I saw this over at fora.tv, enjoy!
thank you so much for posting this imP! i enjoyed that immensely.....super interesting and crushingly creative. awesome. L&G!! "Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's wisdom today."
I think my ego just died a little... Ha, Nice video! I love his ideas, I wonder if he thinks that children changing is a bad thing or a good thing. All Posts are fiction and only exist to entertain
If you like Zimbardo, here's a TED video
Philip Zimbardo: Why ordinary people do evil ... or do good
+ Another video with Dan Pink in the same style as the first (I just love those animations=))
I love the TED videos. Do you mind if I post a link? I just saw one that was really good. BTW, is it bad that I saw the demons and not the angels? All Posts are fiction and only exist to entertain
TrustLoveMan wrote:I love the TED videos. Do you mind if I post a link? I just saw one that was really good.
BTW, is it bad that I saw the demons and not the angels? Post ahead! Yeah I think it's bad, I saw them to though so your not the only bad apple in the room=)
thanks a lot for this psimon, very creative videos by dan pink. i especially love the TED one by philip zimbardo. he sheds light on very important social issues governing the current global structure. those experiments conducted and the images are so saddening; hopefully it will serve as a prelude to peace-oriented social mindset <3
All Posts are fiction and only exist to entertain