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Autism and DMT Options
#1 Posted : 3/2/2010 2:00:21 AM
I think it would be extremely interesting to compare subjective accounts of DMT trips of autistic individuals vs. non-autistic individuals on a large scale. I'm particularly curious if any significant differences would occur in the area of the "elves" that are so often described by DMT initiates. I have a theory that these elves reflect the part of the mind devoted to perceiving other conscious entities, something autism apparently inhibits (forgive me if this is a vast oversimplification).

#2 Posted : 3/2/2010 2:05:29 AM
do you know of any autist that smoked dmt or took psychedelics? I dont... am curious if anybody knows
#3 Posted : 3/2/2010 2:22:21 AM
endlessness wrote:
do you know of any autist that smoked dmt or took psychedelics? I dont... am curious if anybody knows

Don't know anyone with autism (at least no one's told me they have it). I am very interested to hear any experiences people might have.
#4 Posted : 3/2/2010 3:09:09 AM
SWIM, though currently un-diagnosed and though not scared to be, just annoyed with the paperwork required to get health insurance and putting it off, has done the a couple tests include the standard autism test, he forgets what it is called. Anyway he got results significantly higher than average (10-15 is average for adults) and in the range of Asperger's or high functioning autism. (32 is minimum, he got 34) and during the test he was baffled how the questions pinpointed difficulties he's had in the past.

He knows that people experience life in different ways, but he is pretty sure he is a little off. But not so much that he hasn't learned to cope with most of the aspects, terrible instincts in social situations, poor empathy and the other less notable ones. He has to quickly analyze situations based on past experience and has little "feel" for social situations. Nonetheless as it goes being that way causes a certain meticulous observation of details which SWIM enjoys very much, it makes social situations that are not to unfamiliar very fun. Though he has a habit of pissing people off with his carefree way of thinking without much sense of empathy for a situation.

Anyway, he has done DMT, seen many entities although they tend to keep to themselves quite a bit. He hears these crazy stories about aliens discussing telepathy and obscure things he could never even imagine and the closest to communication SWIM has gotten is vague gestures of "come hither" or waving hello or goodbye from the entities. SWIM has smoked enough DMT to see entities probably 40 or so times and on his most intense experiences the elves were just dancing around, though on his strongest ever (>50mg) they seemed to be laughing at him while dancing.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

#5 Posted : 3/2/2010 3:19:34 AM
endlessness wrote:
do you know of any autist that smoked dmt or took psychedelics? I dont... am curious if anybody knows

I google'd "Autism LSD" and found the following:

Main Page:

LSD Studies With Autistic Children

Secondary Pages:

Autistic Schizophrenic Children. An Experiment in the Use of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25)
A.M. Freedman, E.V. Ebin, E. Wilson

Modification of Autistic Behavior with LSD-25
James Q. Simmons III, J.D., Stanley J. Leiken, M.D., O. Ivar Lovaas, Ph.D., Benson Schaeffer, M.A., and Bernard Perloff
#6 Posted : 3/2/2010 3:36:46 AM
SWIM read that study a couple times. Having also worked closely with 4 different autistic children of varying functionality and from his experiences with LSD he has a different viewpoint than the daily administration treatment.

SWIM is openly against daily use of anything (unless it is treating something that is killing you) and though he considers his first trip with LSD an extreme turning point in his life in terms of creative thinking and perspective shift, his recent trip on LSD produced no new large insights at all. It seems that the experience just showed him a different way of thinking that is completely possible sober.

This could be completely different with children with severe autism, though SWIM hasn't ever met one, most of the autistic children SWIM meets (he's a gymnastics coach) are quite functional though they mostly have a 1 on 1 coach. Parents do bring all kinds of disable children in because gymnastics is a great way to promote activity, he's not sure the commonality of severe vs mild autism.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

#7 Posted : 3/2/2010 3:46:05 AM
Very interesting topic.
I would be equally as interested to hear a blind persons account!
have you ever taken that ferry from San Francisco to Berkeley and looked back and seen that while in Berkeley, San Francisco doesn't exist?

#8 Posted : 3/2/2010 4:12:09 AM
Unlike with LSD, where I think the goals are largely therapeutic, my original question was posed to investigate the mechanisms of DMT, not necessarily just in an autistic individual.

