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i'm no psychonaut Options
just mark
#1 Posted : 8/27/2010 5:47:32 PM
Hello: i made a post in the introductory forum awhile back and i thought it would be good to come here and outl8ine what i know (very little, nothing really) about hyperspace.

i no longer use drugs much and haven't smoked pot in ...well, quite awhile. i figured out somewhere along the line that hallucenogenics, including pot, are not my drugs of choice. i have a lot of unhappiness in my past, alot of pain and pot doesn't dull that pain at all, it brings things to my memory that i'd just as soon not remember.

but when i was a young teenager, the 1st maybe 10 times i smoked reefer, i enjoyed it tremendously! but alot of very negative things happened over the next few years and the pleasure went out of it for me and pretty soon, smoking pot became a 2-hour exercise in controlling my fear and general bad vibes.

about the only thing i can put in this thread that might be of some use to somebody is to tell about a fact i have discovered, in case you didn't know this: marijuana does in fact have a "hangover". it's not like the alcohol hangover, where you feel like death warmed over for 8 hrs or so, the pot "hangover" is alot more subtle, is painless and actually lasts longer.

i doscovered this phenomenon because every now and then over the past few years, i'd score a joint or two, after not having any pot for maybe 2-3 yrs or more, get high, then not get high again for months or years. and i started noticing that when i did have some, i would feel very different for the next 3-5 days. not physically ill or anything, but sort of run-down, disoriented, just sort of desolate inside. i did some reading and found that pot has a long halflife in your blood, you are still feeling about 50% of however much you smoked for several days.

i'm not posting this to turn anybody away from it or whatever, just my experience.
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 8/27/2010 6:14:47 PM
Hey mark.

Firstly i just wanted to mention, that i am pleased about people posting on this forum that have alternative views. Diversity is a good thing.
I very very rarely take any substances these days.
Not because of any particularly bad effects, but because i feel like there is not much need to.
The challenge i personally face now is how to take the things i have been made aware of using psychedelics, and to implement them into my daily life.

For example... i still loose my temper more then i would like. Not really at people but just in general.
I can feel it happen when it does and i know the anger and stress doesn't help me at all.

I too have had a rough past as I am sure countless people have. Sorry to hear that. Psychedelics helped me to get over a lot of the troubles in my early life, but it also created a few.
I had a lot of psychological baggage that i was needlessly carrying around. The time that sticks in my mind the most is when i took mdma.
I had been depressed for a while and researched about mdma and its effects for about 2-3 years. Although up until that point i was tested for substance use by my employer.

So eventually i left this employer and took a solid dose of clean mdma at music festival. I discovered so much that weekended. I reconnected with society, i dissolved some (not all) sociopathic tendency's. I discovered what it felt like to dance. I saw people laughing and being happy.
That weekend will stick in my mind for ever. The sense of well being and magic has never left me. I am a happier and more open person because of it.

I guess this is where the difficulty in substance use comes up. What works for one person might not work for another.
As time went on i used substances more and more... gradually dissolving a lot of my preconceptions, isms and many other less desirable parts of my persona. The thing i have a responsibility mentioning tho is the negative effects.

Just like your saying about pot. I used Pot far too much in days gone by. It definitely effects me the next day. I wake up sticky eyed. Its harder to get out of bed. I feel groggy and generally a bit listless. This doesn't mean i don't enjoy it. But i would be lying if i said it had no negative effects.

I had some 'hangover' effects from the period of substance experimentation too. After using LSD and various phens pretty regularly for 3 or so years, i moved to a new city. When i arrived, i was suddenly aware of something. I was struggling to function as i used to. It was a combination of being in a strange new city (i am a country boy), and the cumulative effect of frying my brain several times a month for 3 years.

Although i had dissolved a lot of social anxiety using LSD and MDMA... the continual use had left me jaded. I was a bit slower then i used to be. I struggled to care about regular day to day things. My mind was constantly chewing the fat on god.. cosmology and the nature of reality.

This made me a little weird to hang out with. It made people a little uncomfortable around me... body language was mirrored and i found myself back in the socially anxious state. As time past and i stopped using substances, my faculty's returned. Im now a happy healthy well adjusted person.
But there was a definite 'hangover' from these substances...

