Early day motion for drug reform etc please read.
please email or write with suggested text to your local mp:
To find your local MP:
I work in the drugs field and I am particularly concerned about the Government's Drug Strategy consultation 2010. Specifically, it fails to adhere to the Cabinet Office Code of Practice, in that: it does not meet the required minimum period of 12 weeks for consultation (it is permissible to opt out but there is a requirement to specify why opting out - this has not been done); it is not detailed enough to allow for proper and full consultation; there is no impact assessment (in particular, there is a legal requirement under s71 of the Race Relations Act 1976 that there be a racial impact assessment).
EDM 709 has been lodged by a number of MPs asking for a debate on the lack of proper consultation. I would ask that you support this EDM.
All the above information can be found on:
Please do, and indicate if you do
Much love and respect
p.s its in breach of 30 day protocol and only 20.
Much respect to all from L_Star
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Regards L_Star