Ritualhealing wrote:Im keen to understand the theory behind scaling up cybs a to b tek and also the ma ion tek
have performed a to b many times by just scaling recipe to work with a root quantity of 1kg with approx 1-1.5 percent yield but would like to take a more scientific approach Ie measuring ph etc
any tips much appreciated
Also very curious to try the max ion tec at scale (ie with 1kg mhrb)
cant quite work out what amount of water/vinegar/lye to use from the pdf
again any tips would be mos welcome
Are you using powdered or shredded? What vessels are you using for your solutions? I would scale your water and vinegar measurements.
For instance, I use 200ml of water and 50ml of vinegar with 50g of powdered MHRB, if I wanted to do 100g of MHRB I would use 400ml of water and 100ml of vinegar. But I'm also straining before my base phase.
For lye, I have seen teks recommend 1gram of lye for every gram of MHRB, but some may call this overkill. I would do some more research on that.
I use a hot plate and magnetic stirrer with an uncapped Erlenmeyer flask and I use Heptane for my solvent, but you can check out my OUTDATED tek here if you would like to see some of my trial and error and questions that I have asked throughout my research. I'll have a new tek soon, here is the old one.
Widderic's Tek 🌳👨🔬🌳 - My A/B Hot Plate TEK - 🌳👨🔬🌳
🍜🍜🍜 - Don't Heat Your Naphtha, Heat Your Soup! - 🍜🍜🍜
✴✴✴ -
White Spice vs Yellow Spice - 🌟🌟🌟
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna 🙌
"Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