I guess the point i want to make is: a lot of folk on this forum feel liberal about substance use. Nothing wrong with that. Tho none of us can hide the fact that they do have the ability to make major impacts on our lives. Beneficial impacts or negative ones.
For me they have helped in the long term, but for a short while were troublesome, due to over indulgence.

So don't over do it. I react pretty badly to alcohol. It is my responsibility not to drink too much.
So its not a problem because i don't let it become one.
This should be the same for all people and all substances. Although i think with alcohol people are often negating their responsibility in keeping control because it is ''socially accepted''.

Its up to the individual to take responsibility for ones own body and mind. To make educated judgments on how to behave. And to accept the after affects. In a world were so much of our responsibility is taken away... it can be difficult for people to handle, when they discover its in their control.

Im rambling!

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
just mark
#3 Posted : 8/27/2010 6:29:42 PM
"So eventually i left this employer and took a solid dose of clean mdma at music festival. I discovered so much that weekended. I reconnected with society, i dissolved some (not all) sociopathic tendency's. I discovered what it felt like to dance. I saw people laughing and being happy.
That weekend will stick in my mind for ever. The sense of well being and magic has never left me. I am a happier and more open person because of it"

yes, Xtechre, "SWIM" is well aware of this aspect of mdma, having read alot about it. swim would probably give it a try, if it were possible to know what one was taking, have the right setting, a trustworthy guide, have the dose/body weigth factor correct and so forth. but where swim lives this would be about as easy to find as moonrocks.

swim has often thought about the possibilities of getting a new, better perspective on some of these negatives, helped by mdma, but lacks oppertunity. for one thing, this swim looks a thousands miles from a person who would be into something like that...
#4 Posted : 8/28/2010 12:27:32 AM
Hi mark,

I can relate to your experiences with pot a great deal. The difference for me is that it would bring out the fear and anxieties I had while I was stoned and these gradually seeped into my life from habitual use.

I'm glad you have overcome it, I have to admit whilst I would consider pot to be a very mild drug it has ruined the lives of alot of people I know, I think it has a tendancey to get out of hand.
#5 Posted : 8/28/2010 3:11:10 AM
I don't smoke pot anymore.
I only use DMT and shrooms these days. Shrooms maybe once every two months or so and DMT once in a while.
I always feel very refreshed after using tryptamines. But pot makes me very tired and anxious.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

just mark
#6 Posted : 8/28/2010 5:06:32 AM
hey, thanks, y'all! it's cool to know that i'm not the only one that doesn't really get along with herb. if i could smoke today and have the same effects/experiences i had the 1st few times i did it, i would be all over it, probably. but apparently there is no 2d first time...

"I can relate to your experiences with pot a great deal. The difference for me is that it would bring out the fear and anxieties I had while I was stoned and these gradually seeped into my life from habitual use.

I'm glad you have overcome it, I have to admit whilst I would consider pot to be a very mild drug it has ruined the lives of alot of people I know, I think it has a tendancey to get out of hand."

yeah, Buk. that fear factor was with me sometimes, even straight and i got real tired of it real fast. and i can say i've seen several people around me whose lives definetly weren't helped by it. i'm not trying to be all anti-pot, it's just a case "i got the message, now it's time to hang up the phone" for me, i think.
#7 Posted : 8/28/2010 5:18:05 PM
I'm fairly new to the realm of DMT and psilocybin, but I'm extremely experienced in the cannabis world, and a few of the misconceptions that are being put forth in this thread are disturbing to me. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't form long-term opinions of cannabis based on some garbage you smoked in high school, or maybe some strain that interacted poorly with your physiology. In my experience (and several friends who have switched to vape) as a former heavy smoker and a current not-nearly-as-heavy vaporizer, the act of smoking is what forms most of the compulsion people feel in regards to cannabis. Also, there are a wealth of different, useful effects to be had from various strains, from sleep aid to sensory and mood enhancement. NOT ALL CANNABIS MAKES YOU NERVOUS AND ANXIOUS...in fact, virtually no well-bred well-grown cannabis will produce this effect. The only strains I can think of that reliably produce that effect are 'Sour Diesel' and anything with a high percetage of 'Haze'. Forming an opinion on cannabis based on a sub-par specimen is akin to smoking raw MHRB, then talking about how DMT isn't for you. Also, shelf the 'pot ruined my friend' argument...in all likelyhood, it was an addictive personality that ruined your friend, and they could just as easily been hooked on coke, meth, the stock market, beanie babies, or online poker. And, for crying out loud, it's cannabis, not 'pot' Sad
#8 Posted : 8/28/2010 8:00:37 PM
WestHighlandTerrier wrote:
in all likelyhood, it was an addictive personality that ruined your friend, and they could just as easily been hooked on coke, meth, the stock market, beanie babies, or online poker.

