SWIM's been experimenting with various different ways of inducing an experience from oral ingestion and it seems he's stumbled onto a strange mix purely accidentally. Now, SWIM has had a slight experience from calcified bufotenin, that is, from calcium carbonate and cebil seeds ground up together, although, a lot of this mixture causes this sort of unexpected explosion of vomit (one feels as though they are okay and then suddenly vomits). However, it seems that combining a small amount of this calcified bufotenin with ground morning glory seeds (or Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds) produces a potent experience. SWIM is happy to have discovered a viable, legal, orally-ingestible sacrament elixir!! What does everyone else think of this? There are many profound and important things in life.... I just happen to think that most of them have to do with serotonin.
I'd like to see a recipe, but I'd be more than happy to try and duplicate the effects.
. ugh .. 'pukeifacient' recipes ... our poor stomachs ! Anyone know how to reduce the tannins dissolved in aqueous extracts..?
I was thinking the explosive puking reaction might be due to the pH-slam ... don't drink an alkaline solution ! your stomach pH is 1.5 - so it'll make heat and gas, on conact with calcium carbonate ! (dangerous man - puke bombs !)
.. which makes me wonder - of all the things we do eat, which food, juice or edible substance has the highest, most alkaline pH ..? Aren't all foods acidic when chewed with saliva (ie < pH 7)..?
El Ka Bong wrote: . ugh .. 'pukeifacient' recipes ... our poor stomachs ! Anyone know how to reduce the tannins dissolved in aqueous extracts..? You can remove the tannins with a special clay called Bentonite. Also another possibility is to remove the tannins with gelatin. Both processes are used by wine-makers. Maybe it's time to create a tannin-removal tek? And yet another possiblity is to use Polyclar which is used in beer-making.
Off topic a bit, what would be the '2microdot' level for pharmahuasca spice is so much cleaner feeling than lsd. And with different grander more detailed visuals even at 25mg doses.
hmm I can't compare to LSD, due to lack of recent experience. But I can't imagine eating dmt at doses > 1 mg per pound of body weight ! For me on rue-extract, 150 mg is a high dose !
I suppose im looking for a strong but not totaly mind blowing dose. WOuld maybe 50mg with 150mg rue extract be a decent dose?
50 mg is low, especially if you have any MAO activity left in the body. My logic is to maximally shut down MAO enzymes - if not any dmt you eat might get cleaned up before it makes it to the brain and it might make it hard to get the dose right.
I drink an extract of 3.5 g rue seed, then try 50 mg after 30 min, and another 30 - 50 mg dmt within the next 15- 30 min. This way the trip is dependant on the mg of dmt circulating in your body, and all the MAOIs and dmt are in you within 45 - 60 minutes.
I say try 80 mg (50 + 30) this is CEV-ful, but less OEV. 150 mg is worth it too, but work your way up. If you feel it's 'too much' just relax and enjoy the ride by KNOWING that FOR SURE your MAOs will be back on line starting in about 120 minutes of eating the last of the dmt.
The period leading to when you know you;re coming down can have multiple 'peaks' ... waves of OEV / CEV, waves of imagination-soup. I have not eaten a big enough dose to 'travel' OBE style, I think that's in the 180 - 250 mg range for my 150 lb body weight.
With just 50 mg you'll know it's coming on by the familiar tremors one can get during re-entry from a vapourized launch - when I feel these I pop the rest. And btw, to me it's totally incapacitating to eat dmt - you won't want to walk around ... if you're like me you'll 'cocoon' and seek to be comfortable, with all necessities at hand, or within a short crawl ...
SWIM would be extremely appreciative for any Tannin-removal tek!! SWIM prefers oral ingestion to all other methods, so such would make him very happy...aslo that is the reason why he created this odd combination. There's a threshold on the "vomit bomb" effect for calicified bufotenin, but SWIM is still looking for its exact amount, SWIM accidentally discovered it when having ingested such without any other additives and not vomiting but still feeling a slight "trippiness", as some have called it. Once SWIM figures out a measurement that would be standard for this level, he will attempt to put together a lysergic bufotenin recipe (LSA/morning glory + Yopo/cebil). P.S. For those interested in LSA-containing seeds, the best time to use/acquire them is during the winter and fall months, as LSA decomposes just like its illegal cousin LSD, in warmer temperatures. There are many profound and important things in life.... I just happen to think that most of them have to do with serotonin.
... Where are the tannins coming from.. the morning glory seed..?? Definately don't eat those seed-coats !
I am about to try this myself - use a bit of gelatin to take out tannins (animal gelatin, not pectin from plants). Apparently gelatin is made of protein molecules that have lots of positive charges all over them, so they grab the electronegative phenolic tannins out of solution.
In acid (lemon juice is pH 2.1) dmt and alkaloids are positively charged too, like the gelatin and avoid it, staying dissolved floating around. Stir this a bit, leave over night and then you filter the gelatin out.
Just use a 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon of (powdered) gelatin for 200-250 ml of clear, purple MHRB extract, and then see what happens - does flavour change or colour change, can you see stuff in the gelatin..? Repeat a few times if you're not losing too much watery volume. Everyone's stomach is uniquely sensitive ... no guarantee you'll not huel - so filter the seeds or MHRB well !
Egg white and milk-protein (casein) also have lots of positively charged amino-acids in them, so these too are used to remove tannins - they can be filtered out like the gelatin.