Felnik wrote:
It keeps happening to me . I have developed what appears to be a way to consistently connect with a very specific kind of alien entity or alien consciousness of some kind.
Its a red colored 3dimensional entity of sorts that wraps itself around my mind in the most gentle way.
It appears as a somewhat transparent pattern of light. it seems to be made of light . today it was slightly different than the usual ones.
it was just ONE thing joining with my mind. Each time this happens I ask questions, it doesn't seem to be able to answer me. It seems to me to be some kind of sentient intelligent unit of some with the specific task of locating conscious life forms that enter hyperspace.
As my union with this thing faded I was left repeating the word: "Wow " over and over with a giant smile on my face.
its just so amazing I don't even know what to do with it sometimes.
Once again it was just ME and this thing joined togethor. These things are very curious and seem to float over me observing and gently scanning my mind.
I think its possible that these intelligences answer to something else. I have begun to see a pattern.
Once these things show up there is a next level of engagement that can occur.
Its hard to explain but I have been hit with the total WAMMY ray in the midst of engaging these things. Its a shocking experience of total electrical energy that shoots through my body and a total shift in awareness takes place. I am given the ability to see with my mind and experience a higher advanced level of consciouness. Today I realized there is a connection between these light entities and this higher level experience.
Once again something very specific is happening to me.
I'm curious of anyone else is envolved in a specific repeatable experience.
Many of my breakthrough experiences begin with the appearance of a cloud-like or smoke-like form filling my entire visual field. This form constantly expands and moves toward me. As it gets closer, I see that it is incredibly detailed and I begin to sense its intelligence. I’m not sure if these forms are what some call the chrysanthemum (they don’t have a symmetrical or geometric appearance), but they seem to serve the same purpose – ushering one to the other side.
These breakthrough “cloud beings” come in different colors, and often (but not always) the color foreshadows the mood of experience that will follow:
A red cloud seems to me the most “loving” formation. When it finally reaches me, it “connects” – it passes through me and into me. There is a euphoric feeling of merging with it. Once the merge is complete, a deep breakthrough experience ensues.
An orange cloud is not loving. It is forceful and emotionally neutral, and marks the beginning of a very deep, often difficult experience. As soon as I see the orange entity, I feel fear and apprehension – I think “Oh no, what have I done? I’ve smoked too much!” – and then I try to settle in.
A blue/grey cloud is the “entity of annihilation”. As this entity approaches me and makes contact, I feel myself being literally crushed out of existence. It is death – a slow fading away of self, of everything. Facing this entity requires all the letting go and tranquil acceptance I can muster. After an indefinite period of unconsciousness, I suddenly find my “self” in a strange new immaterial realm. It is only toward the end of the experience that I begin to remember that I was a person.
Anyhow, these entities do seem to have fairly specific, repeatable behaviors, and they do seem to serve a specific purpose – they form a connection and prepare me for whatever it is that follows.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.