My friend is asking for your help!
He's new to all this, he read diffrent teks, maybe he's slow, but please answer nice
He understand pretty much all, but when it comes to letting the heptan / lyie / mimosa sattle and separate, the nice stuff, should a lid be on then aswell?
For hem it seems like the fumes want to break out of the jar :S?
When it comes to the freezer it's seem like a must, how air tight do he need? Do he need to use tape if he cannot find a very very air proof jar(s)?
Also he don't want to buy lyie online, so the best bet is not "100%" pure.
Should this be ok? The bad stuff should sink, right? He belive it's 75-85% lyie...
Also does he need to buy distilled water or can he just heat up some tap water and let it cold abit?