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is there a plant with a large amount of maoa? Options
#1 Posted : 6/16/2008 1:56:25 AM
monamine oxidase? it'd be interesting if there was, maybe if someone was having a bad trip they could eat that plant and it would break down a lot of the psychedelic in their brain and they could come down significantly.

of course, that could be dangerous, since maoa will break down your seratonin as well.
#2 Posted : 6/16/2008 4:02:41 AM
that sounds more dangerous than good. and finding mao-b would be more practical as it breaks down only phenethylamine, of course it wouldn't work with tryptamines.. too much mao-a or mao-b can lead to MAO dysfunction which causes "depression, substance abuse, attention deficit disorder, and irregular sexual maturation." swim would rather ride out a bad trip than potentially ending up with longterm problems...
#3 Posted : 6/16/2008 6:07:04 AM
wouldn't anti-pyschotics like thorazine be effective for ending a trip? according to good ole burroughs sedatives, anti-histamines are effective as well.
Extreme Chemical expertChemical expertSenior Member
#4 Posted : 6/16/2008 8:50:28 AM
monoamine oxidase is an enzyme. odds are if you ate it it will be destroyed in your stomach and would certainly never get to your brain. you already have monoamine oxidase in your brain so there is no need to take more of it.

wouldn't anti-pyschotics like thorazine be effective for ending a trip? according to good ole burroughs sedatives, anti-histamines are effective as wel

they are better alternatives.

although i also feel one should ride it out. bad trips are learning experiences too.
#5 Posted : 6/16/2008 11:56:31 PM
holy shit

i can't imagine someone saying that

a bad trip is a bad trip, once your having the bad trip, your going to learn

might as well come out of it

i can't imagine a bad trip being anything someone is able to 'stand'

in that case to me it's not a really bad trip

in any case, what's the best alternative?

i never heard of an anti-histamine ending a trip

since when???/
#6 Posted : 6/17/2008 12:33:36 AM
it has to do with the extent of the bad trip. there are standable bad trips and others that feel like hell. but as with other situations, its good to have an escape route. and swim would definately reccomend not considering that escape route unless you are truly in danger. not pyschological stuff but real physical dilemmas. for example, if you're blood pressure is way too high or you're on the verg of a heart attack, one should take easiest way out. and yes, most of the time these scenarios are not likely, but its best not to rule them out especially when trying something new.. but in these extreme cases its not simply a preference to end a trip but a neccesity; your life may depend on it. Otherwise, its probably better for your overall pysche to deal with a bad trip if its not life threatening. try your best to intergrate it.

as for anti-histamines.. from what SWIM gathers they are (perhaps were) used to end pyschotic episodes, not even sure if they would be applicable to chemical-induced experiences... perhaps to an extent. don't know anything about dose but its probably higher than say for allergies. although dangerous in itself theres a definite logic and theory to this application, swim has heard it before but doesn't remember it now.
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