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JWH/DMT? Options
Ellis D'Empty
#1 Posted : 9/22/2010 7:16:44 AM
Ok I know a lot of people are gonna go "it's the same as weed"... well it's not.

jwh-073 is a chemical which as I understand affects the same receptors as weed, and although the effects are similar, there is a distinct difference. There is a more... psychodelic? sort of feel (when you smoke the chemical not that crap you buy from head shops) thats not exactly in weed (could be because my weed tolerance is out the roof).

This is jwh-073 not jwh-018 mind you. I dunno if theres a big difference or what not, but they are different.

I was thinking on making a jwh-073/dmt changa.... wondering if anyone MIGHT have done this before? I doubt it, but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask xD

It's def. going to be something I'm gonna try and report (but that won't be for a while because of circumstances at the moment)
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
Strange Gray Static Mayan Pattern
#2 Posted : 9/22/2010 10:14:15 AM
Both JWH-018 and JWH-073 will take some good 10 minutes to really kick in, so I don't think they're great for an enhanced leaf combination.

If you want to to do both at the same time, just smoke JWH first, wait for the effects, then hit the spice.

BTW, I find JWH effects quite unpredictable in intensity (specially JWH-018 ); I wouldn't be comfortable smoking JWHs and DMT at the same time.
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Comments by SGSMP are fantastic fabrications.
Ellis D'Empty
#3 Posted : 9/22/2010 10:49:09 AM
yea i didnt think of that until after i posted Razz

maybe for changa like the effects will hit you and calm you down more... i dunno Razz
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
#4 Posted : 9/22/2010 4:55:29 PM
SWIM found the combination of 018 and DMT extremely nasty. It was an occasion that he had anything else that could serve as a "bed" for spice. So SWIM put a small amount of 018 infused herbs in the pipe, and put the DMT on top of the "bed".

It seemed SWIM heart would go out through his mouth with a very acute pain. His stomach has also suffered so much that SWIM thought he was going to throw up. It was in the middle of the DMT hallucination and SWIM thought he was going to die. But suddenly everything stopped and SWIM could embark on the DMT trip as if nothing had happened. Still, it was a weird trip. He felt drunk, confused and lost. In the end he could not remember much of the experience, even the chest pain was forgotten. Only in the second or third time SWIM tried this combination is that it was clear how bad it was for him and he was able to recall the painful sensations from the previous tries.

If you want to insist on this path, I recommend you do a small test before making a large amount of changa.

Edit: minor typo.
You have to be in Hell to see Heaven - W. Burroughs

Ubu is a surreal personage. Everything he does is pure fiction. Everything he says is pure nonsense.
#5 Posted : 9/22/2010 5:03:29 PM
Kevyn The Khem wrote:
Ok I know a lot of people are gonna go "it's the same as weed"... well it's not.

jwh-073 is a chemical which as I understand affects the same receptors as weed, and although the effects are similar, there is a distinct difference. There is a more... psychodelic? sort of feel (when you smoke the chemical not that crap you buy from head shops) thats not exactly in weed (could be because my weed tolerance is out the roof).

This is jwh-073 not jwh-018 mind you. I dunno if theres a big difference or what not, but they are different.

I was thinking on making a jwh-073/dmt changa.... wondering if anyone MIGHT have done this before? I doubt it, but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask xD

It's def. going to be something I'm gonna try and report (but that won't be for a while because of circumstances at the moment)

I have tried this combo with several JWH's, including 073. JWH-073 is definitely the best for this combo by a long shot. If you're going to do it, use 073 for sure. It also kicks in quicker than 018 and allows you to think more clearly than with 018. HOWEVER, I have read somewhere that JWH is a CNS depressant, unlike cannabis, and in my opinion the JWH severaly restricted my ability to comprehend the trip and ime actually decreased the effects substantially. Don't get me wrong, it was quite enjoyable but I felt like it took away from the DMT more than adding to it. I had trouble breaking through with this combo but had very enjoyable sub-breakthroughs with it. Now I only blastoff sober.
Mind you, cannabis has a very different effect on the experience than JWH, and 073 has a very different effect than 018, 250, etc. Please do report back as I am interested to know what others think about this combo.
All post are made by SWIM. I am not SWIM.
#6 Posted : 9/22/2010 5:06:08 PM
I would say be very very careful.. Although all the JWH's have subtle differences, they're all still full agonists at CB1 and CB2 Cannabinoid receptor sites, making them very potent, and as many people would say, uncomfortable.
Embrace this moment, remember: We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#7 Posted : 9/22/2010 5:21:19 PM
Kevyn The Khem wrote:
Ok I know a lot of people are gonna go "it's the same as weed"...

