The leaves of D. cabrerana are said to contain 5 times as much DMT as P. viridis. I have a source for seeds, but I'm not sure if I can grow it in a Central Europe climate. Anyone experience in growing that plant? God is dreaming us.
well done on finding seeds! I would expect it would need a similar climate to caapi. so high humidity id imagine. Altho caapi is pretty tough, tougher then psychotria at least any chance of pics of the seed thats for sale? good luck! '..with the cold sudden fury of a devine messenger...'
heavenly products has cuttings, seeds, & info on growing all these. U might have to create the envirnment in a greenhouse, like pot n shrooms Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
well it seems like after yrs of draming of this plant it is starting to pop up in lots of places! Lets hope the seed id is correct and that they are viable! '..with the cold sudden fury of a devine messenger...'
SWIM never grew it, but is interested in that possibility. This plant has a very unique mix of alkaloids. It being “5 times as much DMT as P. viridis” is up to debate. SWIM extracts both on a regular basis now. In terms of yield, it usually has more alkaloids than Psychotria viridis, but not much more. Typical for Psychotria viridis is about 0.3% {EDIT: this is the Hawaiian strain SWIM is talking about, not the others which usually have only 0.1% DMT}. Typical for Diplopterys cabrerana is about about 0.4%. The effects from Psychotria viridis are almost entirely from DMT. It’s alkaloid content is usually 99% DMT. Diplopterys cabrerana on the other hand is much stronger because it contains DMT in combination with other far more potent DMT-like alkaloids. For example, it sometimes contains lots of 5-MeO-DMT which is 5-10 times stronger than DMT. Even when it is devoid of 5-MeO-DMT, it is still usually at least 5 times more potent because there’s something else in it that is currently unknown. For example, if you have 10 mg of pure alkaloids extracted from Psychotria viridis and you vaporize it, the potency is that of 10 mg DMT, which makes sense because it contains nearly 99% DMT. But 1-2 mg of vaporized pure alkaloids extracted from Diplopterys cabrerana can produce effects as strong at 10 mg of pure DMT. If the 5-MeO-DMT is removed, vaporizing 4-5 mg will produces effect as strong as 10 mg of pure DMT. So there are at least two highly potent hallucinogens (one is 5-MeO-DMT and the other is unknown) present in Diplopterys cabrerana other than DMT that account for the increased potency. With a typical yield of 0.4% for Diplopterys cabrerana, and the fact its alkaloid extract is 5-10 times stronger than the same amount of DMT, Diplopterys ends up being the most potent plant in its class, being more potent than Mimosa hostilis. In order for Mimosa hostilis to be as potent as 0.4% Diplopterys cabrerana, it would need to contain at least 5 times as much DMT, meaning you’d need Mimosa hostilis that is 2% DMT to equal the potency of 0.4% Diplopterys cabrerana. The first experience SWIM had with Diplopterys cabrerana scared the living daylights out of him. He extracted the alkaloids and then tested it by vaporizing 15 mg. And this was a batch that was very high in 5-MeO-DMT and the unknown other alkaloid, but SWIM didn’t know it. SWIM was told DMT was the main alkaloid and the others were only present in traces. That’s not true at all! He vaporized 15 mg, and before he could exhale everything in SWIM’s view was coming apart, sliding, replicating, and bouncing all over SWIMs visual field. It was as if SWIM’s eyes were malfunctioning. There were no colorful DMT visions of any kind. It was just extreme visual disturbances, as if SWIM’s visual processing had be broken by someone taking part of his brain out. Nothing made sense to SWIM. All of SWIM’s thoughts were completely scattered in a completely frenzy. He felt like he had gone completely insane and caused brain damage to himself. It was extremely frightening, mostly because SWIM expected the effects of a mild DMT trip, not a whopping dose of 5-MeO-DMT and the “other” weird potent Diplopterys cabrerana alkaloid. Almost all of the effects were gone in 10 minutes and SWIM was so glad that he was back to normal. It was truly like being completely insane for the first 3 minutes. After a while SWIM has gotten used to the weird alkaloids in Diplopterys cabrerana and enjoys them, just as long as the dose is not too high. There’s a huge dose curve for the other alkaloids in it. For example, vaporizing 5 mg is a very nice experience. 10 mg is almost too intense, 15 mg is nearly an overdose for SWIM. The other Diplopterys cabrerana alkaloids at low doses seem to potentiate the effects of the DMT, making it last longer and making it more potent, but they block it at higher doses. At 5 mg, the DMT effects are felt along with the other alkaloids and are enough to have mild DMT visions with the eyes closed. This is the best dose for SWIM. The whole trip lasts about 40 minutes and is more DMT-like. Somehow the DMT portion of the trip is extended. But at 10 mg, the DMT effects are greatly diminished and SWIM can only feel the DMT after the other alkaloids wear off after about 10 minutes, but the DMT effects extend up to 30 minutes. At 15 mg, SWIM can’t feel the DMT at all and there are no DMT visions to be had. When the other alkaloids wear off after about 10 minutes, nothing is felt, not even a slight lingering of DMT is felt. It’s as if all the DMT was blocked by the other alkaloids and never made it to the brain. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
Wow, thanks for sharing. I guess that plant is a must for my garden. God is dreaming us.
NOTE: that 0.3% DMT mentioned above for Psychotria viridis is specifically for the Hawaiian strain which SWIM always uses. The others usually contain about 0.1%, so those others would contain about 1/5 as much DMT as D. cabrerana. Sorry for the confusion there. SWIM should be more specific when talking about plants. As soon as SWIM’s construction on his house is done, he’s going to look into finding a location for this unique plant. SWIM would like to grow Psychotria viridis, Diplopterys cabrerana, and Anadenanthera colubrina in a botanical section of his garden. All three plants are so different from each other. P. viridis gives a pure relaxed DMT experience. D. cabrerana gives a stimulating psychedelic experience that is unworldly (from 5-MeO-DMT and others). A. colubrina gives the most visual and auditory effects (from the 5-HO-DMT) without being very psychedelic. Diplopterys cabrerana varies in alkaloid content. Diplopterys cabrerana can be void of alkaloids sometimes, and other times it can have up to nearly 2% alkaloids. It’s a good idea to test it before using a large amount. Usually it is high in DMT, but the 5-MeO-DMT and other alkaloids are stronger than DMT, so they end up being the main effects one feels from it even though there is less of them present. Did you know that Diplopterys cabrerana works sublingually without any MAOI? About 3-5 grams of dried leaves chewed and held as a quid in the cheeks will produce mild psychedelic effects sublingually without any MAOI. An alkaloid extract is active at 2 mg sublingually as a stimulant. 5-10 mg is usually enough for mild psychedelic effects. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
I wonder If i could obtain some seeds or a cutting from you? I may just buy online. This one seems very interesting to add to my species bank. t.y. shoe shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
chaliponga is beautiful as an oral trip as well
would it be possible to get a full (like 40 mg) DMT-trip when you use chaliponga or an extract sublingually?
polytrip wrote:would it be possible to get a full (like 40 mg) DMT-trip when you use chaliponga or an extract sublingually? If you increase the dose - probably a lot - to adjust the absorption time difference, why not. Once it's in the bloodstream, it's in the bloodstream. Seems like a wasteful way to do it though. God is dreaming us.
Yes it’s a little wasteful because you need about 2-4 times as much as you would need when smoking it (depending on the 5-MeO-DMT to DMT ratio in the plant), but the experience lasts about 4 times longer and is generally a much more pleasant experience. It’s a much more euphoric and meaningful experience compared to smoking it. It’s almost like a short LSD trip. It’s very different from smoking it because the effects of the DMT are not present. When taken sublingually, the effects are almost exclusively from 5-MeO-DMT. The effects of smoked 5-MeO-DMT are quite different from the effects of sublingual 5-MeO-DMT. When smoked, 5-MeO-DMT hits you really hard in about 45 seconds, peaks after 3 minutes and only lasts about 15 minutes. Most people find it uninteresting or even unpleasant when smoked. A few people prefer it that way. SWIM doesn’t much care for 5-MeO-DMT when smoked. SWIM finds the experience too short, too shallow and pointless. SWIM thinks this is a wasteful use of 5-MeO-DMT even though you get more bang for your buck the bang you get is not as enjoyable. It’s like getting hit in the head with a psychedelic hammer. Very few people like it. When snorted or taken sublingually, the effects of 5-MeO-DMT start after about 4 minutes, peak after 12 minutes, and last up to 1 hour. It really is much better this way. You have more time to adjust to the experience before the peak hits. It’s not as mentally incapacitating this way and is just plain more enjoyable. You have 4 times more time to enjoy the experience, so even though it takes twice as much, it lasts 4 times longer, so in reality, you actually get more bang for your buck this way. SWIM thinks a 1 hour trip it nearly perfect. Originally SWIM didn’t like 5-MeO-DMT at all. He didn’t like Diploptery cabrerana either because of it. But after experimenting with it a few times and getting accustomed to its effects, SWIM is really starting to like it a lot. One thing that’s weird, when SWIM first tried 5-MeO-DMT, the effects were more of a dissociative effect than a psychedelic effect. After using it several times, SWIM is getting more psychedelic effects and less dissociative effects from it. SWIM is not sure exactly why this is, maybe it has something to do with SWIM’s diet. He’s not sure. SWIM used to see the 5-MeO-DMT in Diploptery cabrerana as something he wanted removed. Now he feels very different about it. He now likes it more than pure DMT. SWIM’s favorite way to take a Diploptery cabrerana alkaloid extract is sublingually during his lunch break. He takes 10 mg (about 2 mg of 5-MeO-DMT, and the rest is DMT, and a few other alkaloids) under his tongue for 10 minutes. It’s enough for SWIM to get good LSD-like psychedelic effects. SWIM is amazed at how similar to LSD it is when taken this way. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
69ron wrote:SWIM is amazed at how similar to LSD it is when taken this way. LSD, DMT, Psilocybin, Psilocin etc. are all serotonergic substances so I actually find it fascinating that they can evoke so different effects. Just shows how brittle and imaginary our material world is. Thanks again for sharing, very interesting post. God is dreaming us.
SWIM took 15 mg of his Diplotperys cabrerana alkaloid extract (using dichloromethane as the non-polar solvent) sublingually last night right before bed. Beware, it burns, sort of like jalapeno, but doesn't feel hot. He did it in freebase form. He felt the effects within 2 minutes. It peaked after about 15 minutes. The whole trip tasted an hour. Here’s the trip report from SWIM: Quote:I took 150 mg diluted in calcium carbonate. The actual dose was 15 mg, the rest was calcium carbonate. I immediately felt a burning sensation under my tongue. It doesn’t actually burn you, it’s a sensation of some sort, similar to jalapeno.
After 2 minutes I felt like I had taken a small dose of LSD. I felt excited and very clear headed. There was mild euphoria.
After 5 minutes, there were very noticeable LSD-like hallucinogenic effects. It was very cool. I still had the material under my tongue and the burning was still present.
After 10 minutes, I swallowed the material, and my tongue started to feel numb. Everything looked different, more 3D. I felt fantastic! It was very similar to LSD but not exactly. I felt quite relaxed, at ease with things, and there were no LSD-like color effects to be seen.
I starting looking at photos on my monitor and they all looked real, as if I could reach in and touch their faces. I could see actual depth in the photos. There was no color enhancement or other visual effects common with LSD, instead things just looked more 3D and seemed to have more meaning.
As I looked around my office I could see patterns forming on the walls from the existing patterns. These were faint and twisty, not colorful. The walls looked like they were almost made of water. The patterns on the walls would sway back and fourth slightly, very LSD-like, but without the color effects.
It’s now VERY NICE! What a beautiful experience. I feel quite a bit of euphoria. It is so uplifting. Everything looks a little like its made of water, swaying slightly, soft, beautiful, flowing, WOW. I sit back and relax and just soak up the moment in time. I feel deeply connected to everything. I feel an emotional connectivity to all the pictures I’m viewing on my monitor. They are all giving me memories, even the ones I have no memories of which are pictures of people I don’t know are triggering fantasy like memories of places I’ve never been to. It’s almost a telepathic experience. The deep emotional connectivity I’m feeling is not too intense and I can easily distance myself from it. The trip is both intense and relaxed at the same time. Some of the pictures look like they’re about to come to life and move. Some of the girls almost look like they’re about to wink at me. But they stay fixed in position and don’t actually move. It’s a beautiful experience. I’m really amazed at how 3D these flat pictures look. They really look real, not flat at all. I’ve not experience this type of visual effect from any other hallucinogen before, except occasionally a little bit from LSD.
The effects gradually faded and were felt for at least an hour.
It seemed to peak after 15 minutes. During the peak I felt a little drowsy and slow. I could easily have fallen asleep if I wanted to. It was a very blissful experience. I don’t recall pure 5-MeO-DMT being this cool. I think Diplotperys cabrerana must have something else in it that is also active sublingually. This trip is very spiritual, but not very visual. At no time did I see patterns or colors forming on their own. They were always made up of existing patterns based on objects that were just shifting around as if made of water. Everything looked like it was made of water, constantly flowing slightly. The effects on the mood and mind were very LSD-like.
To give you a good idea of the experience, it was like a short LSD trip with the following exceptions: no nervousness or anxiety was ever felt, no visuals were generated on their own, no mental confusion was felt, and everything looked more lifelike. It was more like LSD than anything else I’ve tried (DMT, bufotenine, psilocin, mescaline, etc.), except LSH (lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) which is damn close to LSD in effects but even weirder than LSD.
This was my most pleasant experience with sublingual Diplotperys cabrerana so far. It was very LSD-like. There were no side effects felt. It was a beautiful psychedelic experience. It wasn’t too intense at this dose. I would say it was about equal to 100 micrograms of LSD. The only downside was the burning under the tongue, but I can handle that: I eat jalapenos all the time.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.