Have to very much disagree with this claim. I do not have an addictive personality at all but did develop an addiction to MJ.

As to the claims about strain you make, they do not align with my experience. With very nice bud, I still feel the effects 2-3 days afterwards. Smoking only once every 2-3 months makes it very easy to notice this effect for me.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#9 Posted : 8/28/2010 9:09:21 PM
WestHighlandTerrier, some people's bodies just don't agree with Cannabis, or vice versa. You have to remember that everyone reacts to different chemicals in a different way. It's not to say that they had a poor strain, or commercial grade vs high grade, or this strain/that strain/the other strain. It's not an argument about the person's "addictive personality". It doesn't matter if they vaped it, ate it, or smoked it. And it's not just related to weed, it pertains to EVERYTHING that goes into a person's body.

What you're basically saying is that a person who is allergic to shrimp had the reaction simply because they had a poor quality of shrimp. It doesn't matter what kind, how fresh, or where it's from, that person is going to get the same reaction from shrimp regardless. Why should this be different for Cannabis? If a person doesn't agree with it, I commend them for accepting that.

I'm a daily Cannabis user and I voice my support of full legalization as often as I can to anyone who will listen, and even some who don't. But I also realize that some people just aren't meant to put certain things into their body. We should just accept that at face value for what it is.
Anything stated above is a work of pure fiction. The delusional author is writing a story about his imaginary friends. The author does not condone nor participate in any illegal activities. Anything said by the author should not be attempted, taken seriously, or believed. Enjoy the story.

It seems like everyone is sleep-walking through their waking state or wake-walking through their dreams. -Waking Life
#10 Posted : 8/29/2010 12:43:44 AM
swim believes that those who had bad highs or just couldnt accept cannabis in their bodies, after persevering to do more will actually "probably" be able to enjoy cannabis more once the body gets used to the "allergy" as they have a uniqness in a sense that they have succeeded to overcome something they once couldnt. just swim's thoughts Smile
to make this mundane world sublime, take half a gram of phanerothyme.. to fathom hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic..
#11 Posted : 9/1/2010 8:44:57 PM
My problem with pot is that i don´t get too many side effects untill i´m in the cloud totally, that means i feel great untill i´m smoking everyday and that´s when it´s hard to just stop it...

Doesnt help that all my friends are potheads so when i need to sober up i´m preety isolated except for the people at my martial arts club...
#12 Posted : 9/3/2010 1:41:12 AM
x1balba wrote:

I'm a daily Cannabis user and I voice my support of full legalization as often as I can to anyone who will listen, and even some who don't.


FREE THE WEED. (can you government cronies please take a long hard look at Alcohol)Wut?
#13 Posted : 9/3/2010 7:06:30 PM

To add to xbala and Highland terrier there seems to be valid points on both fronts. A lot of people are being very vague and just mentioning pot. I think some is just that it is easy to lump pot in one big bucket. People here are generally pretty knowledgeable about many drugs so it is weird to be so vague. I agree yes some people just don't get along with MJ or the type of high it gives, but they may also be making generalizations.

I know you probably know this, but to add to the conversation, strain is just more than this is a really expensive and pretty bud. There are buds that are almost 100% indica (a more sleepy pined down high) to strains that are almost 100% sativa which is a much more heady effect where you don't feel run down, and then there are hybrids that get down to 50/50 mix.

I wish I had found out about vaporizing when I first started smoking pot. Not only would my lungs have been better of, but you lose some of the body load from inhaling all the combusted materials. I would be perfectly happy to never smoke a joint or take a hit from a bong again in my life.

