Its now a week and 2 days after my initial freek out . I decided that it was time to revisit the spice. This time no caapi tea just straight up spice.
Well the strange but interesting news is that it took me right back to the same hyperspace wave energy extra terrestrial zone that I was in last week. This was a total surprise. Its feels like something is different now Like some kind of direct access that i didn't have before.
This time I was better prepared after doing alot of grounding this past week. It was really intense and strong and lasted a long time. I see now why I freeked out last week.
I did not become a being this time but I did observe the same stuff as last time. It was a very focussed experience basically the same place from start to finish. Thats pretty new to me. Usually there is a whole pallet and range . Not this time this was like a express pass to the direct alien realm.
Its a very dynamic dimensional awareness that shifts quickly in the blink of an eye. In one eye blink it seems to jerk to one side and flicker.
its like pulling in a tv station except the station being viewed is some kind of extra terrestrial energy field awareness. It seems super imposed on this reality.
Originally I always thought that objects moving and morphing were cool and just that . Objects just visually distorting. Well now it seems that if you get to a certain level and tune the frequency in there are a whole realm of different shaped objects and things independent of the morphed terrestrial objects.
An entire universe begins to unfold and show itself. A universe that seems as real as anything else.
The wildest thing is that this alternate world is already here and seems to have been here all along. This is an entirely extra terrestrial universe that seems to permeate everything in this world. It seems highly organized and advanced not just different than ours.
It exists right along side and simultaneous to own percieved reality. Apparently the aliens are already here and everywhere.
I'm glad to be back in
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke