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The Asthetics of Hyperspace Options
#1 Posted : 7/25/2010 7:34:25 PM
Dear God.

So after some clown worthy extraction attempts I was left with a very small amount of almost red xtals.

My scale wouldn't even register until 30mg were on the pad, so I cut that in half and placed it on a bed of mullein in my small water pipe.

With all the humility I could muster I prostrated myself, stated my intentions and asked for gentleness. My intentions were to humbly introduce my self to the spirit(s) of DMT as an ally.

I point my lit butane lighter at the bowl....

Whoa! To hot, spice burning! I back of and in-hail what I can. Damm.

Try again.

I point the lighter at the bowl, this time from at lest 1/2 a foot back and see heavy white vapor as I inhale. I take it all in and and hold it in while setting down the pipe and lighter.

Blast off. I feel a rush and hear a strange electronic noise... like what transformers from the movie might make while changing form.

Everything is vibration. I am flinching. Being used to saliva blastoffs that splinter reality leaving me laying to fend for my self tangled in a universal car wreck, it's no wonder.

I calm my self and focus. I tell myself to breath. Exhaling I find myself spontaneously vocalizing ommmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It feels really good. Now I'm in tune. I'm still here in one piece sitting in my living room. OR is it? Everything is so sharp and beautiful. Everything in the room is the same but enhanced. Gold and silver detailing and designs coat everything. It reminds me of how everything is more aesthetically pleasing on mushrooms, only 100x more so. It's somehow futuristic and Zen at the same time(whatever that means) It's breathtaking. I think, Impossible. I try not to be overly awed. I realize I could get up and move without trouble but have no motivation to do so. I tilt my head and the whole room leans with my movement.

I focus on my environment again, this time paying attention to the presence I feel in the room as apposed to the room its self. There is a "spirit" filling the room. It's gently moving like a liquid. It approaches my body. Offering to encompass me. I genitally non verbally decline this time. It seems to understand and expected as much. I feel my self coming down and the entity is flowing out the window.

For some reason the coming down is ... not painful, but heart wrenching. Almost back to baseline. All I can do is sit there amazed. Amazed at the power and beauty and kindness.

A great first toe dip into hyperspace. Maybe 4 min? It was just like knocking on the new neighbors door introducing your self and presenting them with backed goods then going home. Not too deep. And everyone is more comfortable and welcomed.

My fear is gone. I can tell that this is the beginning of something amazing. Thank you all.

Ha considering I only put 15mg in the bowl... then burnt most of it... STRONG MEDICINE!
cave paintings
#2 Posted : 7/25/2010 8:41:37 PM
Was this your very first experience with spice?

I can't help but wonder a little bit about what would have happened if you had embraced the spirits presence that manifested in front of you . Ive had many encounters with beings, and I find it easier to embrace them when they come forth in a benign way like the way you described, often times I have been refused access by intimidating beings.
It seems you're off to a good start, I'm sure the molecule was pleased with your humble intentions. I know what you mean by the Zen/Futuristic visuals, though I would be more inclined to call them ancient eastern designs, decorations you might see on a temple.

I would suggest closing your eyes for your next entry, the visuals are better if thats what youre looking for and the beings are more willing to come out to play when you have made it clear that you intend to reside in their realm for a bit, instead of trying to project them in this physical reality so to speak.
Living to Give
#3 Posted : 7/25/2010 11:09:08 PM
Wonderful little report lucidj! Sounds like you're already beginning to get the smoking habit down. Best of luck with your next extraction!
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#4 Posted : 7/26/2010 1:40:11 AM
Was this your very first experience with spice?

Ya. First time. That's why I took it so easy. I have felt this presence before a few times on shrooms. I really think It might be my higher self or something. It is very loving and beautiful. In a different age I might be inclined to say angel.
Bill Cipher
#5 Posted : 7/26/2010 5:12:12 AM
Very nice. Congratulations.

Be forewarned that the experience changes DRAMATICALLY as you work your way up in dosage. For me, the true beauty and nature unfolds somewhere around 30mgs. Lower doses offer only the vaguest of notions as to what might be possible within that impossible space. Honing your vaporization technique makes a crazy big difference as well.

You're a very wise fellow to work your way up. I started exactly the same way - with 15mgs, building up over several days in .005 and .01 increments. The first time you successfully hit 50-60mgs... Man-O-Mooski, man in a bottle. It's 8 minutes that will forever change you. Be prepared to never be the same.
#6 Posted : 7/28/2010 6:17:42 PM

It wanted to "hug" you and "pet" you on it's level, but you weren't ready, and it was not needy of you and it loved and understood you, and let you be, feeling just as much love for you as before.

