im not going to bother trying to describe the buzz, its fucking indescribably impossible im afraid you just have to do it.
i realised the following things:
science is trying to describe it.
religon is trying to use idols to represent it.
the government is there to try and take control of the evolutionary process that is 'it'.
art is also trying to comunicate it.
every single point in history involving power and empires, wars and conflicts, have been over 'it', i.e: leaders trying to take power over those who dont know and fighting for the place at the top of the 'pyramid'.
jesus experienced 'it', and tried to comunicate it to everyone so the romans killed him and changed christianity to keep you away from it.
same goes with all the other religons probably, but buddishm being the closest to it.
the voice that is there is a pre-installed safety feature in every human beings subconcious (probably all living thing aswell) to stop the being dying of shock incase it reaches that stage.
once you know 'it' you can use it to basicly 'move up' to try atract attention to 'it', i personaly belive music is the best way, as i experienced effects veryyy similar to dmt on lsd from listening to a track called contact (ironic title eh?) by noisia, with a video that is absolutely riddle with suggestions towards it at the last min, i highly recomend it to anyone that wants proof there are muscians out there with knowledge of 'it' and how to make music that causes interdimensional effects, but make sure you watch it on lsd whilst peaking the fuck out and turn that shit up.
oh yh and also, the univesal forces that run the whole process are 'fate' and 'chance', which makes synchronicitys make perfect sense to me.
as for higher intelligence, there MUST be.
everything is just, happening.