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Kratom Options
#1 Posted : 5/19/2010 2:23:46 AM
I'm getting some free high grade Kratom and was wondering if anyone had tried it before. Info is greatly appreciated Smile
Life is a puzzle. Your parents fill in the edges and give you a starting point. The interesting thing about this puzzle is that one piece could fit in a million different spots and you will never fill it in. Try as you may, it will never be complete.

-Mi padre
#2 Posted : 5/19/2010 6:19:40 AM
My friend tried it. He said that he received a free sample of good (but unenhanced) kratom.
He put around a tablespoon into a small jar, with about 2 shots of vodka. Then he microwaved it for about 4-5 minutes as the vodka boiled. Then he filtered the vodka/powder through a fine-mesh strainer (or coffee filter, can't remember which) to get just vodka with the kratom extract in it.

He poured the hot vodka and extract into a large evaporating dish to let a lot of the alcohol evaporate. Once it reached room temperature, there was barely any alcohol left. He drank it all at once. Around 30 minutes later, he started feeling nice, and then that swelled into a low-grade euphoria/bliss for a few hours. It wore off with no side effects and he was completely baseline at the 5 hour mark.

He said that he had once tried eating an equivalent amount of kratom powder once but he got nausea, and he read about the hot ethanol extraction technique on the internet and there was no nausea when he drank the extract.
#3 Posted : 5/19/2010 6:19:49 AM
Skizm wrote:
I'm getting some free high grade Kratom and was wondering if anyone had tried it before. Info is greatly appreciated Smile

Hahaha. Well "high grade" doesn't really say much. Basic breakdown is most common commercial Kratom is either Thai or Malaysia Kratom. Bali Kratom is the strongest comparing in regular leaf form to other variates. Smaller doses Kratom is has a mild stimulant effect, while on higher doses it really brings out its sedative effects. Basic Kratom in a nutshell.

Do you actually know what type of "high grade" kratom SWIY is getting?? or even if it's an extract??

EDIT: either way its a good entheogen, when not abused of course.
The Tea Party wrote:
We exist in a world where the fear of Illusion is real
And we cling to the past to deny and confuse the ideal

DMTripper wrote:
Bliss of ignorance -> pain of knowledge -> integrate -> bliss of knowledge.

SWIM and ElusiveMind are fictional characters and everything they say is fictional
#4 Posted : 5/20/2010 5:57:16 PM
Yeah I agree never heard of "high grade". Whenever I did buy Kratom a few months ago I would get the Bali strand, it's the most cost effective. Somewhat stimulating at lower doses <3g and nice euphoric relaxation at >6g. For some reason though even at high doses I couldn't sleep on it. I couldn't take it past 6:00pm and hope to be asleep by 1:00am without loads of Benadryl. Kratom is great and have shown it to many people who need pain medication but can no longer receive prescription meds.

I no longer use it though as every time I had it in my possession I couldn't stop using it. I had a Cap-M-Quik machine to put the Kratom into gel caps and it made it far too easy to use. It is very addictive if you don't immediately set yourself up some guidelines for using it (ex. once or twice a week max). The gel caps for me were the best way to dose. Just tossing a load of powder in your mouth and swallowing can get nasty at times but it gets easier with practice. I've made tea a few times but didn't find the effects worth the hassle, seemed less potent. Super cheap and effective plant overall though.

Just don't forget to ask yourself why your using it.. Wink
"Existence itself may be considered an abyss possessed of no meaning. I do not read this as a pessimistic statement but a declaration of autonomy for my imagination & will and their most beautiful act of bestowing meaning upon existence itself." -- Hakim Bey
#5 Posted : 5/20/2010 6:43:32 PM
I cap up kratom fairly regularly. I also tend to consume daily until I run out. But then I go weeks or months before buying it again. I don't think it has a very strong physical addiction, its like cannabis for me in that regard. I do not jones for it, but I always pop a few after work if its lying around.

I found that as long as I stick to powdered leaf I do not build a tolerance. But, I have bought the stronger extracts before and they seem to require higher doses to get the same effects although it is much more potent.

Be careful with it just in case I am an oddity as far as the addiction goes. I know noone else personally that uses it.
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