i have an important update to what i said above. i dont said that everything was working ALMOST perfectly, bacause actually there was a little issue... I was always using TC and thought 190° was the boiling point of my liquid regardless of the coil im using. i mean water's boiling point its always 100° regardless of the recipient im using to boil it! However on this new coil, temperature was "bouncing" on the TC 216° limit i was using with previous coil. I ignored it as everything was working fine anyway. Then, at certain point of that's night party, it stopped working for unknown reasons and i realized that TC was activating almost immediately. i tried mesh atom and it worked in opposite way: mesh became red (fixed) while boxmod showed maybe 38° so no TC activation. Thought my boxmod was broken. then after some thinking i tried to switch to power mode, and EUREKA (at least at the beginning). Everything was working fine for maybe 3-4 tokes and i thought its time to abandon TC mode once and for all, as i finally unlocked full potential of my gear! the last toke however didnt worked but i dont cared so much as i thought im tired (party was ending), wick its almost clogged, its all for today. Next party will be the bigger ever!
I have to add a thing here. meanwhile ive realized what screwed TC mode: it was the lock coil setting. once disabled it worked again.
So let's talk of the next (most epic fail) party. I wicked everyting perfectly, prepared new liquid, this time 1:5 instead of 1:4 as now ill "have more power", and started it! First toke was weak, 2nd was almost fine, 3rd was weaker, from 4th always 0. Spent all night to find the solution, i also rewicked everything from scratch, nothing!
here's more details what happened after:
Then after one week of researching and countless failed attempts i thought "and if im burning the spice? what if i enable TC again"?. I enabled it and everything became colorful again! So ive made further researches and found that the temperature showed on the boxmod isnt the boiling point but the vapour temperature, and its not the same as I also found that while water's boiling point it's 100° it doesnt mean steam cant reach far higher temperatures. It can! So 190° was the stable temperature of my previous setup but it changes if u change coil. Problem is if that temperature its too high, dmt will burn!
So lesson number two: saying power mode its always better than TC once u wick everything properly and u keep wick always soaked its FALSE
lesson number three: saying that dmt boiling/burning point raises when dissolved in pg/vg it partially true. once u reach a certain point it will burn anyway!
Ive made further tests and first i lowered TC to 200° thinking that maybe at 216 im already burning some spice but ive got almost zero trip. so i raised to 230 and got better trip than on 216. ive also tried to setup tc at max just to see which temperature it reaches. it was almost 270, however i was not toking so no airflow. Next ill try to raise tc 10° at a time to see which is the most effective point before burning. i will also back to 1:4 and raise PG to 80% in order to lower boiling point. and ill try 0.42 clapton coils ive never used as i thought 0.5 are perfect. and another lesson is: using a coil thats fully efficient in dmt vaping range (usually 25-40w) its wrong too as it will burn spice. while a coil far from its effective range while create a huge inconsistency. ill make further tests and post it here. My research to the perfect dmt vaping continues :-)