TimeSometimes it is just time that has to pass
For you to heal.
It is the test of forgiveness.
Though the past is real,
And has consequences still today,
The moment is born anew
Again and again.
Each time, stronger than before.
Overcoming the strength of the grasping past.
Though sometimes it may seem like forgetfulness,
Like from dementia or drugs,
It is not inherently wrong,
Because the moment is the strongest, most relevant thing.
It does not invalidate the past
Or forget the future;
It includes them.
The dance continues,
The world spins,
The sun sets and the moon rises--
They dance, too.
We change places
People return
Goods are exchanged
Evil dies
Patterns emerge
Power subsides for years,
And re-emerges
To help
Or destroy.
Comets come back again
Alignments happen
Some, after so long, that
Remembrance would be laughable.
Some patterns only the Earth remembers.
Some patterns only God remembers.
And there is that which even God doesn't know.
Time laughs in the face of memory.
Oh, how little you know.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken