Yeah, thats actually the best description of what it does ive read in someone elses report..Ive taken bufotenine many many many times, I know this stuff very well and what it does..
"rapid switching of images, may 5 per second, normal non abstract style (i.e. real world shapes and images).
At about 10 mins in there appeared every 5-10 seconds in the centre of the visual field a more classic DMT style shape for a few frames.
This repeated for maybe 10-20 mins, gradually tailing off."
That is classic bufotenine peak for me..if you take a bit more those images open up a bit more and you sort of move off into them..
The dreams that come after are really facinating..I once took vilca with caapi extract almost every single night for about a month and that was rediculously amazing..some really interesting and mind blowing stuff can go on in those dreams..and the bufotenine can really be working in those dreams and well it can be very mentally psychedelic, totally unlike the main peak...this iswhy its good to take bufotenine at night in bed, and let yourself pass out afterwards without turning the lights back just go from the peak adn faze off into the dreams effortlessly since bufotenine is so sedating.
Long live the unwoke.