However, both q21's testimonies and clouds's links were fascinating to read. In particular, it seems that the elf behavior q21's friend experienced reflected the autistic experience of human interaction to a certain extent.
#9 Posted : 12/26/2010 2:13:50 AM
Though I've not nor do I want to be diagnosed with it, I believe I have a mild case of Aspergers syndrome. It is surreal reading some of the people's symptoms that I had previously brushed off as me just being a bit weird, and thinking any form of autism meant you were basically retarded which is not the case at all. I've done DMT at least 100 times now, I really can't say I've met any entities yet. I've had a couple possible entity interactions, but I'm not really sure if I would classify them as interactions with entities. I do have a bit of a problem remembering my experiences on DMT for whatever reasons.

I normally have a photographic memory, but sometimes the only thing I remember on a DMT trip is something during the trip that I made note of that I needed to try to remember. Interesting topic, and I'm sure there are more people here with possible aspergers, as I've been finding out the atheist community, libertarian community, and the vegetarian community, and the scientific community are filled with people with aspergers. It just still has a bit of a stigma because it is still seen as a flaw, which it may be.
*The above text represents a fictional alter ego, none of it is based on the experiences of a real person.*

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." Oscar Wilde
#10 Posted : 9/12/2013 11:05:33 PM
endlessness wrote:
do you know of any autist that smoked dmt or took psychedelics? I dont... am curious if anybody knows

Sorry for the thread necromancy, but this caught my attention and wanted to respond. I'm 31 and have recently been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (though I've suspected it for some time), so I'm on the high-functioning end of the Autistic Spectrum. So now you know someone who is autistic and has done DMT many times.

I tend to spend a lot of time 'in my own head' anyway, so I suspect that's why I have such an easy time with psychedelics (and perhaps why I've taken to them like a duck to water).

Nearly every DMT flash I've has had involved entity contact, even on sub-breakthrough doses, I often notice entities either observing me, or going about their business while seemingly unaware of me. A few days ago while testing some impure wax from my sodium carbonate-IPA extraction, I instantly became aware of shadowy humanoid entities standing around me: some watching me, and some coming and going on the peripherals of the multicolored folding room I was seeing.

I've posted quite a few details of my many experiences in this thread.

Also, I've particularly found taking mushrooms, weed, and MDMA to have helped me deal with people better, which is an area I've often had difficulty with. In particular, taking psychedelics and MDMA has helped me feel more comfortable connecting to other people and dealing with physical contact, which I've always felt a little 'weird' about, except with very close friends/family.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#11 Posted : 9/12/2013 11:18:43 PM
keleblin wrote:

Sorry for the thread necromancy, but this caught my attention and wanted to respond.

No need to apologize. This is a perfect case of when it's actually completely appropriate to revive an ancient thread.

I would highly doubt that the "ability" to perceive elves would differ between autistic and non-autistic individuals. There are plenty of non-autistic people who smoke DMT and have never seen the elves and never will, and there are others who get them a lot of the time and yet others who will only see them occasionally. Keleblin demonstrates that as an autistic individual, he encounters entities, and thus is evidence contrary to the OP's hypothesis. I personally don't agree that entities would manifest out of a psychological need or something of the sort like a dream apparition. These guys appear to me to act and appear under their own volition, and probably don't reside in the mind IMO.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#12 Posted : 9/15/2013 3:46:27 AM
keleblin wrote:

I tend to spend a lot of time 'in my own head' anyway, so I suspect that's why I have such an easy time with psychedelics (and perhaps why I've taken to them like a duck to water).

Also, I've particularly found taking mushrooms, weed, and MDMA to have helped me deal with people better, which is an area I've often had difficulty with. In particular, taking psychedelics and MDMA has helped me feel more comfortable connecting to other people and dealing with physical contact, which I've always felt a little 'weird' about, except with very close friends/family.

For what it's worth, in my experience the root of the issues (whether it be social anxiety or uneasiness with physical contact with those outside of your comfort zone) are generally formed in childhood/adolescence, so it may benefit, if interested, to revisit those earlier memories and maybe find the original cause, once it's made conscious and brought to light (awareness in this case lol not particularly DMT) and understood, then you are free to be more natural; you will be free to choose whether you want to be social and extroverted, or introverted, without the awkwardness in situations. Taking MDMA or mary jane only masks the symptoms and gives temporary relief while under the influence, but you can have lasting relief, it would just take some time and conscious effort to dig up the root (maybe some initial relationship with kindergarden friend gone wrong, or gradeschool friend, or maybe even just playground friend, or maybe something different. Or maybe some imposed teaching in childhood that had the effect, you'd have to do your own introspection to figure it out, would take time and patience... be conscious of every little nuance in those "awkward" situations, every feeling, and try to figure out why you feel the way you feel, eventually it'll come to you)

