Has anybody experianced the telepathic powers of Harmaline? I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense
magic clown wrote:Has anybody experianced the telepathic powers of Harmaline? I have, or at least I thought I have. My first attempt at an aya adventure. I was stupid and uneducated about what to do. 10grams of rue and 25grams of mimosa were consumed. The rue was eaten first and 30 minutes later a ball of mimosa goo that I boiled down was consumed. The mimosa came right back up. I was very lucky for that because the 10 grams of rue tore me up bad. I turned on the TV and it was like I could read the minds of the actors on TV. Most thought were really mundane and it was very obvious that most of the actors were bored. I didn't have any real human interaction, so I really can't say for sure. I do think I understand why it was named telapathine. The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
I ask the question because I have experianced some very peculiar mind events, whilst using harmaline. They weren't really telepathic, more like premonitions. Sometimes these would be most like classic de ja vu type events, which everyone gets from time to time. But other times, there have been astonishing and startleing premonitions. I was fascinated by them as they occured. I did a little research at the time, that didn't really shed any light on it, other than to find Harmaline used to be called Telepathine. I have waited over three years to hear if other people have ever experianced them. I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense
The reason it was once named telapathine was that when it was originally isolated from B. caapi scientists didnt realize that it was the same as harmine which had been previously isolated from syrian rue. people did not know at the time that the main active psychedelic compound was DMT and thought the activity could have been from these beta carbolines. thats why they named it telapathine because they thought these were the main components responsible for the hallucinogenic activity of ayahuasca but later figured out it was from DMT + MAOI inhibition.
although there are psychoactive effects from beta carbolines its hardly comparable to the powerful effects of DMT. the name telapathine is a bit misleading.
but speaking of telapathic type experiences they can also happen on mushrooms or lsd. certainly ive had experiences where people i was with and I felt like we knew exactly what the other person was thinking. that also can happen when sober though except when your tripping its more profound feeling. thats my opinion. ive also had the bad opposite effect when i thought people could read my thoughts and that was scary because i was undergoing a terrible paranoid type event. and no one knew what i was really thinking when i asked afterwards.
I once had an experience that was totally bizar. I was tripping with somebody and suddenly, for only a few seconds we where in eachothers body, a weird sort of exchange.....
burnt wrote:The reason it was once named telapathine was that when it was originally isolated from B. caapi scientists didnt realize that it was the same as harmine which had been previously isolated from syrian rue. people did not know at the time that the main active psychedelic compound was DMT and thought the activity could have been from these beta carbolines. thats why they named it telapathine because they thought these were the main components responsible for the hallucinogenic activity of ayahuasca but later figured out it was from DMT + MAOI inhibition.
The words above strike me as totally inaccurate. Telepathine was the name of an alkaloid mixture from caapi, not a single alkaloid at all. It was named for the activity it evoked in numerous people which included verified cases of telepathic awareness. Caapi aka ayahuasca is active and visionary by itself. The vine is not used to activate DMT, but for the property it has alone. DMT containing plants were added to alter the quality of the visions, not to induce them. Many things are used to modify the visions, not just plants with DMT. Brews having no DMT at all are not uncommon, nor are they lacking in visionary potential. To quote the book Plants of the Gods (1992) Quote: The effects of the drink are greatly altered when leaves of Banisteriopsis rusbyana or of Psychotria are added. The tryptamines in these additives are believed to be inactive when taken orally, unless monoamine oxidase inhibitors be present. The Harmine and its derivatives in B. caapi and B. inebrians are inhibitors of this kind, potentiating the tryptamines. Both types of alkaloids, however, are hallucinogenic. Lengths and vividness of the visual hallucinations are notably enhanced when these additives are present. Where as visions with the basic drink are seen usually in blue, purple, or gray, those induced when the tryptaminic additives are used may be brightly colored in reds and yellows. Without additives, Ayahuasca intoxication may be pleasant with visions of light setting in with the eyes closed after a period of giddiness, nervousness, profuse sweating and sometimes nausea. A period of lassitude initiates the play of colors-at first white, then mainly a hazy, smoky blue that later increases in intensity; eventually sleep, interrupted by dreams and occasional feverishness, takes over.
