. I higly recommend trying this method as it is just great fun.
I used a small bong for this, took out the pipe that goes in the water en stuffed the hole that it was in with a metal sponge(dont know the name but is used in the machine ). Sprinkeled about 60 mg on it and melted it into the steel wool (ah thats it
)turned it upside down and put the flame about 2 cm below the wool to vape . With my finger on the "klapgat" sucked in all the vapor , took my finger off and wow. There was hardly any flavour ( or any unsavory flavour at least) and no irritation on my lungs whatsoever. This sucks i thought when i held it in, this is even worse then the bublle .Right about that time my hand turned into what seemed like a treefrog hand and weird sounds took me away from anything remotely resembling the real world . I don't know if was an actual breakthrough because there weren't really other entity's but there where a lot of freaky faces in big coloms everywere that seemed to have every caracter you can imagine all at once . Kind of like a caleidoscope(spellcheck haha) but with freaky elflike faces that seemed to be mostly green white and black wich was kind of cool since white has never really been there before in any other trip. This was extremely nice to me although i did get the Fear a little but thats seems to be in a lot of peoples trip so i didn't let it bother me . Apart from the faces i can't really remember much except for that it was great, just great. When the world came back to me i still had a weird kind off body load wich was also present in the other trips and kind of nice to come down with a familiar feeling. Only thing that bothered me is that i am very aware of my breathing or not breathing when i come down. Definetely the sickest most profound experience i have had in my life. But in a less fun way then the joint because this is an experience and with the joint it's an interaction. Both great in different ways.
I will probably try the ash dmt ash way and some herbs to add in my pure pipe soon but i want to make a pipe perfect for this and am still working on what it would actually have to be able to do ( swim's really good with glass and all swim's glassware is homemade) so it will take a while but untill then ..... enjoy ... well ..... everything!
And then there was.... or wasn't?