DMT and other psychedelics are used to reach other states of consciousness, but there are also other techniques. It would be a great idea to have a forum to discuss reaching other techniques including dreaming, astral projection, meditation, yoga, hypnosis, etc. Included could also be out-of-body experiences, near-death-experiences, or anything in the paranormal realm. I would love to get a forum up and running, I do not see a forum this could fit into. Maybe it could be incorporated with other subjects as well. "That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
In my opinion there are better things in spiritual evolution than psychadelic drugs but those practices take much more time and effort and humans tend to follow the path of least resistance. DMT can open your eyes to another state of being. But there are so many other practices that have immense benefits outside the drug world. I think there definately should be a section on various practices that do not include the use of psychedelics like floatation tank/sensory deprivation, meditation, yoga etc.. as there are many here ready to move on from DMT and are looking for other things to take on. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
I dont really know how DMT is the path of lease resistance. Most people are afraid to even touch the stuff..its so much easier to go to yoga classes, read the book of the dead and meditate..have you ever drank a large dose of ayahuasca?..there is nothing easy about it. Long live the unwoke.
fractal enchantment wrote:I dont really know how DMT is the path of lease resistance. Most people are afraid to even touch the stuff..its so much easier to go to yoga classes, read the book of the dead and meditate..have you ever drank a large dose of ayahuasca?..there is nothing easy about it. Couldn't agree more. Most people don't see this. And when going into hyperspace you're working beyond time. You can finish a year work in a matter of hours and it can be very hard. It's just a different route than yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation is a very safe route. Not everyone dare to take the psychedelic route. But these go best together. Yoga and meditation are probably the best ways to prepare for higher realms of cousiousness. ––––––
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction. I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!
i totally agree with you guys..i think psychedelics are a path down the thorny tunnel..its not easy..nor fun most of the time..but boy...isnt it rewarding and remarkable...but that doesnt mean that using other techniques ALONG SIDE of psychedelics arent useful.. i say this is a great have my vote!
I should clarify. While the journey itself is not easy as I may have stated inadvertently you get results instantly as opposed to meditation where it takes months to see any kind of result and thus the reason so few in my opinion want to follow it or stick with it. Both have their benefits and thier downsides. I think a well balanced spiritual approach will use both of the processes. I do not think that mind altering drugs should be the entirety of ones spiritual development in itself. But also I think they have the ability to open up ones mind to a entirely new state of consciousness and allow a individual the ability to see reality from another point of view which is beyond value to me. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
I dont even think you can use psychedelics alone for spiritual cant reintegrate by just taking HAVE to have some other method of putting that stuff into practice in daily life to really develope a relationship with these things that promotes growth. And I think everyone should do some yoga, eat well, reflect and take some time to explore your dreams and the twilight state. Long live the unwoke.
I think that entheogens are a tool and no more a shortcut than any other device or practice. I felt on the outset that maybe DMT was a shortcut but it wasnt at all. I was suddenly filled with so many more questions about reality, history,chemistry,sacred geometry,philosophy, quantum physics get the picture...Thanks to this forum for providing such great discussions and information... Aether In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order..Jung All above writing with the exception of Dr. Jung's quote is pure mushroom encrusted cowpie!
I see what you're saying, vovin, and I agree. In the modern materialist mindset, $2 of ayahaoma and 10 hours prep+trip is "easier" than weeks of daily practice. And it certainly does make sense that we would have such a subforum, methinks. I think I can safely say that the majority of the members here, if not all, are on their own spiritual path and that having the "Methods of Exploring Consciousness" subforum would not only be a great place to discuss non-psychedelic practices but would be, in my opinion, a way of showing that the Nexus is not just a "drugs" forum. I think it would also be good because I don't practice yoga or meditation, but would like to in order to help reintegrate the lessons of the psychedelic experience into everyday life. Without that, I think a lot of the learning is lost. And here at the Nexus would be the best place to discuss that, because the discussions therein would really incorporate the psychedelic factor, which would be missing in other venues. ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
This subforum thing is an outstanding idea and would continue to elevate the Nexus into something that ensures it is as much "about what DMT is about" as it is "about DMT". I joined here because the site speaks so clearly about integrating these experiences with the purpose of elevating one's life and consciousness. And yoga, etc, do this in somewhat different ways. Some of us follow multiple paths at times, evidently. All these paths can be intensely difficult for the practitioners..... "many are called, few are chosen"...kind of like the first day in grad school when the dean says, "Look to your left, look to your right, in two years only one of you will remain." (how true!) At least we may have an eternity of lifetimes to finally integrate whatever lesson we are striving for on these paths and move on to the next one. So it's not really as bad as what the grad school dean said. For example, while SWIM remains about 6 weeks or so away from DMT voyage #1, he looks forward to using it as yet another aid on his big path. I will gladly go out of my way regularly to contribute to such a subforum. WHOA!