Part of the problem is in a place like the US you may not really know what you are getting and don't have a choice. If you had a selection of named strains in a coffee shop in the Dam you can really see the differences between different types.

Personally I enjoy both at times for different reasons, but in general I much prefer a Sativa high. One of my favorite little rituals I like to partake in every once in a while is to take a very hot bath, and take a couple of bags of vaporized pot in with me. I listen to some tunes (usually something w/o lyrics maybe a String Quartet or a piece of electronic music) and I read a good book. I find this to be a really beautiful experience that I can't see myself giving up. A Sativa is much better for this than an indica.

Of course everyone will react differently and it is important to listen to your body/mind and if you aren't enjoying it at all there is no reason do take part.
just mark
#14 Posted : 9/22/2010 2:45:31 PM
"Part of the problem is in a place like the US you may not really know what you are getting and don't have a choice. If you had a selection of named strains in a coffee shop in the Dam you can really see the differences between different types."

i would love to do this. maybe after this november such things will be possible in "the land of the free*".

(*free to work your ass off and make somebody else rich)

is hash sold in those amersterdam shops? i used to really love hash.
#15 Posted : 9/23/2010 1:13:39 AM
just mark, you say you don't use any drugs am I right?
How on earth did you end up on this forum? Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#16 Posted : 9/23/2010 4:49:09 PM
just mark wrote:
Hello: i made a post in the introductory forum awhile back and i thought it would be good to come here and outl8ine what i know (very little, nothing really) about hyperspace.

i no longer use drugs much and haven't smoked pot in ...well, quite awhile. i figured out somewhere along the line that hallucenogenics, including pot, are not my drugs of choice. i have a lot of unhappiness in my past, alot of pain and pot doesn't dull that pain at all, it brings things to my memory that i'd just as soon not remember.

but when i was a young teenager, the 1st maybe 10 times i smoked reefer, i enjoyed it tremendously! but alot of very negative things happened over the next few years and the pleasure went out of it for me and pretty soon, smoking pot became a 2-hour exercise in controlling my fear and general bad vibes.

about the only thing i can put in this thread that might be of some use to somebody is to tell about a fact i have discovered, in case you didn't know this: marijuana does in fact have a "hangover". it's not like the alcohol hangover, where you feel like death warmed over for 8 hrs or so, the pot "hangover" is alot more subtle, is painless and actually lasts longer.

i doscovered this phenomenon because every now and then over the past few years, i'd score a joint or two, after not having any pot for maybe 2-3 yrs or more, get high, then not get high again for months or years. and i started noticing that when i did have some, i would feel very different for the next 3-5 days. not physically ill or anything, but sort of run-down, disoriented, just sort of desolate inside. i did some reading and found that pot has a long halflife in your blood, you are still feeling about 50% of however much you smoked for several days.

i'm not posting this to turn anybody away from it or whatever, just my experience.

Some good points.
And i can very much relate to in particular: "...smoking pot became a 2-hour exercise in controlling my fear and general bad vibes." It has been like that for me too for some time during my teenage years. But now these days, it is not anymore like that. I can enjoy the full experience. If you ask me it is all about the art of set and setting. Fnding your way: location, company, mindset, agenda, perspective, intention, dosis, method, hash/bud, source, next day etc... It is about finding your key elements.

You judge when you smoke?
Always remember that your perspective will change BIG TIME because of the cannabis. dont underestimate this. Sure you can act and think relatively 'normal' while under the influence of cannabis, but still your perspective (and awareness -> intuition) has made a change. The set and setting will very much influence the direction of your thoughts. So while under the influence of cannabis i find it better to consider things, instead of judging them. One should feel free of responsibilities for the moment. What is true or what to do does not really matter then. For me this is a requirement that needs to be met by the set and setting.

For example i like smoking hash in the evening in the weekend, when i am sure (arranged) i wont be disturbed and can stay in bed the morning after. Put off the phone, get some nice food, play some loungy music in the background etc.
Yea man i love it.

btw i will have a bad experience if my intention was: 'to not smoke MJ'
If you think smoking MJ will give you bad vibes, then dont smoke. because it will.
My guess is that this is the cause of many negative MJ experiences.

Of course im not talking to you in particular.

“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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