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Phragmites Australis Options
#1 Posted : 2/24/2008 10:19:07 AM
Looks like swim will be dreaming of 5meo first
He just hopes this is the right plant because it took a long time
(and 1 broken spade) to dig up about 200g's of rhizomes.

¿ǝɹǝɥ uo ƃu‎i s‎i 773H ǝɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ

#2 Posted : 2/25/2008 1:40:31 PM
they definatly look like phragmite australis, swim once went on an adventure trying to get some
, well swim did found it , but the truth is extracting the spice from it, is kind of a "nut cracker", cuz your really not shore if you gonna get anything if anything at all, also there is the danger of "gramine"/or other dangerous kemikalz innit, innit?
i reckon if it was that easy to get it from phragmites , everyone on this forum should be concentrating in getting it rather than buying "mimosa" from growers.
i hope you can find a safe way of extracting it , and please enligth us with your new found knowledge
maybe you can makes us all free from expenses in the future Pleased
good luck
#3 Posted : 2/29/2008 12:21:13 AM
Look like australis, but you will not get anything from 200 g wet Sad
#4 Posted : 6/8/2008 9:27:40 PM
Hi all!
Sorry for my English, I use a translator.

I have 4.5 kilograms of wet roots Phragmites australis (common reed).
Network few questions:

1) From this you can get DMT?
2) how many DMT contained in Phragmites australis in%?
3) in the roots only DMT?
4) have roots in dangerous alkaloids (gramin, etc.)?

I want to make extraction acetone. Please help board, as do better.
Beforehand thank you for your help! Smile
qwerty attached the following image(s):
PA.JPG (76kb) downloaded 266 time(s).
Senior Member
#5 Posted : 6/8/2008 11:34:14 PM
1 - Reportedly, maybe you can tell us.
2 - See above.
3- That's what Ott says.
4 - I can't find anything that says yes or no for sure. It's not listed as containing gramine like donax and phalaris are though.

You're in fairly uncharted waters here and could add a lot to general knowledge of uncommon DMT sources.
My friend has never had success with an acetone extraction of DMT - what were you planning on doing?
Here's the procedure I would try:
Whatever you do, it looks like your biggest problem is going to be getting all that ground up. I'd either cook the hell out of it and use a heavy duty blender or run it through a garbage disposal.
#6 Posted : 6/16/2008 6:48:52 PM
Thanks Noman!
I studied the document. In my situation would do better extraction acetone (as described in the PDF document "DMT from Phragmites australis"Pleased. Less complexity and easier to buy a reagent. But I plan to use 50% roots. Another 50% will leave at the A / B extraction.
Delighted to tell you about the results - positive or not.
Thank you for your supportSmile
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