GweiLos been extracting small batchs of mhrb off n on for a few years and has averaged 1.5-2% each time. The mhrb vendors quality differed wildly as did the first few teks. A/B, stb, gordons tek, lazyman, spiritveg, naptha, bestine, re-x, re-re-x, snow white diamonds, yellow cake, red peanut butter, 100mg breakthrough does, 1000mg headache. Trialand error has my vendor, tek and equipment dialed into where 200g MHRB makes enough to last 4-5 months,
My go-to is a stb spiritveghead tek. Everything room temp. No heat bath, no heat anything. Kust add 100g lye to 750 mls nontap H2O, allow to room temp. Toss in 100 g MHRB powder s sh sh shake, often over an hour, Add 200 mls NAptha abd let stew mingle and mix over night, no shake, gently mix, no emulsion. 24! hrs and a good 12 mix swirls later, pullll. Into pyrex with sealable lid. I like least 12 hours, freez low temp. TAke out later and pour off naptha quickly, if done as per with good bark, youre pulling least .5-1% first pull.
No amount of this n that is gonna improve ob this recipe. Its fast, simple and cheap and has given me the cleanest white fluff i ever shared with the spiderverse.