went over to FV's website to order up another gram each of THH and Caapi Copy and noticed that they now have some very interesting looking tinctures that allege to have 3.5mg. PER DROP. and 100mg per dropper! anyone tried these? i can't say i'm not completely mesmerized by them..... L&G!! "Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's wisdom today."
SWIM does not feel mesmerised either! If not anything else, the people here should know how to make a tincture; measure amount of substance and dissolve in, say, a certain amount of 70 ethanol or vodka. On the other hand, their tincture would make more sense if it were formulated in a way to aid faster absorption; they may have found a tried and tested "secret" recipe for solvent (any ratio of water, ethanol, maybe dmso, glycerin, gelatin, whatever). Which would imply it is worth the money and effort! Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here! Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!
I got some of the THH tincture. I found that it works just about the same. Sublingual, go with the powder.. the vinegar taste and burn of the tincture is off-putting. For oral use I think the tincture is fine. Whoever answers emails over at FV sent me this when I asked about advantages over the powdered THH "The shelf life is about 2-4 years. It should be stored in a cool dark location. The tinctures have the convenience of a dropper for measuring the amounts of THH used. This is great for people who don't own a scale or who are on the go. Also, our THH tincture is designed to have better solvency properties than the dried powder has. The tincture contains THH acetate, and not THH hydrochloride. Our powdered form is THH hydrochloride." All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
perfect info. thank you guys. think i'm gonna stick with the powder and maybe try to make my own tincture down the road.... L&G!! "Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's wisdom today."
Last time SWIM looked, he couldn't discern much of a price difference between these and the powder. SWIM prefers the tincture because it doesn't require weighing, and his sublingual methods are quite suited to it. These don't contain any alcohol, only vinegar. The only problem with these is if you're not quite adept at sublingual administration and let it puddle up, the vinegar can burn a bit (SWIM essentially paints his soft palate with the bottom of his tongue and was amused to see on the label that it says, "apply thin for best results" in regards to watercoloring). They're also well suited to preparing pharmahuasca shots: Just figure out how many drops are needed in total, then adjust the ratios as desired.
Totally get the powder, SWIM burned his mouth with the THH HCl tincture when trying it sublingually. he's considering freebasing it and making an acetate tincture. Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs
q21q21, The FV tinctures are acetates already. It does burn under my tongue sublingual. although amor_fati seems to not be bothered by it. All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
Madcapv2 wrote:The FV tinctures are acetates already. It does burn under my tongue sublingual. although amor_fati seems to not be bothered by it.
Just as with how SWIM doesn't simply allow the powder to sit in a pile under his tongue to become diluted and to have to wait five minutes or so for the substance to mostly absorb, nor does he let tincture sit in a puddle to burn his mouth. Early on, he had made the mistake of allowing this to happen, and it does indeed burn, but he soon realized that the same methods he developed for use with the powders are also suited for use with the tinctures. SWIM's also had to coach guests in how to do this. With powders, he spreads it incredibly thin sublingually with the bottom of his tongue (he would occasionally do this with his fingertip, as well), and at 30mg, the THH can noticeably set in with the rapidity of a rail of cocaine (no sitting around for 5min waiting for absorption, instead, SWIM makes it absorb). This can be a bit painful at higher doses and tastes horrible, but the effect is magnificent and well worth it. SWIM uses a similar practice with the tincture: He applies the drops in different spots to avoid bombarding one location with acetic acid and immediately spreads it out with his tongue, and he never has any burning sensations. With both the powder and the tincture, never let saliva dilute it. Always swallow your saliva before it has a chance to commingle with the substance, even if you do swallow a little, it should be thin enough that it will likely absorb long before making it to the stomach.
Tinctures are very convenient because there’s no need to weigh anything. You just use 1-2 droppers full in your juice or coffee and you’re good to go. I love tinctures. I have tinctures of pretty much every herb there is. Making tinctures yourself is pretty easy. There are lots of web sites devoted to that. While it’s an interested project once in a while, I have better things to do than to sit around making tinctures. If you do, you’d better research how to do it right because if you don’t do it right, you can end up getting food poisoning from a spoiled tincture. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
amor_fati wrote:Madcapv2 wrote:The FV tinctures are acetates already. It does burn under my tongue sublingual. although amor_fati seems to not be bothered by it.
