Good god this post hurts my eyes. Some sentence structure and paragraphical spacing would be nice.
This belongs in
FAQ - Basic Questions but upon further analysis, I don't think you care to follow any directions or read rules. How poorly constructed your IKEA furniture must be. This is the Introduction Essay sub forum and wow what an introduction it is!
Also, you're not only spilling chemicals all over the place that you shouldn't even be using for DMT extraction not to mention soaking it in cigarettes to smoke WHILE taking a medication that you're unsure about mixing it with.
For the sake of further harm reduction I'll put the "known substance interaction" list
here. Even further, judging from the answers you've completed in the questionnaire, you'll probably be banned anyways.
-foul language (when asked about NBOMe compounds your response was "fuck off", and you used that response multiple times
-exhibiting no desire to learn and this low quality post, IMO, does not count
-blatant disregard for harm reduction ( a safe place to smoke DMT and your answer is "anywhere because you'll be unconscious" ) People have died smoking DMT next to sources of water for instance.
-hate speech (You wish your superpower was AIDS) real mature
-for about 30 questions your answer was "." and then 4 hours later you came back to answer more, if you did any reading at all, you'd notice the questions do not end, it's just a way for you to learn
beefrendang wrote:QUESTION
Is HDPE safe to use in an extraction that uses commonly found petrochemical non-polar solvents?
im gonna come back to this
Yeah. You should. But I doubt you're even using the proper PPE if any at all anyways.
It doesn't matter if you're joking or not, this place doesn't vibe with that.
Honestly, we should sticky this thread and call it "What not to be, how not to act."
I apologize for being so harsh, and I wish you a more positive and more serious journey if you continue to dabble in extractions using volatile chemicals in unsafe settings. Maybe one day you'll take that journey more seriously when you are ready to become humble, respectful, and more open to learning, sharing, and expanding.
🌳👨🔬🌳 - My A/B Hot Plate TEK - 🌳👨🔬🌳
🍜🍜🍜 - Don't Heat Your Naphtha, Heat Your Soup! - 🍜🍜🍜
✴✴✴ -
White Spice vs Yellow Spice - 🌟🌟🌟
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna 🙌
"Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