In any case best of luck!
#13 Posted : 9/15/2013 4:29:57 AM
brokenChild wrote:
Taking MDMA or mary jane only masks the symptoms and gives temporary relief while under the influence

You misunderstood. I was talking about LASTING results. I've taken MDMA a total of 6 times in my life (all pure, lab tested MDMA HCL, not pill form) and haven't partaken in over a year. I haven't used Cannabis regularly in months, and haven't touched it at all in nearly a month. I don't use them as 'party drugs', but rather I use them mainly for deep introspection and such. Often in combination, or shortly after the use of, psychedelics.

I've had some autistic traits (at least) since I was a toddler, and that has compounded with many issues I've had while growing up.

Don't assume too much. Wink
#14 Posted : 9/15/2013 4:36:40 AM
I see, my apologies since there was no mention of time of use or nature of effect, it seemed to me from your statement like you were only receiving these benefits while under MDMA/THC influence.

In any case it seems like you're headed in the right direction, I would look further into the toddler years if you can consciously access it the impressions should still be there. Unfortunately tho I wouldn't know what to look for from personal experience, I have gathered knowledge of autism and it's roots but without direct experience I'm unsure of the truth of it so I'll leave it to your own judgement.

Sorry I couldn't help more
#15 Posted : 9/15/2013 5:01:56 AM
Have you considered the genetic roots?

My family has a history going back several generations of autistic traits. Actually, my family has a WHOLE MESS of genetic issues going back generations.
#16 Posted : 9/15/2013 5:22:12 AM
Yes actually, as far as genetics go both my father and my grandfather (on his side) all died from stomach cancer, I have no further knowledge of the tree (and that particular issue in it) past that. But I was able to figure out the source of the genetic illness, oddly enough it was in the food, traditionally they both made the same mistake. Soo I don't give too much credence to "genetics", in some cases they are applicable, but from what I can tell in the cases of mental or psychological and even some physiological issues, or even holistic health, they are not as binding as we tend to believe.

Of course others will argue with me on this point, but again according to my family tree, "genetically speaking" I should be predispositioned to stomach cancer... but I've resolved that issue, so on that point I don't see it as genetically binding. Yes, I was predisposed to the same fate, since I was programmed for the same fault/habit or the same mistake... but once I was aware of the chain and which particular pattern caused it, I just jumped out of the loop... took a different course of action, not attached to the same illness. You are right tho, while we are growing we are programmed with a lot of the familial traits from our parents (and they from their parents, etc), and unless we become aware of those roots they continue to manifest themselves unconsciously, whether good or bad (desirable or undesirable)

#17 Posted : 9/15/2013 5:43:50 AM
I suffer from Asperger's Syndrome (mild autism), if you can say suffer? I was blessed with an abnormally high IQ, very attentive focus (I've meditating to the point where I was literally dreaming whilst totally conscious), great attention to detail. Bad sides are overdeveloped emotions (depression, anger, happiness, to extremes) but MDMA and a whole army of good friends helped me "cure" the disease, as well as substituing my medication for marijuana till I was "cured".

So back to your question. Having an extremely strong mind really prevents me from breaking through so far (I've smoked maybe 20 times in the last 2 months), its not that I can't, I've a very strong ground and insane Rocky like willpower and heart, but I have very intense visuals, and might be why I can see the entity everytime I blast. Plus having an understanding of Carlos Castenada books and being a intense dreamer has prevented me from venturing too far. I am afraid of a breakthrough, since reality would literally shatter in that aspect.
#18 Posted : 9/15/2013 8:31:20 AM

endlessness wrote:
do you know of any autist that smoked dmt or took psychedelics? I dont... am curious if anybody knows

A mate of mine back in the uk used to journey with me, he loved it and had entity contact with what he describes as mirror ball men. Overall the same effects I believe, however he was a salvia 'hard head' whether thats because of his aspergers or not I dont know..
#19 Posted : 10/17/2013 6:24:25 AM
yayscience wrote:
endlessness wrote:
do you know of any autist that smoked dmt or took psychedelics? I dont... am curious if anybody knows

Don't know anyone with autism (at least no one's told me they have it). I am very interested to hear any experiences people might have.

I think it helps with social connectiveness
#20 Posted : 3/19/2017 8:03:51 AM
Since I have autism and I have a lot of stuff to say about this topic I decided to pull a Lazarus on this threat.

MDMA: Helped me become more social. It's not visual enough for me so I rarely use it.
LSD: It was fun but not as awesome as mushrooms or DMT
Iboga: Warned me not to use ayahuasca but I still long to try ayahuasca and am torn about using it because of the warning Iboga gave me.
Mushrooms: An awesome substance. I used LSD more right now because I have a lot of it left. I am going to try to learn to grow my own mushrooms because I love them so much.
DMT: It was awesome. I loved it. Sometimes I saw Astec-like pyramids and other times I saw friendly devils. It's on my bucket list to learn how to make it on my own.

Here is a trip report I posted on Erowid detailing my first DMT Trip

repeated vaporized DMT


Being on probation and wanting to get high I decided to get 500 mg of DMT because it is impossible to test for and I wanted to get high. The idea of an alien abduction experience also appealed to me because I was a fan of the X Files and thought it would be cool to see fractal aliens. Reading the Spirit Molecule made me decide to go ahead.

My research led me to acquire a lab scale, vapour genie pipe, and a butane torch. The scale was miscalibrated, I didn't know it at the time I used it, and what was registered as 60mg was actually at least 300mg.

I started to smoke the vaporized DMT. After 8 or 10 hits of the DMT I saw something that looked like a large plant that grew human beings or an octopus. I had the feeling that it was killing me or was the source of life and death--a force of chaos and decay that all living entities return to. I saw a poster of a tiger in my room glow with an eerie light and I saw my legs turned into a vine or decaying--I couldn't tell which. I then decided to smoke the resin in the pipe since I didn't know that I had more DMT in the pipe then is required for an extreme experience. The next thing I knew my back pack turned into some time of monster and I had the feeling that I would die if I didn't deposit the pipe into the back pack.

Upon staring at myself in the mirror I realized that I was lucky to be alive and could return to the forces of chaos at any time. This killed my fear of people; being a high functioning autistic person my fear of people was extreme.
being a high functioning autistic person my fear of people was extreme.
However, the DMT trip killed this fear as I realized that everyone on Earth has the same fate to put on a suit--our skin--emerge and then return to the forces of chaos. I realized that the back pack monster was also just this chaotic energy in a skin--it choose to manifest itself in my back pack.

Another effect of the trip was I decided to become a vegetarian so that I would not needlessly send animals back to this entity of chaos.

The next day I decided to smoke the remaining DMT to see if changing from a meat eater to a vegetarian would change how I reacted to the DMT. It did. When I smoked the rest of the DMT--I think I had 20MG left, I had the feeling that the entity of chaos was actually feeding me and letting me live and not killing me. The first trip was extremely scary, the second trip was life affirming.

I will smoke DMT again but I think I'll wait at least six months or more before I do it. The one thing I like about DMT is that I can't really become addicted to it--that is really good for me because I usually become addicted to everything I touch.

Would I do it again? Yes, but I would buy a 100mg pack so I don't have to worry about overdosing on DMT. As enlightening as the experience was I don't want to experience the primal force of chaos again and I have an intuition that I won't as long as I refrain from eating meat. Fortunately it did not take away my love of cheese because I like cheese better then I like meat.

I don't know how accurate the aspie-quiz is but before I took DMT these were my results:
Your Aspie score: 122 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 77 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
(bear in mind this was three years ago or more)

and after I took the DMT these were my results:
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 67 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 150 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical

I know this is not a scientific way to test how effective DMT is as a cure for aspergers/autism but it is the only tool that I know of to make such a measurement.

I have no idea why it transformed me so completely but it did transform me and that's all that really matters. If science can figure out why it worked so much the better, but if science cannot--at least there is a tool that people with aspergers/autism can try. DMT is the most scary psychedelic I've ever tried and one hell of a spirit medicine. I would say it is very healing.

Exp Year: 2014 ExpID: 103970
Gender: Male
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Feb 13, 2017 Views: 278
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I forgot everything about my trip until Erowid informed my they posted my trip report. Since it answers the question asked in this thread I decided to revive it sorry if reviving such an old thread is against the proper netiquette on the Nexus.

The trip report as it appears on Erowid: https://www.erowid.org/e...iences/exp.php?ID=103970
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