after a 3-4 week callous i dipped (in rooting hormone) and planted my sp cuttings in moistened but not wet soil a couple of inches deep. its been a little more than 3 weeks and the tips of the cuttings are starting to shrink and wrinkle. is this normal or common? whats the best time and method to check for rooting without damaging the potential roots? gracias dg in advance I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!Troubles Breaking Through? Click here. The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
lol, yer welcome
if the tip is wrinkling, remove it from the sun. no roots, so its drying out and in danger
just pick it up out of the dirt, thier roots are tuff, if you can still pick it up, go for it.
so in conclusion: it needs water, but could rot if given too much. remove to shady location/ maybe block from dry hot wind(depending on climate)
word! thanks my cactus guru brutha... i hope these lil baby's make it. sure would be a waste of cactus. hmmm now that i mention it.. if they dont root could i still use them for resin or acetate? I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!Troubles Breaking Through? Click here. The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
sure, but have patience, it'll rehydrate if treated right