this is my 6th mescaline extraction and im proud to say that never before have i had a problem...but this time my mescaline wont crystalize...everytime it comes out like orange goop(i use sulfuric acid)and i wash it with ice cold acetone...before it always cleard up instantly...i dryed it and washed it again and it comes out molly...but this time it clears up under the acetone while filtering but goes back to a mix of pink powder, orange balls, and white rocks and tests at 4 ph and wont go up despite 250 ml of wash...a few questions... 1)what can i use to make it crystalize 2)is it safe to eat as is 3)is the acid equimolar to the mescaline or to the lye 4)how much should acid should i use...i have 98% sulfuric that i use 2-1 5)why is the final product not homogenous 6)what could i have done wrong...i followed the same process as before the only difference is that this time the benzene turned slighty brownish instead of yellowish as before
i,d like to report that toulene though effective for mescaline extraction caused unbreakable emulsions and pecipitated a sticky paste, while benzene seperates within 5 minutes without hot water baths or any other tricks and crystalizes rocky powder that doesnt really stick to the pyrex
I am not sure what has gone awry w/ your extraction. I have always extracted w/ Xylene and salted it out as a HCl salt. I know that the xylene has changed different colors before but that is just due to variation in color of the specimens. Did you accidentally use too strong of an acid solution? ( assuming you are titrating ) Was this the last pull on said material. I ask because all of my previous HCl extractions came out white or off white but one salting on some pretty much exhausted material yielded some greyish yet crystalline looking stuff that won't get much brighter despite several acetone washes and dissolving in water and re-evaporating. I don't know about the Sulphuric, but I know that the weaker the HCl solution the much cleaner/purer the yield. If the HCl is too strong it pulls a lot of other alkaloids besides just the Mescaline. aka Dirty Sanchez. Wish I had a camera to show those grey looking mesc samples. Keep us updated and hopefully someone else can illuminate us further.
i use a total of 30 drops of 2/1 sulfuric/ was only the first wash...i was going to wait untill i got some advice from you guys(thanx)to do another wash...i have hcl..maby i'll try it for the second heard that the weight of the sulfer atoms cause it to weigh more and thus percipitate better...xylene isnt availible to me here in mexico...i could dystill some but it costly and time consuming is it your opinion that the acid is too much hcl would/do you use so i can try your potion?
Well I use pH strips to help me get an idea of what pH range I am in but when using HCl I use roughly 4-5 drops of 31% HCl ( muriatic acid ) per 100mls of water. Let me see if I can pull up a pic of some of my results to show you. No camera ATM so have to find some older ones from when I did.
Here's two. One still in the pyrex and one lousy, blurry one of it scraped up. Shadowlord attached the following image(s): Nov2_08_gothrough2 144.jpg (781kb) downloaded 67 time(s). Nov2_08_gothrough2 148.jpg (779kb) downloaded 67 time(s).
i see that you are crystalizing out of water...i crystalize straight out of the benzene and then filter out the that normal practice?...i dont know...i'm useing a tec that dates back to the 60's...but tried and true effective greymatter attached the following image(s): 100_3697[2].JPG (945kb) downloaded 53 time(s).
i duuno man, sometimes it just comes out different. that happens with dmt all the time
a couple of pics greymatter attached the following image(s): DSCI0198.JPG (2,843kb) downloaded 23 time(s). DSCI0195.JPG (2,886kb) downloaded 23 time(s).