Just as with how SWIM doesn't simply allow the powder to sit in a pile under his tongue to become diluted and to have to wait five minutes or so for the substance to mostly absorb, nor does he let tincture sit in a puddle to burn his mouth. Early on, he had made the mistake of allowing this to happen, and it does indeed burn, but he soon realized that the same methods he developed for use with the powders are also suited for use with the tinctures. SWIM's also had to coach guests in how to do this. With powders, he spreads it incredibly thin over his palate with the bottom of his tongue (he would occasionally do this with his fingertip, as well), and at 30mg, the THH can noticeably set in with the rapidity of a rail of cocaine (no sitting around for 5min waiting for absorption, instead, SWIM makes it absorb). This can be a bit painful at higher doses and tastes horrible, but the effect is magnificent and well worth it. SWIM uses a similar practice with the tincture: He applies the drops in different spots on the palate to avoid bombarding one location with acetic acid and immediately spreads it out with his tongue, and he never has any burning sensations. With both the powder and the tincture, never let saliva dilute it. Always swallow your saliva before it has a chance to commingle with the substance, even if you do swallow a little, it should be thin enough that it will likely absorb long before making it to the stomach. odd, SWIM was under the impression sublingual meant "under the tongue" lol Definately something to try. Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs
q21q21 wrote:odd, SWIM was under the impression sublingual meant "under the tongue" lol  SWIM's knowledge of anatomical terminology leaves something to be desired. He is referring to sublingual use...wish that part of the tongue had a common name. I'll edit the post accordingly.
SWIM wonders if FV tinctures could be modified to make them easier to use and efficient for sublingual application. Like, maybe evapping them with warm/hot air from a hairdryer and dissolving in DMSO? Will the acetic acid evaporate? Do not seek the truth, just drop your opinions.
Yes, most likely, but there's little more than bad reports with DMSO. Once SWIY gets her technique down, these tinctures will work just fine. It's really easier than she's probably thinking.
amor_fati wrote:Yes, most likely, but there's little more than bad reports with DMSO. Once SWIY gets her technique down, these tinctures will work just fine. It's really easier than she's probably thinking. Could be but it takes a lot of harmalas for sufficient inhibition for SWIM (50 to 60 drops of Caapi tincture), so avoiding salivation and swallowing is quite a challenge. Did SWIY mention that it could be done in several installments rather than all at once? Regardless of negative reports on DMSO use SWIM plans to run a few experiments with sublingual harmalas & spice dissolved in DMSO. As far as she remembers those negative reports were related to transdermal application, not sublingual. Do not seek the truth, just drop your opinions.
I bought myself the THH tincture from FV. I'm totally into it. Very good stuff. I won't use rue extract any more  elusive illusion
Didn't want to make a new thread for this question, but does anyone know if FV's dry alkaloid extracts (not tinctures) -- caapi copy in particular -- are sold in freebase or salt form, and if salt, which specifically? I find it strange that the information isn't detailed on his website.
TheAppleCore wrote:Didn't want to make a new thread for this question, but does anyone know if FV's dry alkaloid extracts (not tinctures) -- caapi copy in particular -- are sold in freebase or salt form, and if salt, which specifically? I find it strange that the information isn't detailed on his website. I believe that anything that is NOT specified as "freebase", is in salt form. Caapi Copy is definitely not in freebase form (unless that's recently changed). I have both freebase and salt isolates & compounds from him, and anything that is freebase specifically states "Freebase". EDIT: In particular I know you can get Harmine Freebase, and Harmaline Freebase, and they should be marked as such. THH freebase may now be available as well. Hope that helps! Peace, -idt I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.
…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face. -Terence McKenna
Trickster wrote:Could be but it takes a lot of harmalas for sufficient inhibition for SWIM (50 to 60 drops of Caapi tincture), so avoiding salivation and swallowing is quite a challenge. Well SWIM specifies that it's better to swallow saliva as soon as possible, rather than allow it to build up and dilute the tincture. Quote:Did SWIY mention that it could be done in several installments rather than all at once? Absolutely, 5-10 drop sets are ideal for SWIM. SWIY should try five at a time 'til she gets the hang of it, but don't wait in between: Rub the tincture into the mucous membrane immediately so that there's no puddle under the tongue, and don't wait, just go ahead with the rest of the sets in the same manner and in rapid succession. Quote:Regardless of negative reports on DMSO use SWIM plans to run a few experiments with sublingual harmalas & spice dissolved in DMSO. As far as she remembers those negative reports were related to transdermal application, not sublingual. SWIM believes that the lack of experimentation was due to negative reports of the taste, more-so than of transdermal application. SWIM was a little surprised that such a thing would topple such experimentation, so he imagined it must be quite terrible.
The vinegar is horrible tasting
Anyway to reduce the flavor
You could add sweetener, like white stevia powder to it. Note that SWIM's last THH tincture he got a few days ago from them is a glycerite tincture. They apparently don't offer the vinegar based tinctures anymore. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.