Those are the words of a man who has taken the drink many times in the Amazon, with the natives themselves. However this does not relate to the name telepathine very well. An explorer took the drink in the amazon and had a vision of his mother and sister being ill, however this was more than a hundred years ago, so he could not call them to verify. He asked the natives about his visions and was told that they were true, and so he ventured to an area where he could confirm them, and they were true, and in real time. There are also reports of the drink being used to facilitate telepathic communication among tribal members. The initial crude extract that was telepathine was not a single molecule, but was a mixture of harmine and Tetra-Hydro-harmine with some harmaline. Later it was shown that this was not a single alkaloid and the name telepathine has been erroneously applied to harmine and harmaline separately, which is totally inaccurate.
AlbertKLloyd, thanks for the clarification. The caapi alkaloids on their own are definitely visionary without anything else added. Harmaline, harmine, and THH can all produce visions, and it seems that their potential to produce visions increases when they are mixed together as is the case with caapi. SWIM has had mild short lived DMT like flashes from THH alone. These have lasted about 5 minutes and were sort of random, and were almost identical to the effects of DMT. It’s as if THH can allow your own natural DMT to build up occasionally. It doesn’t always happen, but when it does it’s quite fascinating. SWIM has taken 350 mg of THH orally. At that dose THH becomes very psychedelic on its own. But it also produces side effects (dizziness and nausea). The experience is similar in ways to LSD. SWIM has not had any telepathic experiences with THH, harmine, or harmaline, but has had visions on all three of them individually and independent form any other compounds. The only time SWIM ever had a “telepathic” experience was when using 5-MeO-DMT sublingually. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
Quote:The words above strike me as totally inaccurate. Telepathine was the name of an alkaloid mixture from caapi, not a single alkaloid at all. yes this is true we corrected this misstatement in the past. Quote:However this does not relate to the name telepathine very well. An explorer took the drink in the amazon and had a vision of his mother and sister being ill, however this was more than a hundred years ago, so he could not call them to verify. He asked the natives about his visions and was told that they were true, and so he ventured to an area where he could confirm them, and they were true, and in real time. There are also reports of the drink being used to facilitate telepathic communication among tribal members. personally i don't find it surprising that when people first started studying this stuff they might think such a concoction could have telepathic powers. however i don't think any of these drugs can really cause people to be able to read minds. to be more in tune with each others feelings and thoughts yes but not mind reading. if it did the CIA and spy agencies of the world would have been all over years ago. if this effect was reliable it would be used in psychiatry and many others fields. perhaps even criminal investigations.
i would like to see cops on ayahuasca. I mean..them on ayahuasca. Not me seeing them while i'm on ayahuasca.
I've found that harmaline, even small amounts causes me to loop/have trouble focusing, as if my mind is being saturated with thoughts I cannot control. Now that I read this thread it may be that I am being inundated with telepathic information that I am unable to process which causes my particular reaction to it. What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
this is strange. I experience just the other way. In the general I have in the everyday live the difficulty to focus me. My mind is saturated with thought which I cannot control or only very imperfectly. During a meditation this becomes especially clear. Figuratively spoken I experience my mind like a mirror, a worried water surface, which is clouded by the restlessness of the thoughts. Syrian rue tea, also without addition from dmt, helps to calm the thoughts. Then the water surface of the mind becomes reflecting. I have felt very deep connectedness to the people who are close to me and to the humanity all together...this feeling of closeness was so deep, that i really want to use the word "telepathy" for this state of mind. The tea also changes the effect from dmt if it is taken together. Then the feeling of the solidarity which one feels with "the aliens" changes: into a more grounded feeling of the solidarity with the human beings, imho. I like the tea very much therefore. Even Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci used, by the way, peganum harmala for their purposes.... OM
It could easily be argued and one day demonstrated that this feeling of connectedness is just your brain shutting down its division mechanisms. What I mean is our brain actively sets the boundry of our physical body and we tend to place more emphasis on different parts of the body like hands for example. Under the influence of meditation or calming psychedelic drugs this boundry goes away because the brain is no longer actively setting the perception of that boundry.