I have that experience with alley cats here in Taiwan from time to time. They just aren't ready for my love, for my petting, for my attention, and I accept that about them. Sometimes I feel a little sadness that the opportunity was not actualized, since it "could" have been. But really, those animals are going with their gut, and I expect and understand that. It's the same level of our brain that holds us back from Higher Love/ Higher Light beings, but if they really are all that, then they act just like you said.

I say you made the right choice for you, since it was your choice. If it turned out that it was coming on all syrupy and was not really friendly, it would have been insistent. You gave yourself a chance to find that out, and this being did too by showing you what a loving being would do in this case.

I had a dream once where I was led to visit some sort of being, his shop door was upstairs in a building that was largely vacant. This was a very "real" dream. The doorkeeper was nonchalant and nondescript, and was unnoticed as the double doors flung open and this 8ft tall bald-headed Chinese-looking guy with a head that glowed golden-white came blasting out. He looked at me and gave a hearty laugh as he grabbed my arm and started levitating me into that door. I was like, no you don't. He was insistent, but I jerked away. It was like, his insistence was there, but was somehow only able to increase in proportion to my acquiesence, but he wouldn't let me know that if I couldn't figure it out for myself. As I got away he yelled "You're making a BIG MISTAKE!!" and that's when I knew I made the right choice!!!

No being of goodness wants to force you into dependence upon it, and it doesn't "need" you or "need" to help you, nor does it "need" to prevent you from making mistakes, nor does it shout at you or get angry at you. I never would have discovered this side of this being had I not "gone with my hunch" and said no to it. You went with your hunch. Maybe it would have been ok to let it encompass you, IF that was your hunch, but it wasn't your hunch, so you preserved your hunch. GOOD CHOICE I say.
Everything I Post is TRUE in Some Important Sense, Whether or Not It Reflects a "True Story" in a Legal Sense
#7 Posted : 7/28/2010 6:26:15 PM
Thanks, also, for describing the "Candyland" qualities so well. I've gotten a lot of reports about this and I'm doing some work in philosophy that began years ago, but that I never thought would have found any empirical verification except in my own biased experiences. The "Candyland" quality I say is the foundational property of reality as expressed sensorially. This foundational property is BEAUTY, as I see it. A kind of supernal wonderfulness, as I mean the term. A supergoodness, that gives birth to all values, all stuff, all matter and energy, space and time. Consciousness, in its proper form, just IS Beauty as I mean it, the most fundamental kind of Being, since being without this kind of quality would have no reason for being at all, none that I can find, and Beauty of this magnitude seems to precede factuality as being a quality, which facts seem to be too abstract to express, so I say that quality precedes quantity, qualitative existence precedes quantitative, and so this is an example of a direct emanation of that precedent quality from higher-dimensional stability of Being's most fundamental expression. It will be found I believe, finally, that reality is not reducible to "matter" BUT THAT MATTER IS AN EMANATION OF WONDER-HAPPINESS EXISTING AS BEAUTY. Spirit begets matter, minds create brains, qualities give rise to quantities.
Everything I Post is TRUE in Some Important Sense, Whether or Not It Reflects a "True Story" in a Legal Sense
#8 Posted : 7/29/2010 2:17:49 PM
LucidJ wrote:
Was this your very first experience with spice?

Ya. First time. That's why I took it so easy. I have felt this presence before a few times on shrooms. I really think It might be my higher self or something. It is very loving and beautiful. In a different age I might be inclined to say angel.

I wonder, is part of the reason you don't partake in this being's encompassing that you on some level know that it will always be there for you?
Everything I Post is TRUE in Some Important Sense, Whether or Not It Reflects a "True Story" in a Legal Sense
#9 Posted : 7/29/2010 9:10:34 PM
Hyperontosis wrote:
You went with your hunch. Maybe it would have been ok to let it encompass you, IF that was your hunch, but it wasn't your hunch, so you preserved your hunch. GOOD CHOICE I say.

Nice points you make Hyperontosis, but hmmm, this reminds me of one of my own experiences in which I did allow the Snake-Elves to encompass me - and boy, no doubt that was the right decision! Hypermassage healing, why turn it down if 'they' just want to help or console? The fact that it feels so f****** good doesn't mean it's addictive; it's just healing, not hedonism.

But every situation/person is different and DMT always offers second chances, so no harm done. On the contrary, I hope this is the start of a long healing process with or without DMT. Thanks LucidJ for the report and good luck!
#10 Posted : 8/5/2010 2:32:21 AM
Very nice report - the beauty it can render here is breathtaking, but in their world it is overwhelmingly so; your humble approach seems to have served you very well. Quite a welcome you got there ;-)
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
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