fractal enchantment wrote:I dont really know how DMT is the path of lease resistance. Most people are afraid to even touch the stuff..its so much easier to go to yoga classes, read the book of the dead and meditate..have you ever drank a large dose of ayahuasca?..there is nothing easy about it. Fractal Enchantment Indeed choosing a path of self discovery through entheogens is a difficult path to travel as you have to look within yourself and work through the deepest darkest elements that are apart of your consciousness. At times you just have to muster intense bravery and courage to endure a path of heart... Sublime Awesome idea! Much Peace and Happiness
pychedelics and other drugs, meditation, sensory deprivation, hypoxia, change in breathing gas mixtures, ecstatic dance, pain induced by self or others, fasting, living in 100% darkness for long periods of time and many, many, many other things have been shown to produce altered states of consciousness in humans. Not casting a formal vote but the field seems huge. If the powers that be at the Nexus set this up i hope it will just be a small, singular area perhaps in the Hyperspace Tavern. -spiceworm i sincerely hope it's all NOT a dream. spiceworm may be in LOVE.
Thank you for your support fellow nexians. For me, I have been into exploring consciousness, seeking truth, and educating myself for some years now, but I have only recently been turned on to the use of entheogens and psychedelics as a pathway to spirituality, growth, ambition, and happiness even if it is difficult and challenging, I want the reward and benefit for the sake of everything. I want to utilize all these methods. "That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
Personally, I am in favour of anything that offers choices, alternatives. The final decision to explore a choice or alternative is, as it should be, with the individual concerned, who I believe should be resposible and weigh the consequences not just with personal possible consequences, but with any possible communal ones. Even if there are no choices or alternatives put forward that I like, relate to or wish to explore (unlikely, but possible) that should be no reason for me to deny others the opportunity to explore additional choices or opportunities, or put them forward for others.
I have begun to feel the welcome and common ground this nexus provides us all with and options, choices and the tools we need, or feel we need, to explore ourselves. Not as a fragmented bit, but as a valid part in a greater holistic and beautiful arrangement. Whatever that may be.
Who knows, it may not just be as it is, but as we contribute to make it. Wow - what about that!
The individuals of a family go out and "do their thing" on a day to day or week to week or whatever basis. The family as a whole, or individual members may or may not approve of what other family members go out and do according to their choices.
But when we all come home and exchange notes, experiences and lessons, it doesn't mean because of some difference of ego, or even individual choices, that there isn't something we cannot find in those other experiences that we can take, utilise or adapt in order to enrich ourselves.
When we enrich ourselves, we enrich the people who come into contact with us. They in turn, to whatever degree, enrich the people they come into contact with, and so on. Using social impact for a positive purpose. And no one need know anything about us other than we have encouraged our fellow man/woman/person, however you wish to express.
Perhaps life is more of a responsibility than we care to recognise.
That's why I am in favour of alternative choices for exploring consciousness. They offer more choices, even if it is as a support for set and setting, as a safety fallback or anything else a creative and growing mind can utilise. Our Nexus is but one of many separate choices that may or may not be connected with other choices. Or both.
Thanks to all for starting and contributing to the thread. It has helped to trigger all this. (yes it's your fault! tongue in cheek!)
Did I write that out loud? Hey - put me down for windbag of the year !!!!
Its ok - I do get passionate / carried away with a lot of things.
Final words. Thanks to Gammagore. You are the first reply to my posts. Thank you. And to Jorkest, you approved my "full" membership. Thank you. You two will be special to me in a way that only hyperspace can tell you.
And to all those who have read my posts, all those who haven't, and all those who someday will. And all the Nexus members. And all those who I have and will read and ..... well.....we are all in it together.Perhaps we will meet in hyperspace one day. Thanks.
So, Peace, love, understanding and positive and progressive growth to all,
yep yep yep, I pretty much agree with everything. I want to investigate if and how we can utilise other techniques and experiences to improve hyperspace practice. The links between hyperspace and lucid dreaming for example, cannot be ignored. There have been methods suggested for improving dream recall, there are certain techniques and herbs that are supposed to improve the incidence of lucid dreams apparently... like you say its a big area with a lot of questions, but I'm sure there's some nuggets of gold in there somewhere that we can use. Onwards and upwards _______________________ "am SWIM human? am SWIM alien? am SWIM even WHAT?!"
DMT is all about the complexity and depth of consciousness. I see it as a catalyst that can accelerate personal development exponentially. You have to do the work (living your life) but psychedelics can help with the job. It's certainly not an easy road (hard work!) but it can be fast, and like in chemistry the catalyst can make new things possible.
It's not just about DMT, it's about the totally new and impossible realms that are revealed when the molecule hits the synapses and consciousness tunes to another frequency (???).
I'm especially interested in combining meditation with low/moderate dose of mushrooms or DMT/harmala combinations. Sensory deprivation, meditation, yoga, binaural beats... bring it on!
I think conscious release of DMT by the pineal gland would be snazzy. It might do fun things. What do I know?
I think this DMT forest should be a playground!
I refer to the Spice route as The Steep Path. No matter which path one chooses the work must be done. Whether you do the work in a small or extended period of time is a personal stylistic type choice. But no matter the work will be done to reach that which (apparently) we here are shooting for. The desire to Know what we are and why exist. Our God-hood is a dazzling and enticing destiny. If post-life is anything like a Full Launch then all I can say is WOOhOO!!