To me telepathy means mind reading. Anything else is something different and a new word should be used.
last night..I took some very small dose of rue HCL at bed time and had a flying lucid dream at 2:29am 5 hours later!
After a first very vivid dream i woke from at 1:40am..within less that an hour i woke from a second dream that i became lucid in and woke from at 2:27am..i found self in a large old hotel room with high celings ...In room i sudenly heard a noise at my door and went to investigate and found a maid outside in the hallway..
I then shut the door and locked it and sudenly got a sudden shift of consciousness and started to levetate into the air..
I quickly realized i was in a dream and started swimming motions in the air and flew up to the celing and glided back down close to the floor then i confedently flew right through the wall into the hallway and back into my room. I then landed softly on my feet and noticed a door on one wall that i opended into another room then went back into my room and locked it..
My lucid awareness was in and out but the dream was awesomly vivid in every detail!
I never expected this to happen but it did..could this be a new lucid dream suppliment?
Ill try on more nights and see what happens...[and had a flying lucid dream 5 hours later!
starway6 wrote: last night..I took some very small dose of rue HCL at bed time and had a flying lucid dream at 2:29am 5 hours later!
awesome, thanx for sharing.
I think it enables spiritual telepathy, the access to personal super conscious mind. Yes I have experienced it!  Quote:While the conscious and subconscious aspects of our mind are closely aligned with our physical shell or body, the super conscious mind is super physical. In other words it exists at a level extending beyond our space time continuum. It can be likened to the internet, which enables us to connect to every other computer in the world and the people using those computers. However with the super conscious connection we do not need any other technology than what we are born with. Through super conscious it is possible for us to connect to every other mind on the planet. Remember... 8 is infinity spelled sideways!
My personal opinion on this is that with the right individual/s under the right circumstances - there can be this hair-thin moment by moment basis to where this phenomena can happen or slip itself in. Maybe uncovering something that's innate and/or already there? It's not anything to be 'actively sought after' imho. Ime it seems to have came by its own accord and not bound down by my 'wanting or willing' it to happen, it's felt as if it's something that presents itself when other certain factors are in place. The phenomena felt as seamless as is the rest of the experience, ime. I've had numerous experiences with caapi tea only [never have tried rue tea in these specific scenarios], mostly in the neighborhood of 10-25g, most if not all the instances were with the significant other. Sitting within the same vicinity, relaxed, loose, joking on-the-fly, rolling with the punches, laughing, that real fluid and loose dialogue that two 'best friends' [or two people that are incredibly close] can have. Something seemingly random would be said - a word, a phrase, I would start to loosely think on this word/phrase, imaginative, semi-daydream within that split-second, I would then start to immediately think on a scenario [random] or distant memory [not so random], a feeling, a conglomerate of all 3, start to construct it within my mind. Then within a second later [and no later] she would go to reply or speak, and right as she would start to talk she'd begin to articulate what was on the front of my mind or what I had been about to say right in that moment. This has happened often with harmalas and her. This also has happened on mescaline and mushrooms between us, so really I think that it might have something to do with fact of being incredibly close mixed in with being in an altered state, certain boundaries dissolved away, it really doesn't surprise me tbh, probably just the tip of the iceberg. These things have also happened with my one closest friend of many years while on mushrooms. Same sort of scenario, no difference really in how it happened - same set of factors more or less. Funny thing is is that this happens pretty often when we're together, without anything taken. I think this can happen with alot of people that would be in a similar scenario. I think it's something that's already there. Could plants/substances like harmalas uncover or highlight this? No doubt. EDIt: i know i know, 2008 thread, sorry