Actually, if you read through the numerous threads on JWH and other research chems, you'll find that the vast majority of users here are not only completely aware of the differences, but are completely up to date on the research being done as to whether or not the JWH compounds metabolize into potentially carcinogenic substances. You'll also find plenty of members cautioning those who are unaware of what exactly JWH (and herbal smoking blends) are, against using it like cannabis and plenty of referenced articles. I would caution you against making such assumptions about this community as, imo, the vast majority of members here are much better informed than those on other drug forums. I don't mean this to be an elitist statement, imo, it's just apparent; simply compare the quality/types of discussions here against those at other drug forums.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#8 Posted : 9/22/2010 6:13:01 PM
Strange Gray Static Mayan Pattern wrote:
Both JWH-018 and JWH-073 will take some good 10 minutes to really kick in, so I don't think they're great for an enhanced leaf combination.

Could this not potentially be a positive thing? Perhaps not for enchancing or colouring the experience itself but allowing an easier integration of it?
Anything Cheop posts is of a fictional nature
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#9 Posted : 9/22/2010 6:29:39 PM
Cheop wrote:
Strange Gray Static Mayan Pattern wrote:
Both JWH-018 and JWH-073 will take some good 10 minutes to really kick in, so I don't think they're great for an enhanced leaf combination.

Could this not potentially be a positive thing? Perhaps not for enchancing or colouring the experience itself but allowing an easier integration of it?

Substances won't make integration easier, ime. That's a task that rests with the individual and in all honesty, imo, is best left to the unaltered mind. Searching for an easier route to integration through substances seems to defeat the purpose (at least somewhat) of engaging these medicines.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#10 Posted : 9/22/2010 7:00:49 PM
SnozzleBerry wrote:
Cheop wrote:
Strange Gray Static Mayan Pattern wrote:
Both JWH-018 and JWH-073 will take some good 10 minutes to really kick in, so I don't think they're great for an enhanced leaf combination.

Could this not potentially be a positive thing? Perhaps not for enchancing or colouring the experience itself but allowing an easier integration of it?

Substances won't make integration easier, ime. That's a task that rests with the individual and in all honesty, imo, is best left to the unaltered mind. Searching for an easier route to integration through substances seems to defeat the purpose (at least somewhat) of engaging these medicines.

I think integration was the wrong word to use here, i meant it might help piece together what has actually been experienced by allowing a slower transition back to a "normal" baseline state of consciousness (similarly to how some people find it helpful to use the spice at the peak of or during a psilocybin experience).

I sometimes find that with the abruptness of my returns from hyperspace i can find it difficult to put what i've experienced back together into a whole experience as opposed to a few very distinct flashes.
Anything Cheop posts is of a fictional nature
Ellis D'Empty
#11 Posted : 9/22/2010 7:11:38 PM
SnozzleBerry wrote:
Kevyn The Khem wrote:
Ok I know a lot of people are gonna go "it's the same as weed"...

Actually, if you read through the numerous threads on JWH and other research chems, you'll find that the vast majority of users here are not only completely aware of the differences, but are completely up to date on the research being done as to whether or not the JWH compounds metabolize into potentially carcinogenic substances. You'll also find plenty of members cautioning those who are unaware of what exactly JWH (and herbal smoking blends) are, against using it like cannabis and plenty of referenced articles. I would caution you against making such assumptions about this community as, imo, the vast majority of members here are much better informed than those on other drug forums. I don't mean this to be an elitist statement, imo, it's just apparent; simply compare the quality/types of discussions here against those at other drug forums.

Well the reason I said that is because, here, in the "nursery" there are a bunch of "non-members", which might not be as "informed" as one such as yourself. I dunno why you decided to respond to THAT particular part of my post... but Ok Smile

Thanks, nn-DMT for the info you wrote. Although I'm not sure I'm going to try this anytime soon, I'll definately post my results when I do.

I'll be doing it with 073 (as it's my favorite) also, I'll be doing it with the actual chemical not the spice/herb already made (which probably makes a difference)
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#12 Posted : 9/22/2010 7:17:33 PM
I responded to that portion of the post because it read like it was aimed at an audience outside of the nexus (and you kind of confirmed that in your above post). The nursery is probably one of the most frequented subfora by old members precisely because of the nature of the posts in it. The types of questions/discussions that are posted in the nursery tend to attract the older members for a variety of reasons (you can find numerous posts around the nexus stating this).

As to why I didn't respond to the other parts of the post; well, honestly, I didn't think you wanted my sour opinion of JWH/synthetic cannabinoids (as this would lead me to say NO to using jwh's/cp's with other substances or by themselves), so I refrained from posting it. If you'd like to hear it, I'll gladly share it, I just didn't think it would add to the discussion in any meaningful way, whereas I thought the information I chose to share was potentially valid...I dunno, make of it what you will Twisted Evil
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
Ellis D'Empty
#13 Posted : 9/22/2010 7:39:51 PM
Smile I welcome all intelligent thoughts on any subject I inquire about, although if it wouldn't contribute in any meaningful way then I thank you for not sharing ^_^.

And I also should have guessed that (the whole members reading the nursery) as I've seen a lot of you guys replying here... I didn't think it through, and I meant no disrespect at all. So sorry if you felt that way.
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#14 Posted : 9/22/2010 7:43:07 PM
Yea, personally I have a huge bias against RC's and with something like jwh, where there is a tried and true alternative that is known to be relatively innocuous, I just don't see the point. So rather than telling you how much I hate jwh (and having no experience with it from which to say it's a good or bad combo) I'd rather keep my ignorant mouth shut Very happy

No offense taken...I didn't mean to seem like I was lecturing...sorry if it came across that way. I've really enjoyed your posts thus far...a belated "Welcome to the Nexus!" to you my good sir Wink
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
Ellis D'Empty
#15 Posted : 9/22/2010 7:46:30 PM
Smile Well thank you for the welcome.

What exactly are you talking about? "where there is a tried and true alternative that is known to be relatively innocuous" like normal marijuana? I use JWH because I can't smoke atm... (legal reasons I'd imagine) If there is something better please let me know? I have heard talk a long time ago (like 3-4yrs) of a "blue lotus" flower? Or something of the sort, which acts as the same as headies, but I haven't found any information to confirm this.
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#16 Posted : 9/22/2010 7:57:06 PM
Yea, I meant cannabis...I understand that those with legal difficulties have found great solace in the JWH blends and I've had friends in legal situations who have gone this route. I dunno, personally it just doesn't appeal to me...I think I'd use it to take time off from the herb, but that's a choice that's up to every individual in those circumstances. I do find mixtures of damiana, skullcap and either mugwort or blue lotus, rolled up in a joint can create a buzz/mental state that's kind of similar to cannabis, but I'd be willing to bet a pretty penny it's nowhere near as close to mimicking the effects as any jwh or other synthetic cannabinoid.

As far as blue lotus acting the same of headies, I've never heard of or experienced effects along those lines. It's definitely a soothing/relaxing smoke, but nowhere near what some potent weed can do for you. Some lillies were/are used in ayurvedic medicine, I believe. I'm pretty sure that the scientific name of what most people on here refer to as "Blue Lotus" would be Nymphaea Caerulea.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
Ellis D'Empty
#17 Posted : 9/22/2010 8:12:15 PM
SnozzleBerry wrote:
I do find mixtures of damiana, skullcap and either mugwort or blue lotus, rolled up in a joint can create a buzz/mental state that's kind of similar to cannabis, but I'd be willing to bet a pretty penny it's nowhere near as close to mimicking the effects as any jwh or other synthetic cannabinoid.
Yeah, I'll probably just stick to my JWH then Smile

As far as blue lotus acting the same of headies, I've never heard of or experienced effects along those lines. It's definitely a soothing/relaxing smoke, but nowhere near what some potent weed can do for you. Some lillies were/are used in ayurvedic medicine, I believe. I'm pretty sure that the scientific name of what most people on here refer to as "Blue Lotus" would be Nymphaea Caerulea.
Hrmm, yea some random guy got some from a headshop had told me that (as you could probably guess I already had my doubts) I'd really like to try it though, but that'll be for a different time... Hrmm, might have to try a lotus changa some time xD

01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
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